In tribute to

To you my friend

Thanks to

Your mistress who loves you

You are so sincere, so loyal, your courage is unfailing, your love is pure and your attentions to me are so beautiful, your gaze is always soft and bewitching.
You are mute, but your eyes speak for the rest.
Your attitude is proud and healthy.
My desires are your orders and your deeds are my pride, you've never disappointed me, you've always supported me.
In my misfortune, you are my happiness and in my pain you are my savior.
Your devotion is boundless and your temperament unique.
You've made me understand a lot of things, and that's that nothing opposes us, but that everything can bring us closer together; if we put our minds to it, we can have it all, and I've understood that.
You've shown me that we don't have to talk to make ourselves understood.
Your fidelity and loyalty are the fruit of a lot of time and love that you were willing to share with me.
Life wanted us to cross paths, and nothing will unravel what is now linked.
Your friendship is incomparable and priceless, and everything you give me helps me to give it back to you better.
I wanted to see beyond your simple appearance and I found a real treasure of love and messages to decipher that you let me read, you're full of secrets and mysteries for those who only see your appearance.
Inside this simple appearance, I see your language, the one that makes you reliable, the one that makes me walk with you without fear, eyes closed, I'll let you guide me.
There aren't really words to express what you're worth and what you mean to me, every day you prove to me that I can always count on you! Even if you're not eternal on this earth, in my heart you'll always be, nothing will replace you and in me you'll always live! And know that it will always be me who will be indebted to you, because I can never say thank you enough for what you have given me and what you will still give me.
When life takes you away from me one day, my heart will always be with you.
I dedicate these few words to you in your honour and for all the respect and love I have for you, you'll always be my pride, in my heart you and I are one! You're my better half, my friend, you my dog I love your personality, the love and respect you have for me, gives me the strength and faith to read in your eyes every day that goes by and that nothing erases, I'll never forget you and I'll always take care of you and of course eternally I'll love you !!!

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