
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Italy <> France -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as

A brief presentation of the Bolonoodle

The Bolonoodle is a popular hybrid dog, a cross between the Bichon Bolonais and the Poodle. These highly intelligent little dogs are also charming and entertaining, making them ideal pets. They have a single layer of soft hair that is wavy or curly and can come in many different color combinations. They are a relatively long-lived hybrid, but there are some serious heart conditions that can be exacerbated by obesity, so keeping your Bolonoodle in tip-top condition is essential to its health. Fortunately, as long as food and treats are supervised, these animals don't require a great deal of exercise to maintain their optimal body condition.

History of the Bolonoodle

The Bolonoodle is a fairly recently recognized hybrid, first named around 2005, and is a cross between the Bolognese, a pet dog for royalty, and the Poodle, a highly intelligent little retriever. In most cases, the Bolonoodle is a combination of a Bolognese and a miniature Poodle.

A little of the Bolognese Bichon

The Bolognese breed is a small white Bichon-type dog that dates back to at least 13th century Italy. Many of the ruling class appreciated the little dogs and they were bred by the Gonzaga and Medici families. Bolognese puppies were sometimes given as cherished gifts to visiting royalty and dignitaries. The breed fell out of favor during the Industrial Revolution or was killed with their royal families during the revolutions, but breed enthusiasts in Europe began an effort to restore the Bolognese breed in the 1970s and Bolognese were brought to the USA from Russia in 1986.
Standard of the Bolognese Bichon

A little of the Poodle

The Poodle is more often considered a pet, especially the miniature and toy varieties. However, the Poodle was originally bred to be a waterfowl retriever, much like the Labrador or Golden Retrievers, and can still fulfill this role admirably. In fact, their signature haircut reflects this history, with leg and body length shaved to reduce drag and avoid tangling in weeds, but vital organs and joints still covered with a thick layer of protective hair. They are an ancient breed that was originally bred in Germany, however, they are often associated with France as the breed standard was established there.
Standard of the Poodle

Appearance of the Bolonoodle

The Bolonoodle is a cross between the Bichon Bolonais and Poodle breeds, and as such can have characteristics of either parent breed. They are generally small dogs, with a square profile. The muzzle can vary anywhere from the long, straight, finely built muzzle of the Poodle to the short, square muzzle of the Bolognese. The ears hang from the sides of the head, usually just below the chin, although they can be slightly shorter on occasion. Bolonoodle eyes can be round or slightly oval, but will almost always be dark and have an alert, curious expression. Their single-layer coats are soft and fluffy with a wavy or curly texture. Although many Bolonoodle dogs inherit the all-white coat of the Bolognese, they can also get their coloring from the Poodle's contribution to their genetics, and Poodles are available in many color variations.

Temperament of the Bolonoodle

The Bolonoodle is an entertaining and pleasant dog, with an inquisitive and sometimes mischievous nature. They are highly intelligent dogs and although their exercise requirements are not high, they need mental stimulation to keep them from falling into mischief. They are very attentive and can do well in obedience training, but can become bored if the training is too repetitive. They are extremely social animals and what they want to do most is what you do; they are generally friendly and affectionate with everyone, family members, strangers, strange dogs, children and even other animals. However friendly and sociable, interaction with very small children or larger dogs should be limited to calm, supervised play to prevent the dog from injuring itself or developing nipping behaviors as a defense mechanism. These small dogs are not overly energetic, and while they're always ready to play, they're just as happy to snuggle up next to you or on your lap while you work or relax.

Needs and activities of the Bolonoodle

This dog has lower exercise requirements than many other breeds and is often content with several short walks throughout the day, although it will just as happily accompany you on a longer one. Indoor recreational training can also be very satisfying in many cases, as these little dogs require very little space for a good romp, making them excellent candidates for apartment living. They are intelligent animals that enjoy and can excel in advanced obedience training. While the Bolognese was bred primarily as a companion, the Poodle was bred as a water catcher and as such, your Bolonoodle can also play fetch or swim.

Maintenance of the Bolonoodle

The Bolonoodle's coat is a single-layer, low-loss coat that is generally considered hypoallergenic. Although it is not particularly prone to matting, it does mat and mat occasionally and requires regular maintenance to keep it soft and healthy. It's not necessary to bathe him frequently, but it is generally necessary to trim his coat regularly to give it a well-groomed appearance. It's important to note that these dogs can be more prone to allergies than other dogs, and this can include allergies to soaps, shampoos or other care products, so hypoallergenic care products may be recommended, and specialized medical shampoos and cleansers may be recommended if chronic skin allergies become a problem.

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