
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as

A brief presentation of the Coydog

The Coydog is a hybrid between a Coyote and a domestic dog. It shares many characteristics with the Coyote, both in temperament and appearance. With its need for affection and care, it is very childlike and difficult to handle. Coyote interbreeding is very rare, mainly due to the Coyote's limited breeding season. Coyotes mate between January and March, even before domestic dogs are in heat. Their appearance varies according to the breed of dog responsible for their reproduction. Coydogs can be recognized by their dark coat color, typical of newborns, their white face mask, the ebony color of their adult coat and their bushy, descending tail. Like Coyotes, they have triangular ears and piercing eyes.

History of the Coydog

The story goes that centuries ago, the inhabitants of Teotihuacan used to cross Coyotes with dogs to obtain a powerful, loyal but temperamental protector. The Coydog is not a good choice for a pet, as it is highly unpredictable. Inheriting the traits of the Coyote, he has proved dangerous to family members and other pets. In his 1924 book, "The North American Indian", author Edward S. Curtis mentions the breeding of Coyotes with dogs: "Indian legend states that the first dogs were obtained somewhere in the north by men who had set snares in front of a rocky cave and scattered partially decomposed meat there. In those remote days, dogs were very precious and few people owned them. Sometimes young Coyotes were captured and, when mature, were mated with female dogs."

Appearance of the Coydog

The appearance of a Coydog can vary according to the breed of the canine parent. In general, Coydogs are athletic and strong. They are medium to large in size, often with triangular, upright ears and a long muzzle. These hybrids can both howl like Coyotes and bark like dogs. The Coydog's eyes are generally brown, and its tail is bushy and points downwards. The Coydog usually retains the dense coat and sable color of its Coyote parent, but can also be white, brown or black. These hybrids can weigh between 27 and 55 kilos and generally measure between 56 and 71 centimeters at the shoulder.

Temperament of the Coydog

Coydog puppies are not as playful and extroverted as other dog breeds. This canine hybrid needs to be socialized early on with the people and other animals it is expected to live with as an adult. Moreover, the Coydog's behavior and temperament vary considerably depending on the dog from which it was bred. Individual Coydog traits can range from a timid, fearful nature to a gentle, friendly one, to an excessive fear that would feel threatened and frightened very easily, leading to aggression or even biting. Coydogs have also inherited the unique ability to make a grimace (instead of a dog growl) like their Coyote relative, when threatened. They can also emit a cat-like hiss, which other dogs don't. The Coydog's sound is a fusion of a howl and a high-pitched bark. Coydogs are extremely fast and agile, and can make good hunters. They expect individual attention and would choose just one person to share a special bond.

Needs and activities of the Coydog

The Coydog's instinct is to explore or even disappear from home for a few days at a time. His energy must be channeled appropriately, or he risks developing behavioral problems. He doesn't do well in an apartment and needs a spacious environment to thrive. High activity levels and vigorous exercise programs, such as brisk walking, jogging and playing, regularly satisfy their need to expend their energy. It's highly recommended to have a Coyote dog if you have an enclosed yard for him to play in. Involve them in activities such as flyball, agility tests, obedience competitions and so on. They need exercise 2-3 times a day. Start training as soon as possible. Obedience training should be the first priority. Teach him basic commands such as "sit", "wait", "go", "stop", etc. If you're not an experienced trainer, get one. You can even ask for help from professional obedience classes. Introduce your Coydog puppies to exercise, grooming, bathing, etc., while being adamant about rewards and punishments. Be strict and consistent, but never follow the hard line, which could ultimately backfire. The ease of potty training and other types of training varies from one individual to another, depending on the nature of your Coydog's canine breed.

Maintenance of the Coydog

Groom your Coydog as you would an ordinary dog of the same size and coat type. Brush their medium to long coats when necessary. Trim their nails and check for rashes or redness. It's always a good idea to familiarize the dog with the grooming process from puppyhood onwards. Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia leading to lameness or arthritis are common in other large dogs like the Coydog. They are also susceptible to genetic diseases inherited from their respective parents.

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