Why do dogs have runny eyes ?


Excessive watering (called “epiphora”) is caused by overproduction of the lacrimal glands. In some breeds of dog (such as Poodles, Cocker Spaniels and Pugs), this discharge is normal, but poses a cosmetic problem. Tears lead to the appearance of brownish circles under the eyes. This discoloration is due to a compound contained in the tears, called “porphyrin”.

More often than not, epiphora is a cosmetic problem, but it can sometimes indicate eye pain. For example, a corneal ulcer or inflammation of the eyeball will cause excessive tearing, as will the presence of ectopic eyelashes that are in contact with the eyes or tear film. A hair can act as a wick, causing tears to flow.

Tearing can also indicate a drainage problem. For example, the lower eyelids may be too shallow, causing tears to flow. The tear ducts may also be blocked, preventing normal tear drainage.

If your pet is excessively watery, you should ask your vet to examine the eyes and check whether the problem is purely cosmetic. If your vet can find no medical reason for the tearing, you can use over-the-counter products designed to remove tear stains. You may need to try more than one before you get good results. In general, cleaning your eyes once or twice a day with a wet cloth should be enough.

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