Articles relating to animal breeds around the world are available under the CC-BY-SA license.
The main sources of these articles have been :
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, some articles having been translated by myself from another language
EasyPet® Inc. which I translated from the language of the site.
Wag Labs, Inc. was translated by me from the language of the site.
International Designer Canine Registry, translation by me from the language of the site, translation by me from the language of the site
Havana Silk Dog Association of America, the National Parent Club of the Havana Silk Dog breed.translation by me from the language of the site
The photos presenting the breed come from various websites, and are deliberately reduced to 200 pixels.
Please note that this site does not follow or subscribe to any dog-related group or organization, and therefore does not list accurate standard information except for breeds recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
This site is designed to give the public a general idea of a breed's tastes and characteristics.
If a group or organization is listed as recognizing a breed, this in no way indicates that Groupe Milouchouchou ASBL endorses that group or organization, it is simply a list of existing groups within the breed.
The site is designed to provide general information to help prospective pet owners find a breed that best suits their lifestyle.
Our hope is that, with wiser breed choices, fewer dogs will end up being unwanted.
Groupe Milouchouchou ASBL is not responsible for any erroneous information that may be submitted unknowingly.
All dog breeds have typical characteristics and tendencies, but these will vary within a breed depending on how humans treat the dog, the personalities of the humans around the dog, the environment, the breeder and the conditions in which the dog was born and raised.
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Without the passing of my Chouchou, this site would not exist
I'd like to immortalize his memory with these few pages
You can find all the breeds recognized by the FCI, as well as rare dogs, cats and felines
Some breeds are only given as a guide, as they only exist in their country of origin
I offer you a set of 10 545 standards or breed sheets, available in 5 languages
Your best friend, your accomplice, your confidant, it's him!
He's your protective dog
In his eyes, you're love, tenderness, brother
To the last beat of his heart, he'll be faithful, without counting the cost
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion
How could we bear the hypocrisy, perfidy and lies of humans if we didn't have dogs to still see honesty in their unsuspecting faces?