Californian rex

Francis Vandersteen
The Californian Rex is a breed of cat native to the United States.
This cat is characterized by its wavy, semi-longhair coat. It is the semi-long-haired variety of the Cornish Rex.

A brief historical overview

As its name suggests, this variety was discovered in California in the 1960s.
Today, it remains extremely rare and little recognized by the various cat associations. In France, the LOOF recognizes the breed as a “new breed”, which does not allow it to take part in the championship, but it can nevertheless be exhibited.

Behavior / characteristics

The Californian Rex is a sociable cat who doesn't like to be alone. It enjoys the company of other cats and dogs. It's also said to be lively, restless, affectionate and very playful. It's even said that he can sometimes be a real glue pot. However, these character traits are entirely individual and depend on each cat's history.


Cranial region

The head is medium-sized, longer than it is wide, with a “Roman profile”, i.e. in profile, the head is formed by two humps, one running from the skull to the nose and the other from the nose to the muzzle.

Facial region

The nose is broad and rounded.
The eyes are oval and wide open. They are set at an angle and should be spaced the width of an eye. Their color should match that of the coat.
Large, conical and set high on the head.


The Californian Rex has the same appearance as the Cornish Rex. Its silhouette is slender, with an arched back reminiscent of a greyhound. The body is Oriental in shape, long with a deep rib cage, fine bones and lean muscles.


Long, fine and whip-like.


The legs are high and very slender.



The hindquarters are slightly rounded and well muscled.


The feet are small and oval. The way it stands on its paws gives the impression of standing on its toes, like a dancer.


Coat and texture
The coat is medium-length and notched, forming waves. It's very soft and must be free of jarring hairs. Whiskers are long, unlike other curly-haired breeds. All colors and coats are accepted.

Size and weight

Height at withers
Male height at withers: between 23 and 25 cm.
Female height at withers: between 23 and 25 cm.
Average adult male weight: between 2.5 and 4.5 kg.
Average adult female weight: between 2.5 and 4.5 kg.


 A bare tail base should not be penalized too heavily, especially in males.


 Head too triangular or round.
 Large bare areas.
 Heaviness or lack of muscle tone.

Refusal of any title

 Presence of jarred hair.
 Flat coat.
 Coarse coat.
 General faults and defects eliminatory in show.

Authorized marriages

 Cornish Rex x Cornish Rex
 Cornish Rex x Californian Rex
 Californian Rex x Californian Rex

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