
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Mexico <> China -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as

A brief presentation of the Cheeks

The Cheeks is a creative dog, a specific cross between two ancient companion dogs from different continents, the Chihuahua from Mexico and the Pekingese from China. The cross between these two breeds results in a loyal, affectionate companion that's easy to care for and doesn't require a lot of space. They are fairly calm dogs, and just a few short walks a day are enough to keep them happy and healthy, making them an ideal pet for people with reduced mobility or people living in small apartments. They may not be the ideal pet for people looking for a running companion or for those with very young children.

History of the Cheeks

The Cheeks is a cross between two popular pets, both quite small.

A little of the Chihuahua

The full history of the modern Chihuahua is unknown, but DNA tests of the breed indicate that there are genetic links with the ancient Techichi dog, a small wild dog native to Mexico and kept for companionship and religious sacrifice by the indigenous Aztec people. What is clear is that some of the first dogs that could be identified as Chihuahuas were found in Mexico in the mid-1800s, although at the time this small breed had no official name. Merchants in Mexico, largely from the state of Chihuahua, began selling these portable and companionable animals to visitors from other countries. In 1904, the first Chihuahuas were recognized by the American Kennel Club, and only thirty were registered in 1913. Today, they are listed as the 30th most popular breed in the USA with over 40,000 Chihuahuas registered with the AKC in 2012, and also enjoy great popularity in many other countries around the world, including the UK, the Philippines and Australia.
Standard of the Chihuahua

A little of the Pekingese

The Pekingese is an ancient breed that was developed as a companion to royalty in China sometime around 700 BC, and much of their history is lost in myth and legend. While the legend that this dog is in fact the offspring of a marmoset and a love-struck lion is highly improbable, DNA testing tells us that this dog, known in China as the Fu-Lin, or Lion Dog, is more closely related to the wolf than most breeds. These tiny but ferocious dogs were frequently given to privileged visitors to the country and quickly gained popularity in the USA and Europe, gaining recognition with the American Kennel Club in 1906. When the Qing dynasty fell in the early 1900s, most of these royal dogs were slaughtered, and it was the dogs that were given to visiting dignitaries and dispersed around the world that kept this breed from dying out, and in 1948 they were also recognized by the United Kennel Club.
Standard of the Pekingese

Appearance of the Cheeks

The two breeds that have been combined to make this dog measure less than 30.5 centimeters in height and generally weigh in at around 4.5 kilos. The Cheeks is therefore a very small dog, generally measuring less than 30.5 centimeters and weighing less than 4.5 kilos. They may inherit the domed skull of the Chihuahua or the flat, broad skull of the Pekingese, and their muzzle will be short, but it could be either broad like the Pekingese, or narrower and more tapered like the Chihuahua. This hybrid has dark, round eyes that are prominent but not bulging, and ears that will be positioned high on the head, although they can be heart-shaped or triangular and can rise from the head or fold forward or to the sides. Although single-layered coats may occur on occasion, this hybrid usually has a double-layered coat with a dense undercoat covered by a longer, more resistant fur that may be coarse or soft depending on the parent breed they most closely resemble. Many Cheeks will have feathers around the ears, feet and tail.

Temperament of the Cheeks

Cheeks are friendly, fun-loving and outgoing with their families, but can be much more shy when introduced to strangers. These dogs are not prone to separation anxiety attacks, but they are meant to be companion dogs, and your lap is their favorite place. These dogs generally get along quite well with other dogs, and are not as inclined as some to chase smaller animals. Because of their small size, these dogs can be quite fragile, and any interaction with younger children or larger animals should be carefully supervised. They tend to be more patient with older children and tolerant of handling, but they can tend to become nippy if not handled gently. Socialization is crucial for this hybrid, to prevent behavioral problems such as excessive shyness, small dog syndrome and even aggression. Training should start early with this crossbreed, as they can have a somewhat stubborn character and waiting will make training much more difficult.

Needs and activities of the Cheeks

Neither the Chihuahua nor the Pekingese need much exercise beyond a few short walks a day, and vigorous indoor play should help keep your canine companion happy and tired. These dogs can also benefit from agility training and retrieving games, but due to the size and shape of their mouths, most prefer a stick toy to a ball. Cheeks can be more sensitive to extreme temperatures, and if the weather is extremely hot or extremely cold, outdoor exposure should be kept to a minimum. Because these dogs are generally calm and have very few exercise requirements, they often make excellent apartment dogs, but because of their small size, they should never be left alone outside, not even in the backyard.

Maintenance of the Cheeks

Basic grooming of this small dog is relatively simple. They only need baths a few times a year, and giving them too many baths has been known to strip this breed of the oils needed to keep their coats shiny and healthy. Frequent brushing is recommended, both to help distribute the oils correctly over the dog's coat and to help control their loss throughout the year. The coat is usually a mix between the two very different coats found on parent breeds, and if the coat is long or feathered, more time should be taken to ensure there is no tangling and matting. This dog also has a very small mouth, and dogs with small mouths are prone to dental disease, so it's particularly important to maintain dental hygiene with these dogs.

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