Kerry Beagle

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

This breed is also known as
Irish Beagle

A brief presentation of the Kerry Beagle

The Kerry Beagle is one of Ireland's oldest breeds, with pedigrees dating back to the late 18th century, but it is not generally considered a Beagle. This breed is more closely related to the Hound category than the Beagle, and is thought to have made an important contribution to the development of the Coonhound-type dogs that later developed in America. Although they are aggressive hunters in the field, they tend to be affectionate and gentle at home, making them excellent pets. These dogs also make excellent watchdogs, but they are generally too active and vocal to be comfortable in a small apartment.

History of the Kerry Beagle

The name Kerry Beagle is a bit of a misnomer, since this breed is a Hound rather than a Beagle. These athletic dogs are considered to be one of Ireland's oldest breeds and, although detailed pedigrees dating back to 1794 have been discovered, there is no way of knowing for sure which breeds were used in their development before that time. Local legends claim that when Noah's Ark came to rest against Tipperary's highest peak, two black and tan hounds disappeared in search of a fox, and that they formed the basis of the breed. descendants of the Old Southern Hound and other Celtic Hounds found in the area. The great famine of 1845-1849 had devastating effects on all breeds and species in the region, and the Kerry Beagle was no exception. Scarteen House, renowned for its canine and equestrian training facilities, located in County Limerick, was still able to keep and continue breeding a number of these dogs, and they are suspected of being one of the founding breeds of the modern-day Coonhound. While Kerry Beagle dogs have attracted renewed interest in Ireland, and the Irish Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 1991, they are still extremely rare outside their country of origin, and have yet to be recognized by the major kennel clubs.

Appearance of the Kerry Beagle

Kerry Beagles are medium-sized hunting dogs, provided they are tall and have a supple yet muscular physique, giving them an overall square shape. They also have a strong, slightly arched neck and short, strong legs with close, rounded feet. The Kerry Beagle's head is long and broad, with a low forehead, long, slightly arched muzzle and loose, hanging upper lips. They have large, oval-shaped eyes that can range from yellow or amber to dark, almost black brown, as well as long, hanging ears set low on the sides of the head, and a long, full tail, which they generally carry with an upward curve. Their short, single-layered coat is most often seen in a black and beige configuration, but brown and white, blue and beige and tricolored dogs are also often seen.

Temperament of the Kerry Beagle

These dogs are aggressive hunters with a strong prey drive that becomes even stronger when they hunt in packs, but they reserve their aggression for their quarry and tend to be affectionate and playful towards other dogs and people of all ages. They may be able to socialize with cats and other animals if socialization begins when they are young, but some of these dogs may succumb to the urge to hunt even with proper socialization, especially if several dogs are present. Although interactions between these dogs and young children should always be supervised, this breed tends to be gentler towards younger children. They are generally alert, and although they are not overly vocal, they are not afraid to speak up if a threat is detected, making them excellent natural watchdogs.

Needs and activities of the Kerry Beagle

The Kerry Beagle is a very active and athletic dog that requires a lot of exercise; an hour of vigorous activity a day will often be satisfactory, but many of these dogs will happily continue for much longer if the opportunity arises. Although walks and jogs are always appreciated, this dog is highly intelligent and will happily take part in activities that also work in his mind. These dogs can enjoy and excel at brain-stimulating activities such as tracking and chasing exercises, agility training and rally sports. They are also likely to enjoy puzzles, especially those involving food-related rewards.

Maintenance of the Kerry Beagle

Grooming the Kerry Beagle is generally an extremely easy task. Bathing should only take place a few times a year to avoid stripping them of the short, hard layers of their natural protective oils and doesn't tend to shed much, brushing is only necessary a few times a month if they're indoors, although frequent brushing, once or twice a week, is recommended for dogs that are frequently active outdoors to remove dirt, dust and pollen from their coats. It's important to check their ears regularly to make sure they're clean, dry and free from wax build-up or infection. Check feet often, as this busy dog's nails can be prone to breaking and snagging. Brush teeth several times a week.

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