Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Great Britain <> U.S.A. -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

The Welsh Mini Fox Terrier is a combination of the Welsh Terrier and the Miniature Fox Terrier. As both breeds are small, the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier will hardly exceed 38 centimeters in height and 7 kilos. These are generally healthy dogs that live between 10 and 14 years, and can make excellent pets with the right training. They need to be brushed often, as their short to medium coats can be a little curly and they tend to shed a little. They are generally easy to train and enjoy being with their human family and playing with other animals.

History of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

To get an idea of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier's history, we need to look at the background of its parent breeds.



A little of the Welsh Terrier

The Welsh Terrier originated in Wales in the 18th century, bred from the Old English Black and Tan Terrier to hunt badgers, foxes, otters and rats. These dogs were very good at following animals to their dens and hunting them for hunters. They began to be shown at dog shows in England in the early 19th century and were listed as an Old English Terrier until 1885, when their name was changed to Welsh Terrier. The breed was introduced to the United States in the late 1800s and was accepted by the AKC in 1888. Today, it is the 111th most common dog breed in the United States.
Standard of the Welsh Terrier



A little of the Miniature Fox Terrier

The Miniature Fox Terrier is an American breed that dates back to the early 1900s, when it was bred from the Fox Terrier Smooth, the Miniature Pinscher, the Chihuahua and the Manchester Terrier. They were bred to be vermin hunters, small enough to get into the holes of rats and other small beasts. However, it was soon discovered how intelligent and athletic these dogs were, and they began to become circus stars, performing with the clowns on the ring. The Miniature Fox Terrier was also the star of several commercials and was popular in land dog contests, agility classes and flyball races. Finally, the breed was accepted by the AKC in 2003 and ranks 116th among the most popular dog breeds in the United States.
Presentation of the Miniature Fox Terrier

Appearance of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

The Welsh Mini Fox Terrier is a small breed with a short to medium coat that can be wavy or straight and of medium density. Their coat is usually a combination of tan, brown and black, but can also be piebald, brindle, sable or graying. These square-shaped dogs have a short, straight tail, a short body, long legs, soft triangular ears and a long muzzle. Their large oval eyes are usually dark brown, and their noses may be brown or black, depending on coat color. These dogs can also sport a beard like the Welsh Terrier, which many people believe gives it the appearance of an old man.

Temperament of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

As the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier is a Terrier, it tends to be a little hyperactive and have a lot of energy to expend. Although they're generally easy to train and eager to please, they're still hunters at heart and shouldn't be left alone with a pet that could be considered prey, such as a rabbit or hamster. You need to socialize them early and often to make sure they get on well with other dogs. They generally don't have problems when left alone, so you don't have to worry about separation anxiety.

Needs and activities of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

Terriers have tons of excess energy, whatever their type, and the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier is no exception. These dogs need about an hour to 90 minutes of vigorous activity a day to stay healthy. You can take them for a few walks every day, and maybe take them to the dog park once a week to play with other dogs. It's a great way to socialize them. This breed also enjoys hunting and all kinds of outdoor sports like fetch, agility training, Frisbee, swimming, hiking and flyball.

Maintenance of the Welsh Mini Fox Terrier

Maintaining your Welsh Mini Fox Terrier is not as difficult as that of the Welsh Terrier, but not as easy as that of the Miniature Fox Terrier. To keep your dog's skin and coat healthy and reduce shedding, you should brush his coat at least three or four times a week, using a steel comb and a stiff bristle brush or a spiked brush. Some people also recommend using a long-hair brush, but this depends on the thickness of your dog's coat. To keep your dog's ears clean, you should wipe them with a cotton ball or soft cloth once a week, checking for mites or excess wax. Similarly, to prevent your dog's nails from splitting, you should trim them once a month or as needed.

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