Great Golden Dane

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Germany <> Great Britain -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Great Golden Dane

The Great Golden Dane is a large, intelligent and loyal animal, a cross between two extremely popular dog breeds, the Great Dane and the Golden Retriever. The resulting hybrid is generally quite tolerant of other people and pets, children and adults alike. However, they can be over-enthusiastic during their playtime, especially when young, and interactions between an immature Great Golden Dane and very young children can result in a few bumps and bruises. Although they appear to be an intimidating guard dog due to their size, they are generally too gentle to display protective behaviors, although there are exceptions.

History of the Great Golden Dane

The Great Golden Dane is a specific cross between the friendly, reliable giant known as the Great Dane and the Golden Retriever, a devoted and active hunting dog.



A little of the Great Dane

The Great Dane, as we know the breed, has been selectively bred for at least 400 years and is widely regarded as the descendant of crosses between English Mastiffs and Irish Wolfhounds, developed for the purpose of hunting the wild and dangerous European wild boar. They became extremely popular in Germany as early as the 1500s, and in 1876 were declared the national dog of Germany, where they are known as the Deutsche Dogge. The breed became popular in the United States in the late 1800s, and the American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1887.
Standard of the Great Dane

A little of the Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever, popular as it is, is a newcomer to the scene, developed by a Scottish politician named Dudley Marjoribanks in the mid-to-late 1800s. In 1865, Marjoribanks acquired the only yellow dog from a litter of black wavy-haired Retrievers from a shoemaker in England. Once back in Scotland, Nous was bred to a Tweed Water Spaniel named Belle, the now extinct Tweed Water Spaniel was an athletic liver-colored water dog with very Retriever-like features. The four resulting puppies were all golden and are now considered the foundation of the Golden Retriever breed. Other possible breeds that were later used in the refinement of the breed include Wavy and Flat-coated Retrievers, Red Setters and Bloodhounds.
Standard of the Golden Retriever

Appearance of the Great Golden Dane

The Great Golden Dane is a large dog, generally over 61 centimeters tall at the shoulder with long legs and a square outline, although they can sometimes be a little longer than they are tall. This tendency is more common in females than in males, and males will tend to be both taller and more substantial than females of this hybrid. They have a broad, somewhat rectangular head with a long, deep muzzle and almond-shaped brown eyes and ears that are set fairly high on the skull and hang over the sides of the face. The Great Dane can have quite variable coats, ranging from the short, single-layer coat worn by the Great Dane to the short, dense undercoat covered with a firm, weather-resistant layer of shiny, medium-length hair with feathers. legs, feet, on the front of the neck and underside of the tail worn by the Golden Retriever.

Temperament of the Great Golden Dane

This crossbreed is generally a friendly, social breed, although some protective instincts may be passed on by certain Great Dane bloodlines. Interactions with dogs and young children must always be supervised to ensure the safety of both dog and child. However, Great Danes and Golden Retrievers are generally quite good with children. Golden Retrievers can sometimes be a little too noisy for the very young while they are still maturing, as can the Great Golden Dane. In most situations, the dog's overall friendliness is also extended to other pets, but they can sometimes develop aggressive and dominant behaviors towards other animals. This crossbreed should be a very easy dog to train in most cases, but it's best to start obedience training early to avoid overbearing indiscipline as it grows, and pleasant training methods should be used wherever possible, as harsh training methods can make this dog wary.

Needs and activities of the Great Golden Dane

Although not as hyperactive as some Retriever breeds, the Golden Retriever still needs plenty of exercise. However, Great Dane breeds generally don't need much exercise, which may reduce the exercise needs of this particular crossbreed. Great Golden Danes tend to be particularly playful when they're young, but overly intense activity and activities involving jumping or bpnds can cause stress and damage their joints. Walks should therefore be kept relatively short and over-enthusiastic roughhousing avoided. The Great Golden Dane needs plenty of human companionship and plenty of room to move around to be comfortable, this dog does not do well if left alone for too long, and is too big and playful to live in an apartment.

Maintenance of the Great Golden Dane

This hybrid is not quite the wash-and-wear dog it may appear at first glance. While Great Danes only need to be bathed occasionally, Golden Retrievers have a distinct doggy smell if they're not bathed regularly, usually at least once a month, and this is probably true of the Great Golden Dane too. Daily brushing is also essential, as even the German Mastiff's shorter coat tends to shed a lot, and the Golden Retriever's undercoat is prone to tangles and matting. Their ears need to be checked and cleaned regularly, as this dog's long, hanging ears also make it more susceptible to developing ear infections, which can be both uncomfortable for the dog and smelly for anyone nearby.

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