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The latest updated breeds

  • Pug-a-Mo -- Pug X American Eskimo Dog

    Pug-a-Mo He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin China <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pug-a-Mo The Pug-a-Mo is a hybrid dog. Its parent breeds are the Pug and the American Eskimo Dog. It's a small dog, weighing no more than 11.5 kilos at maturity. He's great with children and other pets. He's...
  • Pugairn -- Pug X Cairn Terrier

    Pugairn He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin China <> Great Britain -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pugairn The Pugairn is a specific cross between the Cairn Terrier and the Pug. With an average weight of between 4.5 and 8 kilos, this small dog is energetic and social, a blend of an active outdoor breed and...
  • Pugador -- Pug X Labrador Retriever

    Pugador He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin China <> Canada -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pugador The Pugador is a hybrid in which the Pug is crossed with the Labrador Retriever. Although there isn't much information available on the hybrid, we can consider the traits of the two parent breeds to get...
  • Presa Dane -- Presa Canario X Great Dane

    Presa Dane He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Spain <> Germany -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Presa Dane The Presa Dane is a mixed breed dog. Its parent breeds are the Presa Canario and the Great Dane. Probably a giant-sized dog, the Presa Dane is in fact a gentle giant. He's loyal and affectionate...
  • Presa Bulldog -- Presa Canario X English Bulldog

    Presa Bulldog He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Spain <> Great Britain -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Presa Bulldog The Presa Bulldog is a strong, well-built hybrid breed created from the combination of the Presa Canario and the English Bulldog. As you might imagine, a Mastiff breed and an English...
  • Powderpap -- Chinese Crested Dog X Continental Toy Spaniel

    Powderpap He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin China <> France and Belgium -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Powderpap The Powderpap is an equal hybrid of the Continental Toy Spaniel and Chinese Crested Dog breeds. As a small dog, the Powderpap is an excellent companion for anyone looking for a lively but small...
  • Poshies -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Shetland Sheepdog

    Poshies He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> Great Britain -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Poshies A cross between a Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) and a German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian, the Poshies is a highly energetic, independent and loyal hybrid breed that's sure to steal your heart. The Poshies is...
  • Poovanese -- Poodle X Havanese Bichon

    Poovanese He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> Western Mediterranean -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Hava-Poo Island Mini Doodle Havanoodle Havadoodle Havanesepoo A brief presentation of the Poovanese The Poovanese is a hybrid pet that combines the traits of the Havanese Bichon and the Poodle. It's a small to...
  • Poo-Ton -- Poodle X Coton de Tuléar

    Poo-Ton He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> Madagascar -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Doodle-Ton Cotondoodle Cotonpoo A brief presentation of the Poo-Ton The Poo-Ton is a cross between a pure-bred Coton de Tuléar and a miniature Poodle or pure-bred toy. They are small but full of energy and make...
  • Pootalian -- Poodle X Italian Sighthound

    Pootalian He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> Italy -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Italian Greyhoundoodle A brief presentation of the Pootalian The Pootalian is an equal cross between the Poodle and the Italian Sighthound. It is a small dog with a rough, stiff coat, button eyes and floppy...
  • Poo-Shi -- Poodle X Shiba

    Poo-Shi He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> Japan -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Poo-Shi The Poo-Shi is a small to medium-sized hybrid breed and is a cross between a Shiba and a Poodle. They are also known as Shiba-poo, Shibadoodle or Shibapoo and are loyal, affectionate dogs that make...
  • Poochin -- Poodle X Japanese Spaniel

    Poochin He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> China -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Chinpoo Chindoodle Doodlechin Poo-Chin A brief presentation of the Poochin The Poochin has many variations of names linked to its lineage, and is recognized by four competitive breed associations. The pure-bred...
  • Pooahoula -- Poodle X Catahoula Leopard Dog

    Pooahoula He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin France <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Pooda Houla A brief presentation of the Pooahoula The Pooahoula is a hybrid between the Poodle and the Catahoula Leopard Dog. The hybrid is most often between the Standard Poodle and the Catahoula Leopard Dog, but...
  • Pom Terrier -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Toy Fox Terrier

    Pom Terrier He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pom Terrier The Pom Terrier is an attractive cross between a German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and a Toy Fox Terrier. These little dogs don't realize how small they are, and have big personalities that can...
  • Pomston -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Boston Terrier

    Pomston He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pomston The Pomston is a designer dog composed of a cross between a pure-bred Boston Terrier and a pure-bred German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian. They are active, playful little dogs that make excellent pets. They...
  • Pom-Silk -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Australian Silky Terrier

    Pom-Silk He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> Australia -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pom-Silk The Pom-Silk is the result of crossing an Australian Silky Terrier with a German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian, producing a small dog with a huge personality. Feisty, fun-loving and full of affection,...
  • Pom-Shi -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Shiba

    Pom-Shi He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> Japan -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pom-Shi The Pom-Shi is a hybrid of the German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and the Shiba. This interesting hybrid has parent breeds with certain similarities: dates of origin are unknown or mysterious, but are thought to date...
  • Pom-Kee -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X German Wolfsspitz / Keeshond

    Pom-Kee He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pom-Kee The Pom-Kee hybrid is a mix of German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and German Wolfsspitz / Keeshond. This hybrid mix is very interesting, combining two pure breeds, one of which was bred for hunting, chasing and...
  • Pomimo -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X American Eskimo Dog

    Pomimo He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pomimo The Pomimo is a lively, active little dog that makes an excellent pet. They're great with children of all ages and very affectionate. The Pomimo is a hybrid breed and is a specific cross between a...
  • Pomerat -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Rat Terrier

    Pomerat He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pomerat The Pomerat is a hybrid breed composed of a pure-bred German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and a pure-bred Rat Terrier. They are lively, affectionate little dogs that do best with families who have older...
  • Pomeagle -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Beagle

    Pomeagle He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> Great Britain -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pomeagle The Pomeagle is a hybrid of a German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and a Beagle. Although they can vary in size, they are generally intelligent, affectionate little dogs and a true companion. They'll...
  • Pom-Coton -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Coton de Tuléar

    Pom-Coton He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> Madagascar -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pom-Coton The Pom-Coton is a hybrid mix of German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and Coton de Tuléar and is one of the newest hybrids on the canine scene. The parent breeds Pom and Coton have been combined to...
  • Pom-A-Pug -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Pug

    Pom-A-Pug He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany <> China -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Pug-A-Pom Pomapug Pugapom Pugpom Pug-Pom Puguranian A brief presentation of the Pom-A-Pug The Pom-A-Pug is a hybrid of German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian and Pug. This hybrid is a versatile member of the furry...
  • Pom-A-Nauze -- German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian X Miniature Schnauzer

    Pom-A-Nauze He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Germany -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen This breed is also known as Pomanauzer Scheranian Schnauzeranian A brief presentation of the Pom-A-Nauze The Pom-A-Nauze is a hybrid of the Miniature Schnauzer and the German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian. It's an interesting combination of breeds,...
  • Pointollie -- English Pointer X Collie Rough

    Pointollie He is not recognized by the F.C.I. Origin Great Britain -> U.S.A. Translation Francis Vandersteen A brief presentation of the Pointollie The Pointollie is a hybrid dog, and most often this refers to a mix between the longhaired Collie and the English Pointer, although some breeders label other mixes with the same name, such as Border...