Dogue Brasileiro

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen

Brief historical summary

On October 4, 1978, the first Dogue Brasileiro litter was born. Between two male brothers, Tigresa de Tasgard was born, providing the inspiration that today inspires hundreds of people all over the country to breed the Dogue Brasileiro. Sometimes we think about the simple kindness of a neighbor, who came to ask for his Boxer bitch to be covered with one of our Bull terriers, but apart from our curiosity, that's as far as it went.
It was a freezing day, already October, and we'll not soon forget Tina, who had just given birth in our house, and their sons. Our little experience as breeders, only two years and only one brood, born in the heat of Rio de Janeiro, perhaps contributed to the fact that of eight, only three survived. We saw Tigresa grow up and show qualities, both physical and psychological, that we hadn't yet been able to foresee.
Then, in 1983, another Boxer, named Duchesse, was brought in by our friend Oscar, to be covered by the unforgettable Balder de Tasgard, a huge white Bull terrier. Seeing these new fistlings, their similarities with the first brood, we saw that we could be at the forefront of a new breed, but we knew how difficult it would be to make it happen. After all, why create a new breed? To be original? It wouldn't be worth it. We question the decision. We study similar breeds, to see if any of them have the same qualities we find in the dogs we used to call "bull boxers". It wouldn't have made any sense if that had happened. In reality, we find great dogs of similar breeds; we go so far as to acquire a few of them and give them our affection and study them. But we don't find characteristics equal to what we had obtained.
Timidly, in 1986, we began to issue our pedigrees, only with the aim of controlling bloodlines, which we do to this day. In 1999 came our great joy, when the CBKC (Confederação Brasileira de Cinofilia), after appreciating our work, concluded that the Dogue Brasileiro deserved to be included among the breeds already recognized by this noble body. We're entering the final phase of our effort : to maintain our work, already carried out in South Caxias, at national level for the maintenance and improvement of our dogs' temperament. Our greatest goal is to obtain an agile, modern dog to serve as a faithful and trustworthy guard for Brazilian families, as well as being a great friend to them.

General appearance

The dog should be solid and massive in appearance, without being stocky or disproportionately heavy. It must give the impression of agility and strength, with long, marked and very strong muscles, giving the impression of great power and drive. Strong bone structure.

Important proportions

The length of the trunk should exceed the height of the shoulders by approximately 7%. Chest depth should be approximately 50% of shoulder height. The length of the head should be proportional to the size of the dog.

Behaviour / temperament

Active, attentive and observant, with a serious expression towards strangers and gentle towards the owner. Balanced, disciplined, yet courageous when provoked or on command. Must not show gratuitous aggression, especially towards other dogs.


Cranial region

Medium length. Relatively deep in the cranial region. Zygomatic arch well centered. The width of the zygomatic arch should protrude beyond the muzzle, but this proportion should not be exaggerated. The top line of the skull, seen from the front or side, is slightly convex. The median furrow should be visible and the skin of the forehead slightly wrinkled, giving the dog a serious expression when attentive. The distance from the occipital bone to the stop should be 50% of the distance from the occipital bone to the tip of the muzzle. The jaws are relatively well pronounced.
The skull is relatively broad.
The stop is slight, viewed from the side or front.

Facial region

The nose is black, well developed and with open nostrils.
The muzzle is of medium length, straight, the jaws well defined and very strong, with powerful biting power.
The lips are tight and short, with the corner of the mouth relatively open.
Jaws and teeth
Teeth are strong and well aligned, with a scissor-like or pincer-like front closure.
Almond-shaped, from honey to dark brown. Separate. Moderately small. Fitted eyelids should not show conjunctivitis.
The ears are set slightly above the eye line. They are optionally cropped or semi-short, in the shape of isosceles triangles. If whole, they should be half-dropped on the side of the forehead.


The neck is of medium length. Strong, slightly arched, thickening from skull to shoulders. Raised and relatively high. No dewlap.


The topline is high in the shoulders and descends to the croup. The chest is high and strong. The ribs are deep and well arched. The chest is deep when viewed from the front, but does not give the impression of being rounded. The lower line is slightly conical.
Relatively short, slightly arched back.
The croup is slightly rounded.
Deep, but not excessively so (approximately 50% of shoulder height).


Thick, of medium insertion. Carried above the topline, it is very slightly concave when the dog is moving. Optionally docked, in which case it measures approximately 20% of the dog's head. If left whole, it is 20% longer.



Straight, with straight, rounded bones.
High, very muscular shoulders.
Upper arm
Strong, muscular arms.
Carpals are strong, with strong, arched toes.


