
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Italy <> Tibet -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Bolo-Tzu

The Bolo-Tzu is a toy-sized hybrid of the Bichon Bolonais and Shih Tzu breeds. Your Bolo-Tzu will be small in size and weight, from puppy to adult. The Bolo-Tzu is a specific crossbreed and bred as a companion, but little is known about this mix. It can be difficult to determine the potential characteristics of this hybrid given the lack of detailed information, and many owners have to turn to the parent breeds for more details. However, the Bichon Bolonais is a rare breed today. Both parent breeds are companion dogs and very affectionate with their families.

History of the Bolo-Tzu

The Bolo-Tzu is a hybrid of the Bolognese and the Shih Tzu. The mix is a specific modern crossbreed intended as a companion dog and does not have a long, well-known history. As such, owners need to look at the history of the breed's parents to understand the history of this hybrid. Today, the Bolo-Tzu is a true companion dog and considered a specific cross-breed hybrid. The Bolo-Tzu is recognized by the Designer Breed Registry, the International Designer Canine Registry and the American Canine Hybrid Club.

A little of the Bolognese Bichon

The Bolognese Bichon is a toy companion breed in the Water Spaniel family. Courtesans and nobility in France and Italy maintained the breed, which is also known as Bichon Bolognese and is closely related to the Bichon à poil frisé, frisé being a French word for frizzy and referring to the soft, frizzy hair of this white-coated toy. The breed's Italian name, Bolognese, refers to the Italian province of Bologna, where the breed is thought to have developed.
Standard of the Bolognese Bichon

A little of the Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a breed of the Byzantine Empire and may have originated in Tibet. Its name means lion in Chinese and is given for its small lion-like appearance. The first registration of the Shih Tzu dates back to the year 625, but the little dog has a long history in China, as the breed was given to the Chinese nobility by Tibetan monks. Secret breeding programs designed for Chinese royalty produced the modern Shih Tzu and Tzu-Hsi, and the 19th-century royal concubine turned Empress of China was given a pair of Shih Tzus by the Dali Lama. This pair would become the foundation of all future royal Shih Tzus, and her dogs were so beloved that the punishment for cruelty to any palace dog was death. Eventually, the Shih Tzu was imported to England and the United States and became a recognized breed by the American Kennel Club in 1969.
Standard of the Shih Tzu

Appearance of the Bolo-Tzu

Despite the Bolo-Tzu's size, the mix is a robust, compact hybrid. The color of the Bolo-Tzu coat is usually white with colored markings, but the Shih Tzu parent can add more color variation to the coat as well as length if your Bolo-Tzu leans toward its Shih Tzu parent. The paws of this hybrid are small and straight. The Bolo-Tzu's tail is feathered and curls over the back. A Bolo-Tzu's head is round, with a short muzzle. The face can be flat, like that of the Shih Tzu, with a small nose that can make breathing difficult. The Bolo-Tzu has large, protruding eyes that are dark brown.

Temperament of the Bolo-Tzu

The Bolo-Tzu is an active dog, friendly and affectionate with its family. This is a robust hybrid, and although it can be patient and loving with children, it does not like rough play. However, if socialized early, the Bolo-Tzu is an excellent companion for older children and should be played with on the floor and not picked up by children, especially as puppies, to avoid falls. Both parent breeds are docile and friendly to strangers and don't vocalize much at all. Bolo-Tzu are suitable for dogs and cats, but bear in mind their size when pairing them with large dogs. Rough play of any kind can hurt these little dogs. This hybrid has high energy and requires daily exercise, but given its size and potential for respiratory problems, it doesn't require high-intensity activity. The intelligence of both breeds makes the Bolo-Tzu easy to train, but you may find it difficult to train this hybrid as both parent breeds can be difficult to break.

Needs and activities of the Bolo-Tzu

The Bolo-Tzu is a high-energy mix of two breeds and needs a good amount of daily exercise given its toy size. However, the intensity of the exercise doesn't have to be great. You can divide the exercise time into a few 30-minute sessions and a light walk or floor play. Your Bolo-Tzu will follow you around the house and want to be part of your daily life. Frequent walking to keep up with you is a great way for this mix to exercise indoors. The Bolo-Tzu can get plenty of exercise indoors and is an excellent choice for apartment and city living. This hybrid may not tolerate cold well, and winter sweaters may be necessary if you plan to go outside in cold weather. However, this breed lives mainly indoors and, with climate control, is very comfortable.

Maintenance of the Bolo-Tzu

The Bolo-Tzu is a hypoallergenic hybrid, as both parental breeds are hypoallergenic. This breed doesn't shed much, but requires frequent grooming and brushing to keep its medium to long hair mat-free and looking its best. Daily brushing is not mandatory, but several times a week is best. While brushing your Bolo-Tzu, clean its ears with a vet-approved solution to remove any dirt, wax or debris. As a hypoallergenic mixture, avoid bathing your Bolo-Tzu and stick to frequent brushing to distribute natural oils, remove dead and loose hairs and remove dirt and debris from the coat. Regular brushing and cleaning of teeth is also recommended to reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease.

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