Welsh Corgi Pembroke

FCI standard Nº 39

Great Britain
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
Section 2 Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs)
Without working trial
Acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI
Wednesday 13 November 1963
Publication of the official valid standard
Thursday 16 June 2022
Last update
Monday 19 September 2022
En français, cette race se dit
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
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Welsh Corgi Pembroke
En español, esta raza se dice
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
In het Nederlands, wordt dit ras gezegd
Welsh Corgi Pembroke



General appearance

Low set, strong, sturdily built, alert and active, giving impression of substance and stamina in small space.

Important proportions

Length of foreface to be in proportion to skull 3 to 5.

Behaviour / temperament

Bold in outlook, workmanlike. Outgoing and friendly never nervous or aggressive.


Cranial region

Head foxy in shape and appearance, with alert, intelligent expression.
Fairly wide and flat between ears. 

Facial region

Slightly tapering.
Jaws and teeth
Strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Well set, round, medium size, brown, blending with colour of coat.
Pricked, medium sized, slightly rounded. Line drawn from tip of nose through eye should, if extended, pass through, or close to tip of ear.


Fairly long.


Medium length, not short coupled, slightly tapering, when viewed from above.
Chest broad and deep, well let down between forelegs. Well sprung ribs.


Previously customarily docked short.
Short, preferably natural.
Docked : Short.
Undocked : set in line with the top line. Natural carriage which may be above or below top line when moving or alert.
Natural bobtails may occur, when the tail can be of any length, carried above or below top line when moving or alert.



Well laid, and angulated at 90 degrees to the upper arm.
Upper arm
Moulded round chest.
Fitting closely to sides, neither loose nor tied.
Short and as straight as possible. Ample bone, carried right down to feet.
Oval, toes strong, well arched, and tight, two centre toes slightly advance, of two outer, pads strong and well arched. Nails short.


Strong and flexible. Legs short. Ample bone carried right down to feet.
Well angulated.
Hocks straight when viewed from behind.
Hind feet
Oval, toes strong, well arched, and tight, two centre toes slightly advance, of two outer, pads strong and well arched. Nails short.

Gait and movement

Free and active, neither loose nor tied. Forelegs move well forward, without too much lift, in unison with thrusting action of hindlegs.


Medium length, straight with dense undercoat, never soft, wavy or wiry.
Self colours in Red, Sable, Fawn, Black and Tan, with or without white markings on legs, brisket and neck. Some white on head and foreface permissible.

Size and weight

Height at withers
Approximately 25 – 30 cm.
Males : 10-12 kg. Females : 9-11 kg.


• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

Disqualifying faults

 Aggressive or overly shy dogs.

NB :

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.




Detailed history

The Welsh Corgi, who does not know? This is the dog of the Queen of England. However, this common place surely must not win the approval of lovers of the breed! First, because this dog is not English but Welsh, then because his qualities are sufficient on their own, without needing this reference. Countryman, rustic, working dog and admirable friend of man, the Welsh Corgi is not only the dog of the queen.

It is therefore necessary to forget for a few moments his aristocratic attributions and to look into the origins of this remarkable sheepdog, of which there are two types, the Pembroke and the Cardigan. For starters, we will say that the Cardigan is probably the oldest of the two. This little dog devil, probably cousin of the ancestors of the German Terrier and the Dachshund, would have followed the Celts all along their migration to the mountains of Wales, one thousand two hundred years before our era. He guarded the encampments, provided protection for women and children, and above all watched over the precious flocks. Too small to really fight, he nevertheless served as a "warning bell" at the slightest suspicious noise, which he detected thanks to his hearing of a rare delicacy. His ability to drive the animals quickly earned him a great reputation, since in the tenth century, King Hywel Dda (the Good) decided to punish a fine of four pence anyone who would deliberately kill a working dog. We must not look any further for the origin of the name Corgi, since, in Welsh, a little working dog said to himself cur-gi. If the dog was more than a year old (so could already work as a shepherd), the fine incurred increased: it ranged from 60 to 320 pence depending on the quality of the animal, which was heavy.

