
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Kokoni

The Kokoni is a small breed of companion dog that has shared the homes and beds of Greek citizens for hundreds of years. It's a hardy breed that's entertaining, intelligent and extremely adaptable, recorded as a favorite of both the aristocracy and people of modest means, even surviving well as a stray on the city streets of ancient Greece. They are very bright and eager to please, which makes them extremely trainable for a number of different tasks, and their disposition makes them a prime candidate for a position from canine actor to therapy dog.

History of the Kokoni

The Kokoni dog, also often referred to simply as the small Greek domestic dog, originated in Malta and has been part of Greek life for hundreds of years along with their slightly larger cousins, the Alopekis, a breed once considered a different variety of the same breed. Knowledge of their heritage has been lost to history, but ancient wall decorations, vases, coins and other pottery feature images of these little dogs, usually depicted as the companions of women and children, especially those of the aristocracy. Many of these small dogs have been employed as multi-purpose dogs throughout history, particularly for those of more modest means, and they proved effective as hunting dogs, helping to find and capture small game, mammals and birds, as well as ridding the house and barns of pests and even occasionally helping to herd livestock, those that didn't find a domestic home even managed to survive as street dogs on the streets of Greek cities. Unrestricted breeding has resulted in a particularly healthy breed compared to many breeds without specific disorders that are more prevalent in their breed. This breed is very popular in and around Greece, but is little represented outside its country of origin and is not yet recognized by the major kennel clubs. They have, however, been recognized by the Greek Kennel Club, and a small Greek domestic dog was featured in the 2005 film Bewitched, based on the television series Bewitched, which ran from 1964 to 1972.

Appearance of the Kokoni

This companion breed is a small dog with a body slightly longer than the dog is tall at the withers, strong, straight legs that end in small round paws and a long, feathered tail that curls over the dog's back. Kokoni dogs have a small, slightly domed head with a short, somewhat tapered muzzle, medium-length triangular ears that fold forward and round, almond-shaped eyes that are usually dark brown, but can be any color except blue. Their double-layered coats are silky with a very dense undercoat and tend to be of rather moderate length, but shorten around the face area and on their legs. Kokoni dogs can come in many colors and color combinations, including black and tan, white with patches of blonde, rust or even black, and tricolor, often with a white flame in the middle of the face.

Temperament of the Kokoni

These little dogs have been enjoyed as pleasant, outgoing pets on the Greek islands for several hundred years, due to their friendly, outgoing nature. They are known to be both affectionate and protective, with a strong need for human affection, to the point of often insisting on sharing the bed with their owners. They are good with adults and children, but any interaction with younger or boisterous children must be carefully supervised for the small dog's safety. They are generally well-disposed towards strangers, but can sometimes become territorial and possessive of their owners. They were also used in the past as pest control in the home, and have retained their prey, while their small size prevents them from being a threat to many adult cats, they are likely to hunt and eventually kill smaller animals such as rodents. They are also highly intelligent and quickly acquire new commands, making them easily trainable.

Needs and activities of the Kokoni

These dogs are both energetic and bright, requiring daily physical exercise and mental stimulation to keep them healthy and happy. They are also eager to entertain their owners and sensitive to their needs, making them exceptionally trainable and suitable candidates for many different canine activities such as agility training, canine freestyle dancing and barn hunting, with some sources even claiming that they also retain some latent herding instincts, making them suitable for activities such as treibball. They are quite adaptable and can live very well in a large house or thrive in a small apartment.

Maintenance of the Kokoni

The Kokoni needs daily brushing and combing to ensure that any debris or tangles are removed from the fur, however, daily grooming should be fairly straightforward and only take a few minutes. Bathing should take place about once a month to keep the fur silky and shiny, and their nails should be trimmed or filed as necessary to prevent breakage. Small dogs like the Kokoni are more prone to dental problems than larger dogs, so brushing his teeth regularly is also a good idea, as is regularly checking their ears for dirt, wax or other debris to prevent ear infection.

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