Atlas Terrier

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as
American Atlas Terrier
The Atlas Terrier is a by-product of the Jack Russell Terrier. The Jack Russell Terrier came into being by crossing numerous terrier breeds, the basic breed being Fox Terrier and The Old English White Terrier (now extinct), but other united breeds such as Border Terrier, Lakelands and Manchester were also crossed. Parson himself kept a black and beige nail in his kennel. In the Parson's day, many dogs used for breeding were based solely on their working ability; color and conformation were often overlooked.

In our modern society, very few dogs are used for the original task for which they were bred, and breeding for LOOKS has become of paramount importance, with the standard for the Jack Russell Terrier being a predominantly solid white dog, dogs born with solid or excessive coloration where they were slaughtered at birth or given away as non-reproducible dogs.

The gene that causes the predominantly white coloration has its price, and like other breeds of spotted white dogs, the Jack Russell Terrier has become afflicted with deafness. The Atlas Terrier was born out of this concern, as its solid coloring considerably reduces the risk of deafness.

The Atlas Terrier is an offshoot of the Jack Russell Terrier, one difference being that it can be solid colored. While the Atlas Terrier can come in any color, including merles and brindle, it can have no more than 15% white, which will allow for a white collar, toes, facial tan and chest. The Atlas Terrier is available in two hair varieties, smooth and wiry. Tail docking is also optional, but an un-docked tail should curve completely over the back and fall below the top line of the body. A docked tail should be carried above the topline of the body. The skull is flat between the ears, then tapers. The stop is defined, but not abrupt. The eyes are almond-shaped and may be full, marbled or cracked with one of the following colors: brown, amber, yellow, green, hazel, cobalt, glass. V-shaped ears fold forward. The neck is strong, well set and of good length. The body is tapered with a muff-like chest. The hindquarters are powerful and well angulated. The coat is thick, loose and weather-resistant, because without a good coat, a terrier is very sensitive to the elements, above and below ground. The Atlas Terrier is a dog built for athleticism, speed and flexibility. A spannable, supple chest is of the utmost importance; anything else will have difficulty functioning underground. They are highly motivated, extremely willing and incredibly intelligent.

Like the Jack Russell, the Atlas Terrier is extroverted, devil-may-care, cheerful, devoted and loving. They are spirited and obedient, but absolutely fearless. Well-groomed and fun-loving, they love to play and play with toys. An Atlas Terrier will enjoy playing with your children as long as the game remains "friendly" and the dog doesn't start to fear for his safety and/or see himself above the children in the hierarchy. They are extremely intelligent and will love to try and outwit their owners at every turn, they will test limits and push boundaries, so owners need to be on their guard. To their heart's content, they'll love to train their owners, but this can lead to tragic events if the owner can't safely keep their little devil under control. This means remaining calm at all times, but firm, confident and consistent. Don't let this breed take over your home, or you'll encounter many behavioral problems. Make sure you don't treat them as if they were little humans. Learn canine instincts and treat them accordingly. The Atlas breed is less dominant than its Jack Russell cousin, but can come into conflict with other dogs if challenged. Early socialization and an owner who displays natural authority can help suppress this behavior. They have a large prey and small, fuzzy critters will arouse their interest. As the terrier matures mentally, the hunting instinct will develop. It's best to have potential victims as pets if they're separated. They love to run and explore EVERYTHING, so be careful not to let them go if they're not very well trained. Atlas Terriers like to bark, dig and chew, especially if annoyed or ignored. Atlas Terriers climb, which means they can scale a fence. They also jump. It's a big dog in a small dog's body. The owner must be routine, firm and half as smart, knowing the boundaries before the furball, so everyone knows what to correct and when to let it go. A good Atlas Terrier owner is able to give directions, set limits and give daily physical and mental exercise. Problems will arise if an owner doesn't provide the right amount of exercise and leadership.

What makes the Atlas so special is the extreme controlled breeding program used to create this breed. All the original dogs used were subjected to the most up-to-date health tests possible, and they were followed for the rest of their lives, as longevity was also a concern. To date, no major health problems have been detected.

The Atlas Terrier will do well in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are very active indoors and will do best with at least a medium-sized yard. If the Atlas Terrier is kept in an apartment, the dog should have a person at home during the day, unless the dog is crate trained. Even then, the owner should expect better exercise or to be pestered to death for belly rubs and tug-of-war games when he gets home.

Like the Jack Russell, the Atlas Terrier will exercise and play in a yard, but unsupervised their choice of activity may not be to your liking. They thrive on being your shotgun buddy and wherever you go, they'd love to be with you. They need to be taken on long daily walks. They excel at active sports, such as agility, flyball and running. We like to say that a tired Atlas is a well exercised owner.

Height at withers and weight :
Toy from 23 to 28 centimeters for between 2.7 and 5.4 kilos.
Mini from 28 to 33 centimetres for between 4.6 and 6.9 kilos.
Standard from 33 to 38 centimetres for between 6 and 8 kilos.

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