
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Great Britain <> Germany -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as
Jack Pom 
Pom Jack 

A brief presentation of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack-A-Ranian will provide hours of love and entertainment with its playful, frisky antics. The Jack-A-Ranian hybrid is a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Spitz Toy / Pomeranian. While the Jack-A-Ranian hybrid originated in the United States, the parent breeds are Jack Russell Terriers from the UK and Spitz Toy / Pomeranians from Pomerania in Germany and Poland. The Jack Russell was bred for hunting and tracking, while the Spitz Toy / Pomeranian was bred for companionship. The Spitz de juguete / Pomeranian was originally a dog breed weighing around 13.5 kilos, but was later bred to be smaller, weighing less than 4.5 kilos today. Your Jack-A-Ranian hybrid will probably have a compact body with a thick, smooth or broken coat and weigh between 3 and 6.5 kilos at maturity. Jack-A-Ranian hybrids are known to be alert, gentle, friendly, intelligent, lively, loving, playful, social and protective. They are also known to be frequent barkers and will need training to control this trait. Your furry family member will require moderate maintenance, especially brushing several times a week to control moderate shedding and keep the coat clean and free of debris.

History of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack-A-Ranian is the result of crossing a Jack Russell Terrier and a Spitz Toy / Pomeranian. This hybrid itself was born in the USA, probably in the late 1990s, for the purpose of what seems to be mainly companionship. Since it's a relatively new hybrid, there's not much information available about it, and the historical questions of when, where and why can't be answered with any precision at the moment. The parent breeds, the Jack Russell Terrier and the Spitz Toy / Pomeranian, on the other hand, are well documented in history, dates and places of origin and the purposes for which they were bred. The Jack-A-Ranian is recognized by the following organizations: American Canine Hybrid Club, Designer Dogs Kennel Club, Dog Registry of America, Inc. and International Designer Canine Registry.



A little of the Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier originated in the United Kingdom in the early 1800s and was used for hunting and tracking. The breed was big enough to keep up with the Foxhounds of England, but small enough to "go to ground" and chase a fox from its den. Its nose continues to work today, but its main purpose now seems to be as a family or individual companion, with hunting only a secondary function.
Standard of the Jack Russell Terrier

A little of the Spitz Toy / Pomeranian

The Spitz Toy / Pomeranian is a breed that originated in Germany and Poland some time before 1870, when it became better known and was recognized by the Kennel Club (England). Originally a larger dog, weighing around 13.5 kilos, the Spitz Toy / Pomeranian was a favorite of Queen Victoria, who fell in love with a Pom named Marco in 1888 during a trip to France. Today, the breed has been reduced to a weight of less than 4.5 kilos and a height of 20 to 28 centimeters. They are currently used for companionship and are truly a treasure and delight for their human families.
Standard of the Spitz Toy / Pomeranian

Appearance of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack-A-Ranian is the product of crossing a Jack Russell Terrier and a Spitz Toy / Pomeranian and, as such, can take on the appearance characteristics of one or both parent breeds. Typically, the hybrid is described as having a compact body, well-balanced head, flat skull, almond-shaped eyes, black nose, pricked ears and high-set tail. Depending on the dominant breed parent in the gene pool, your hybrid will probably have a scissor bite, an alert, intelligent facial expression and round feet with thick pads. His coat will probably be thick, smooth/broken and can be found in the following colors: brown and black, brindle, black and white, black, brown, cream, chocolate, brown and white, gray, golden, orange, silver, spotted and speckled.

Temperament of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack-A-Ranian, being a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Spitz Toy / Pomeranian, may have the personality traits of one or both of the parent breeds. The Jack-A-Ranian hybrid has been described as alert, friendly, gentle, intelligent, lively, loving, playful, protective and social. He's an extremely active little dog who loves to be with his human family and prefers this to being left alone and to his own devices. He is generally very good with children and other family pets, but appropriate early socialization will help him adapt in these areas. He is wary of strangers due to his terrier heritage and can be suspicious and aggressive. He is described as generally patient with children, but does not like to be mistreated or treated roughly. Because the Jack-A-Ranian is stubborn by nature, it is not easy to train and can be a challenge even for experienced handlers. Calmness and assertiveness are recommended during training. He is capable of high energy levels and will need daily exercise to keep him going, helping to avoid the disadvantages of destructive behavior that comes from pent-up energy.

Needs and activities of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack Russell parent brings large amounts of energy, associated with the ability to jump fairly high, straight up, from a standing position, and the Pom parent is said to bring similar amounts of energy to the biological mix. Both parent breeds are quite intelligent and require mental as well as physical challenge to be happy and well adjusted. Daily walks in the park, long periods of retrieving or Frisbee play, obedience exercises and various other types of training will help it stay challenged. If mental challenges aren't provided, he'll probably develop a habit of getting into mischief, sometimes wreaking havoc all over the house. He'll need at least an hour a day of good physical activity and exercise to use up the vast reserves of energy potential he's inherited. Because he's small, he's well suited to apartment and condominium living, provided the owners are willing and committed to offering him appropriate exercise opportunities. He can live in both urban and rural environments, and will love to run unattached in a fenced yard. He has a medium tolerance to heat and a good to very good tolerance to cold.

Maintenance of the Jack-A-Ranian

The Jack-A-Ranian can be hypoallergenic if it inherits the Jack Russell Terrier coat. It is considered a moderate excreter, so you should expect to vacuum regularly and more often during seasonal shedding periods. He'll need brushing once or twice a week to remove dirt, debris and dead hair. Occasional baths as needed will help reduce the development of parasites. As with most canine breeds, special attention must be paid to tooth brushing and dental examinations to avoid periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss over time. Paying attention to his ears, looking for debris, parasites and excessive earwax build-up, as well as proper cleaning, can help reduce the risk of ear infections.

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