It is certain that the Scandinavian races were mixed with the evolution of the Corgi from the 9th century through Viking incursions. When the drakkars landed, there always came out some Buhund or Vallhund (Vaggaspaspets), which had to mate with the Corgis already on the spot, unless, as another assumption claims, the Cardigans did not exist before and descend from crosses between Scandinavian dogs and local Welsh sheepdogs.

The story of Pembroke's birth is more precise. It is located at the time when the south of Wales was occupied by the Anglo-Normans: Henri 1st Beauclerc (1069-1135), fourth son of William the Conqueror, would have brought Flemish weavers to Wales, so to develop crafts. The said weavers would have settled in Pernbroke County by bringing their dogs there. The latter were of Nordic kinship, such as Norwegian Elk Dog, Samoyed, or German Terrier, which made them, in short, distant cousins ​​of the Cardigans of the country. Thus, the similarity between the two varieties would be explained (although it is mainly due to the crossings between Pembrokes and Cardigans that took place later).

It is said that both Corgis were later fed by other breeds, including the Shorthaired Collie and the Sealyham Terrier. The two varieties, however, remained very recognizable, and they probably did not begin to really resemble each other until about the middle of the twelfth century, when they were crossed with each other, but the Welsh Corgis carried out their Herding dog, sometimes even bringing together the half-wild ponies of the hills, transported animals from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century to the big markets, including London, becoming the "purveyors of meat" of the capital. The arrival of the railroad and the development of road transport put an end to this heroic epoch and sent the Corgi back to its former functions, that is to say, to the life of a Welsh farm dog.

But the British were going to invent dog shows and thus speed up the Corgi's fate. Far from wisely staying on the farm, this dog appeared in front of the public, first in his home country in Bancyfelin in 1892, then in Mitcham (Surrey) in 1925. Dogs of the time were still at home. look for a new breed to study and select (but are they not always?), and they did not fail to be interested in the Welsh Corgi. That same year, a Welsh Corgi Club was formed in Haverfordwest, bringing together Pembroke enthusiasts. The Cardigan's friends imitated them in 1926 by creating the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association. However, they had to wait until 1934 to see the very official Kennel Club decide to recognize the two races and give them each a standard of its own.

In 1933, the Duke of York, future George V, offered a Pembroke to each of his daughters, so to Elizabeth. The fate of the Welsh Corgi was then fixed: promised a future European, then world, he made the career that we know. Becoming in the eyes of everyone the dog of the Queen of England, the Çorgi is winning its nobility in the United States. And even if the British seem to be a little out of favor at the moment, his story has shown that he has a strong back, because in the simple farms of Wales as in the salons of Buckingham Palace, the Welsh Corgi is still the same: royal.

Rustique is perhaps the adjective that best describes the Welsh Corgi. Yet this solid country boy stands out in the city, precisely by not attracting attention. Because the guy Corgi has remarkably adapted to the urban lifestyle and knows as much appreciate the carpet of the apartments as the straw of the stables.

With a shepherd character, the Corgi is above all frank and straight. Very balanced, he maintains relationships with his masters of healthy friendship. Placid or cuddly at times, it is the perfect companion for calm and sociable people. Without demanding, he will patiently wait for his walk, then he will be able to walk for hours beside his master, moments during which he may meet many curious about his companion. Moreover, if he defends his territory when he is at home, the Corgi is sure of its strength and willingly acquainted with foreigners. It can therefore be released without fear, especially since it is also friendly with his peers, even if he can sometimes show them who is the strongest. With the children, finally, it is games and caresses endless, which does not prevent him from keeping an eye on them to avoid the nonsense and the troubles. This very intelligent dog can learn many exercises. Off the Channel, he often takes the best places in the obedience contest. But this is only one more string to his bow: he has many others. Versatile dog, the Welsh Corgi will surprise you.

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