
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

England, Australia <> France -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as

A brief presentation of the Jack-A-Poo

Jack-A-Poo are the result of crossing the active Jack Russell Terrier with the intelligent Miniature Poodle. They're a sporty little dog with a big personality and a heart of gold. Their coat can be curly, wiry or a mixture of both, and they don't tend to shed much. Their brown eyes are full of humor, while their floppy ears give them a playful appearance. The Jack-A-Poo needs almost constant stimulation and is not the kind of pet to sit around doing nothing. They love to learn, and can be taught to perform a wide range of tricks and tasks. Although some dogs are cautious around new people, they are not particularly good as guard dogs.

History of the Jack-A-Poo

The Jack-A-Poo, or Jack-A-Doodle, is a cross between the Jack Russell Terrier and the Miniature Poodle. A relatively recent addition to a dog breed, the Jack-A-Poo is a fine example of a specific cross-breed dog designed to be a fun, family pet. The Poodle is one of the most popular breeds used to create specific crossbreed dogs, as they are known to be hypoallergenic, highly intelligent and vivacious. It's not known exactly when the Jack-A-Poo was created, but it was probably bred in the USA around two or three decades ago, and its popularity has been growing ever since. As with other cross-breeds, the Jack-A-Poo is not recognized by any major kennel club, although their parents are big names in the purebred world. The Jack Russell belongs to the Terrier group, while the Miniature Poodle is part of the Sporting group.

A little of the Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is sometimes affectionately called a terror by Jack Russell because it can have a big, fierce personality. Although these dogs originated as Fox Terriers in England in the 1800s, the Jack Russell was quickly exported to Australia, where the breed was developed. Traditionally bred to hunt foxes and rabbits, the Jack Russell was never a pocket dog and would have had to work for its supper. This has resulted in a tenacious breed with a strong character. As these dogs are extremely energetic and intelligent, they are frequently kept on farms and as working dogs.
Standard of the Jack Russell Terrier

A little of the Poodle

The Poodle is one of the main players in the new world of hybrid dogs, and is renowned for its versatility. An intelligent dog that excels in many disciplines, the Poodle is not only an excellent pet, but can also compete successfully in events such as agility and flyball. The general public tends to associate the Poodle and its hairstyle with France, but the truth is that it's a German breed. Despite their glamorous appearance, they were originally bred to hunt and retrieve waterfowl and have always been fantastic swimmers. The Poodle is available in three sizes: Toy, Miniature and Standard, although it is the larger Standard Poodle that contributes to the Airedoodle breed. Poodles are recognized by the Kennel Club within their public service group.
Standard of the Poodle

Appearance of the Jack-A-Poo

While the individual first-generation Jack-A-Poo may inherit physical characteristics from either parent, the appearance of this breed is becoming more uniform across the board. Most fully grown Jack-A-Poo weigh from 5.5 kg to 9 kg and measure between 25 cm and 38 cm. Their skulls are relatively flat and their medium-sized ears droop downwards. Their oval-shaped eyes are dark brown in color, with an alert, friendly expression. Their bodies are well-muscled and lean, always well-proportioned and athletic. They have relatively short, straight limbs ending in compact feet. Their gait is brisk and fluid. Puppies can wear the straight, wiry coat of the Jack Russell Terrier, the curly, hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle, or a mixture of the two. Even within the same litter, there can be enormous variability. In general, the coat tends to be low-maintenance and not prone to excessive shedding. Coat color is highly variable, with puppies often having a mixture of colors: white, black, brown and gray.

Temperament of the Jack-A-Poo

Known for its bubbly personality and jovial nature, the Jack-A-Poo is a truly charming companion. Truly affectionate, this breed is always happy to greet you every day and makes a wonderful playmate for children of all ages. Loyal pets, they are closely bonded to all family members and feel most at ease when surrounded by people they know well. With particularly high energy levels and the need to constantly do something, this breed can be quite difficult to handle. Jack-A-Poo need attention virtually all the time and are very sociable. They constantly need human companionship and risk boredom and destruction if left to their own devices for too long. The Jack-A-Poo is known to distrust strangers, however, this trait can be overcome with appropriate socialization from an early age. Despite this distrust, these dogs are not particularly known for their territorial or surveillance abilities.

Needs and activities of the Jack-A-Poo

The Jack-A-Poo is an active little companion, requiring 45 to 60 minutes of physical activity a day. This exercise can take the form of several daily walks, active retrieving games or Frisbee practice and obedience training. Since this hybrid is a natural digger and hunter, involving it in earth dog activities in which it searches for rodents will satisfy this dog's natural instincts. Any activity involving mental challenges will also keep him very happy and entertained. The small size of this hybrid makes it perfect for apartments or family homes, with or without a fenced yard. However, its activity level may compromise apartment living, unless the owner wants to ensure that it is properly exercised daily. It can live in urban or rural communities and tolerate all climates, provided it has extra protection for colder or hotter extremes. As for its natural foraging and jumping tendencies, it's important to note that moderately fenced terrain may require some modifications to contain it. And, to answer the electric fence question, no, that won't be enough to contain this lively and intelligent little escape artist.

Maintenance of the Jack-A-Poo

The Jack-A-Poo will require little maintenance for its coat, requiring at the very least a weekly brushing with a stiff-bristled plastic brush and a bath as needed. As with most canine breeds, regular checking and cleaning of his ears is essential to prevent infection. Regular ear checks are especially important for dogs with folded ears to keep them clean. Regular eye examinations are necessary to assess and monitor the various eye areas that tend to cause canine problems with age. Dental examinations should also be carried out regularly, along with teeth cleaning at home, to avoid or reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease that can lead to tooth loss over time. This hybrid is considered low shedding and hypoallergenic.

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