Alp Mastiff

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as
Cane Garouf
Italian Alpine Mountain Dog
The origins of the Alp Mastiff date back to 16th-century Italy. Enthusiasts believe the breed was involved in the creation of breeds such as the Saint Bernard and Bullmastiff, although this has never been proven scientifically or otherwise. Throughout its history, the Alp Mastiff has been most widely used to protect livestock from predators such as wolves and feral cats, and set as a watch and guard dog, proving its superior ability to protect and work. Although the exact history of the Alp Mastiff's decline has not been well documented, it is generally noted that the combination of modernization in agriculture and various plagues is responsible for the breed's condition. Today, the Alp Mastiff is extremely rare outside Europe and in serious danger of extinction. It is estimated that there are still 20 racial samples left.

Most famous for its devotional and protective nature, the Alp Mastiff is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect its owner and territory. These dogs are very gentle towards their owners and loved ones, and value strong, reliable relationships with people. The Alp Mastiff is highly intelligent, but stubborn, dominant and independent, which makes training difficult. As pets, Alp Mastiffs are loyal, loving and affectionate. This breed needs to spend time outdoors and go for long walks.

Because of their stubborn, dominant and independent approach, Alp Mastiffs can be difficult to work with. These dogs are notorious for getting bored with repetitive exercises. Establishing immediate dominance, trust and respect is key to the Alp Mastiff's success. This breed requires an experienced, active, confident and strong handler with a strict and serious attitude.

There are many advantages to owning an Alp Mastiff, such as its lack of fuss, low maintenance costs and low coat weight. These active dogs are often great fun to watch at play. When well socialized from an early age, the Alp Mastiff does well with children and other pets, often making friends quickly and famous for its gentle approach to young children. The Alp Mastiff is incredibly loyal, protective and dominant, making a great watch and guard dog, announcing the arrival of unwanted guests and visitors, and acting as a deterrent to potential intruders. This breed is loyal, loving and affectionate, making an excellent companion.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to owning an Alp Mastiff. This energetic, athletic breed requires large amounts of daily exercise and space to drive and play outdoors. It is strongly recommended that those wishing to purchase this breed should have enough time and space to care for the dog. An Alp Mastiff that doesn't get the right amount of exercise and space will often act out by destroying property, chewing, barking, whining, and ignoring basic training burglaries. Good obedience training and socialization are absolutely essential for this breed. While the Alp Mastiff is generally a gentle, loving breed, the sheer size of these dogs can be frightening to some. A poorly trained exam can become overly aggressive to strangers and other animals.

As mentioned previously, the Alp Mastiff is extremely rare outside Italy and can be very difficult to obtain. People looking to buy this breed often face challenges such as inability to find a breeder, very high prices, and being placed on long waiting lists.

While the Alp Mastiff is generally known as a healthy, hearty breed, they do suffer from a few health problems, including: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, luxation - displacement of the patella, congenital heart defects, skin sensitivity and allergies, obesity and swelling.

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