In tribute to

To my little Leilla

Thanks to

Your Mum

My little Choupinnette, on this day of February 4 at 9 p.m., you closed your little eyes.

My suffering is great and I miss you terribly.

I put your photo on a little table and I talk to you, my tears are flowing but now you rest in peace, you are no longer suffering and this is my only consolation.

Rocky the cat is looking for you, even if he sometimes teases you, he knows that he's missing a presence.

You will always be in my thoughts and in my heart.

My Choupinnette, my heart bleeds with pain but I know that you see me and that you don't like to see me so sad.

You have given me so much, with your presence and your cuddles.

To you my little Leilla, I will love you forever.

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