In tribute to

To my love sniffer Loxane

Thanks to


My Loxane (white dwarf spitz) your life was very short, you passed away on October 28, 2006 due to diabetes which took you in 2 weeks and you were only 1 and a half years old.

I didn't expect to lose you so quickly.

You left so suddenly that I've been left with a huge void ever since.

Sometimes I still turn around thinking you're behind me, but you're not.

I miss you so much, my Fouille.

I think of you every day, every hour and every second of my life that goes on without you.

Thank you, my Loxane, for all the happiness you've given me over the past year and a half.

I love you dearly and I'll never forget you, every moment I live is for you, to feel you beating deep in my heart and every beat says "I LOVE YOU".

Your mother who will never forget you

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