Bully Kutta

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as
Bully Cutha
Indian Alangu Mastiff
Pakistani Mastiff
Sindhi Mastiff
Indian Mastiff
Pakistani Fighting Dog
Pakistani Bully Mastiff
Bohli Kutta

A brief presentation of the Bully Kutta

While debate rages as to whether the Bully Kutta originated in India or Pakistan, it is a rare dog that has not spread far from its place of origin. This dog is an aggressive Mastiff of enormous proportions. The dog's size and structure are intimidating, not to mention its menacing voice. The nickname "The Beast from the East" sums up this dog. Originally used to guard herds, property and people, Bullies have served their time in the past as fighting dogs in the macabre sport of dog fighting. New legalization has made the sport illegal in India, and the Bully is building a brighter future and a reputation as a companion dog. The Bully Kutta needs an experienced owner capable of training the dog and forging strong bonds to earn the dog's respect. This breed is not a dog for new owners. It can be a dangerous dog in the wrong hands. But lovingly raised in a family environment and given many opportunities to socialize with other people and animals, efforts will produce a noble and loyal dog. They are kind and tolerant of the children they grow up with, but not so good with other pets. Much depends on the dog and how it interacts with other dogs. Some are aggressive towards all other dogs and pets, others only towards dogs of the same sex. Beautiful, powerful and a dog to be respected, that's the Bully Kutta.

History of the Bully Kutta

Where did this huge dog come from? Many theories abound, but the one with the greatest credibility is that the British troops who invaded India in the 1700s brought their Mastiff dogs with them. These dogs then interbred with other large local dogs. Another theory is that Xerxes the First brought the breed with him when he marched to India in 486 BC. A rival theory is that the Central Asian Mastiff influenced the Pakistani strain. But while the exact development history remains ambiguous, the Bully certainly isn't. This sturdy beast of a dog was used to hunt big game such as bears and wild boar during the Mughal Empire. The breed fears nothing and risks its own life to achieve its goal. They will fight to the death, they are the ones committed. A dark moment in their history saw the Bully Kutta used for dog fighting. This bloody sport saw only the strongest dogs survive. Fighting dogs learned to be aggressive through rigorous training and methods. Now that the sport of dog fighting has been declared illegal, the Bully has a chance to recover its reputation and regain some of the respectability it lost during this dark period. That's why it's so important to have the right owner to raise this dog. In the right hands, the Bully Kutta has the chance to become the loyal, devoted dog it was born to be. Although the breed is available in Pakistan, it is quite rare in the rest of the world.

Appearance of the Bully Kutta

The Bully Kutta is a gigantic dog, a real powerhouse for strong-boned, very muscular dogs. These are truly impressive dogs, weighing up to 77 kilos. Some dogs can weigh over 90 kilos. One dog has been known to reach 104 kilos. They look solid and they are solid. This dog has a thick, robust body with a well-muscled neck and a massive head. Their ears are held high on the head and are small and rounded at the top. The muzzle is long and very powerful, with a set of strong teeth that come together in a scissor bite. Their lips are well retained and they drool a lot. Bully Kutta can often have a black muzzle, but not always. Their legs are long and lean, these massive creatures can stand up to 112 centimeters in height at the withers for a male dog. Females are slightly shorter, reaching 91.5 centimeters at the withers. The tail is long and narrow and held fairly high. The Bully, or Beast of the East (the dog's nickname), has a short, smooth, double coat that requires minimal brushing with a stiff bristle brush. Although the predominant color is usually white, they come in black, fawn, white and brown, and black and white.

Temperament of the Bully Kutta

The Bully Kutta has a reputation for being a noble, intelligent dog with a great personality. They can make a delightful companion for a strong, experienced owner. It's important to emphasize the word "experienced" if you're considering this breed of dog. They can be a dangerous breed if not properly controlled and bred. They need a strong, dominant owner. Not an aggressive owner, but a strong-willed owner they can respect. Otherwise, Bullies can be dominant and very territorial. They need to understand what you expect of them, and this aggression will not be tolerated. For a dog whose size, build and deep voice are sufficiently intimidating, they don't need to develop this aggressive tendency. This dog may respond well to training if it's interesting, but may be willful and decide it's had enough if it's boring. The trainer needs experience to vary the exercises and limit the time devoted to each part of the training. With perseverance and a lot of patience, the Bully can become a delightful companion. They will protect you, your family and property, and are devoted creatures. But respect for their size and the breed's aggressive inclination puts the onus on you, the owner, to do everything you can to raise this dog correctly. Do this properly and you'll have a dog that surpasses your greatest wish.

Needs and activities of the Bully Kutta

The Bully Kutta is a large, active dog that needs plenty of space to move around. It's not advisable to keep them in an apartment for this reason. The Bully is intelligent and will respond well to training and socialization. These two things are vital for this breed as they can be very aggressive and protective. Start training your dog as soon as he's born, maybe a week or two later. But the sooner the better, and spend a good deal of time with the dog so you can bond properly. Although noble and regal, he's a dog used for many years for fighting and guarding property and livestock. it's in their nature to bite first and ask questions later, so socialization is so important. Although they may be inclined to rest, they need regular exercise every day to get the best out of them. Keep them on a leash, as they can be strong-willed and decide to go other ways than you. Some Bully dogs don't mix well with other dogs. For this reason, keep them on a leash in public. Bred respectively and bonded to the family, the Bully Kutta can be a loyal pet, ideal with the children in the family. This is a dog that needs a ton of love and affection from an early age to be a well-rounded dog.

Maintenance of the Bully Kutta

Despite their large size, Bully Kutta are low-maintenance dogs with short, straight coats. They are a healthy breed, free from most congenital health problems. Their coat requires a strong bristle brush to remove loose hairs. Brushing should be carried out once a week or every two weeks. Bathing this big dog can be a chore, but fortunately they tend to keep themselves clean, so a good rub with a damp cloth should suffice most of the time. If your white dog has rolled in the mud, well, that's a different story. If a garden hose, and season permitting, won't cut it, you'll have to roll up your sleeves and give the beast a bath. The use of a mild dog shampoo is preferable, as this breed seems to have a high sensitivity to skin allergies. The Bully Kutta requires a lot of exercise, training and socialization. But from a health point of view, a quick rub down, an ear wipe and a weekly teeth-brushing session should be enough to maintain them. Their nails may need trimming if they don't wear them down naturally. Be gentle when trimming without cutting into the sensitive nail bed.

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