Appearance of the Ttoodle
The Ttoodle is a medium-sized dog with a proportionate head and body. Its coat comes in many colors, including white, black, blue, brown, apricot, gray and brindle, and its texture varies from wavy to curly. Some Ttoodles have a single coat, while others have a double coat. In both cases, the coat is fairly dense. Most Ttoodles have a coat that resembles that of one parent or the other, rather than a random mixture of the two. The ears are long and floppy, and the muzzle is of medium length. The eyes are expressive and dark, and the tail is long and straight. |
Temperament of the Ttoodle
Ttoodles are highly prized for their gentle, affectionate nature. They are exceptional family dogs and get on well with children. They are somewhat wary of strangers, but are friendly when properly socialized. Ttoodles often present dominance problems with other dogs, but again, they cope well when properly socialized. This breed requires constant attention and does not do well when left alone. Highly intelligent and eager to please its owners, the Ttoodle also has a tendency towards independence that makes training moderately easy. This breed is very agile and excels at agility training. Ttoodles also do well in obedience classes, especially when introduced at a young age. |
Needs and activities of the Ttoodle
The Ttoodle is a moderately active and energetic breed. Because of its size, it adapts to virtually any environment, including apartments, provided there's enough room to play indoors. This breed also needs a few walks a day and will appreciate spending time in an off-leash dog park. Plan to devote at least 30 minutes to exercising your Ttoodle in addition to its indoor playtime. As an intelligent breed, Ttoodles also need plenty of mental stimulation. Toys that dispense treats are a great way to stimulate your canine companion's mind. Ttoodles also enjoy jogging and agility training. |
Maintenance of the Ttoodle
The hypoallergenic Ttoodle requires frequent grooming, including brushing at least three times a week and regular trimming. This breed sheds little to moderately, depending on whether its coat is more like that of the Poodle or Tibetan Terrier. Poodle-type coats tend to shed more, but regular brushing helps reduce shedding. Regular trimming makes the coat easier to maintain. The face should be trimmed about once a month, while the rest of the body should be trimmed every two or three months. Teeth should be brushed several times a week, and ears should be cleaned and checked for infection every week. Trim nails if necessary. |