Welsh Springer Spaniel

FCI standard Nº 126

Great Britain
Group 8 Retrievers-Flushing Dogs-Water Dogs
Section 2 Flushing Dogs
With working trial
Acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI
Thursday 30 December 1954
Publication of the official valid standard
Tuesday 28 July 2009
Last update
Wednesday 28 October 2009
En français, cette race se dit
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Diese Norm ist in deutscher Sprache sichtbar
Welsh Springer Spaniel
En español, esta raza se dice
Welsh Springer Spaniel
In het Nederlands, wordt dit ras gezegd
Welsh Springer Spaniel


Flushing dog.

General appearance

Symmetrical, compact, not leggy, obviously built for endurance and hard work. Quick and active mover, displaying plenty of push and drive.

Behaviour / temperament

Very ancient and distinct breed of pure origin. Strong, merry and very active. Kindly disposition, not showing aggression or nervousness.


Cranial region

Of proportionate length, slightly domed. Well chiselled below eyes.  
Clearly defined.

Facial region

Flesh coloured to dark, nostrils well developed.
Of medium length, straight, fairly square.
Jaws and teeth
Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Hazel or dark, medium size, neither prominent, nor sunken, not showing haw.
Set moderately low and hanging close to cheeks. Comparatively small and gradually narrowing towards tip and shaped somewhat like a vine leaf.


Long, muscular, clean in throat, neatly set into sloping shoulders.


Not long, strong and muscular. Length of body should be proportionate to length of legs.
Muscular and slightly arched. Well coupled.
Deep brisket, well sprung ribs.


Previously customarily docked.
Docked : Well set on and low, never carried above level of back. Lively in action.
Undocked : Feathered. In balance with the rest of the dog.



Forelegs of medium length, straight, well boned.


Strong and muscular, wide and fully developed. Hindlegs well boned.
Lower thigh
Moderately angled, neither turning in nor out.
Well let down.


Round, with thick pads. Firm and cat-like, not large or spreading.

Gait and movement

Smooth, powerful, ground covering action; driving from rear.


Straight or flat, silky texture, dense, never wiry or wavy. Curly coat highly undesirable. Forelegs and hindlegs above hocks moderately feathered, ears and tail lightly feathered.
Rich red and white only.

Size and weight

Height at withers
Approximate height : Dogs 48 cm (19 ins) at withers. Females 46 cm (18 ins) at withers.


• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

Disqualifying faults

 Aggressive or overly shy.

NB :

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.




Detailed history

Tracing the distant past of a Spaniel, a Setter or a Spaniel, regardless of race, is not easy. Indeed, their story is rather fuzzy, and no one really knows who is descending from whom. One thing is for sure is that this kind of medium-sized, long-eared and silky-haired hunting dog is very old. Evidence of this will be given by various historical accounts, including those of Chaucer, speaking of a Spaniel in 1386, of Gaston Phoebus (1331 - 1391) in his Book of Hunt, by John Keys, or Johannes Caius, who described these dogs in 1570 in De canibus britannicis. All these works emphasized the two great talents of these dogs: they excelled at raising the game, and then bringing it back once dead, and that as well in water as on land.

In fact, although these dogs may have a common origin, several varieties of Spaniels began to be different in different regions. Thus, Wales and England were to have two distinct dogs, a distinction that was affirmed at the end of the 19th century and formalized in 1901, when the first Welsh Springer gave up the approximate name of Welsh Cocker to gain the current name of Welsh Springer. Spaniel. To spring means springing, and the Springer is the dog that suddenly "stuffs" the game when it is within fighter's rifle range.

It is thought that the Breton Spaniel was able to contribute to the selection of Welsh, which however retained a unique dress, namely white and red. Moreover, this shiny white dress and bright red that made the particularity of Welsh is a real gift of nature: it is so to speak "self-cleaning", what a farmer expresses by saying that the Welsh "always has the look out of a box. " It is also exact and easy to check: the dog returning muddy hunting does not take long to recover his immaculate livery, this is his secret.

The modern breeding of the Welsh Springer Spaniel has managed to avoid the mistake in which that of his cousin the English has gone astray: an outrageous differentiation of hunting dogs and. show dogs. Only one very complete type survives in Welsh, capable of attracting the suffrages of aesthetes and of making hunters happy. "Beautiful and good" is the motto of this charming Welsh.

In front of a Welsh Springer, one says to oneself first of all "Oh, the beautiful dog. Then we observe him for a few moments, and we realize very quickly that he is not without mind either. His hobbyists even consider him to be the most subtle of Spaniels, the finest in his behavior, hunting and at home. Because ; and this is also one of his great qualities; he did not sacrifice any domain to the other and remained perfectly balanced.

On the ground, it's the intelligence itself. Hunting under the rifle, so close to the master, he certainly does not deserve the reputation of independence that one sometimes wanted to make him. Endowed with a rare flair, it sinks a few meters, even a few centimeters, of the coveted animal. There, he does not mark the stop as a Setter, but "stuffs" the game, which, frightened, out of hiding, exposing himself to the fire of the hunter. This type of hunt requires a great understanding between man and dog, complicity perfectly achievable with a Welsh Springer Spaniel. Especially since all this is almost innate at home! He is seen to see the country and the game as soon as he is old enough to follow his master (about seven or eight months), and he will learn of himself during these walks to become a valuable auxiliary.

At home, he has nothing of the impatient working dog but shows an admirable calm and an affectivity to make jealous of so-called "companion" breeds. Because the Welsh is also a family dog, happy to be, always ready to show his love for his masters. That's why kennel life does not suit him at all. And if he is wiser than an image when he is in company, he can, left alone in a place that does not please him, turn into a destructive tornado.

Very intelligent, docile, adoring children, gentle with other pets (provided they have been used young, of course), the Welsh Springer Spaniel is yet a little known to current cynophilia. Given the qualities with which he is kneaded, he should not remain very long in this sad situation. Finally, this endearing Welsh will find a wider welcome in our families. It was time.

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