Very muscular, strong and well angulated.
Upper thigh
The thighs are very muscular.
The hocks are short and correctly directed forward.

Gait and movement

Movement should be easy, with strength and agility. Legs should move parallel with good flexibility in legs and knees.


The skin is thick, relatively free, but without any undercut around the neck.


Short, dense, glossy and rough.
Any color, variation or combination of colors is accepted without restriction.

Size and weight

Height at withers
For males, from 54 to 59 cm (preferably 57 cm) and for females, from 50 to 57 cm (preferably 55 cm).
For males, from 29 to 42 kg, (preferably 38 kg) and for females, from 23 to 37 kg (preferably 31 kg).
Height and weight should be proportional.


• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.


Character ratings for Dogue Brasileiro dogs (For the dog to qualify for the Champion title)

For the dog to be awarded the title of Champion, it is necessary to go through the character assessment, where the following will be investigated :

1 - Whether the dog possesses capricious states of character, such that it can usually be led into an environment foreign to its territory, without ever, in the absence of threat, representing any danger to people, not revealing any indication of imbalance that demonstrates free aggressiveness.

2 - If the dog possesses capricious states of character such that it can defend its master, if requested.

Character assessment must be simple and objective in order to evaluate capricious characteristics. Its greatest reason will be to preserve the breed's firm, reliable temperament, preserving in a constant, routine and forced way its nervous balance of system. When a dog's temperament is examined, its effective ability to exercise its defense function and, also, its emotional balance is examined. The undesirable attacks that have occurred with dogs in recent times are almost all due exclusively, or almost exclusively, to the lack of confirmation of emotional control in many breeds. This creates a situation for dogs, in the psychological sense, to procreate randomly, having, in this sense, no knowledge of the breed from the point of view of functional efficiency, in order to prevent them from becoming excessively aggressive. A defense simulation situation can only expose, for the controlling entity, the dogs' true breed in the literal sense. In the twenty-one years since Dogue Brasileiro was created, despite its effectiveness as a guard dog, we can't complain of at least one unwanted attack on people. It is verified that balance and courage usually work together, and the temperament trials to which a few breeds have been subjected each year have probably contributed to a reasonable choice of its sire, as well as teaching dogs to distinguish between dangerous situations on a daily basis.

1- The handler will lead the dog with the leash and this must allow the approach of strangers within the range of the leash without trying to attack them, being, in relation to them, indifferent or friendly. The driver may refuse to approach people who have already been used as actors, or who have shown hostile attitudes.

2 - An extra armed with a fitted sleeve, or with greater protection than usual, will provoke the dog, who must react without backing down, by biting firmly on the sleeve. The extra will release the sleeve three to six seconds after the dog has bitten. Within a maximum of four seconds, the dog must release the sleeve and invest on the extra, while being held by the handler. An animal that does not bite the sleeve, but makes a firm attempt to take the extra directly, will also be considered fit.

Dogs must be in perfect health and hygiene.

The dog will become psychologically capable, or not, regardless of its relative classification compared to the others. Only dogs approved in the above tests and in other competitions with structures common to all breeds will be awarded the title of champion. A dog will be considered capable if it is approved by two different referees on two different occasions, one apart from the other, at least within 30 days.

Given the characteristics of the Brazilian Dogue character assessment, where the dog will not invest preferentially against the sleeve, and, gives the impossibility of allowing himself a continuous progression, there is then the obligation to use a collar, which can be substituted by a leather or nylon rope. It is forbidden, however, to use crampon chokers. This applies in any case to the assessment of suitability for the Champion, as for the Grand Champion.

Appraisal of character for suitability for the title of Grand Champion in the Dogue Brasileiro breed

1 - The handler will walk with the dog at his side, on a lead, at a maximum of 2.5 meters, and the dog must walk normally at his side without exerting any tension on the lead, for 40 seconds.

2 - The handler, to continue, will walk faster, forcing the dog to trot, and will change direction several times, for more than 40 seconds.

3 - The handler, verbally or by mimicry, will command the dog to remain motionless, in a sitting and/or lying position, and will move away to, at least, 10 meters, remaining in this position for one minute without the dog moving. During this time, strange people should, from a distance, call to the dog, which should maintain its position. After one minute, with authorization, the handler will call the dog to come and meet him.

4 - An extra will throw false projectiles and the dog will have to take the initiative to defend, or simply remain indifferent, without showing fear.

5 - A hidden extra must attack the dog by surprise, and the dog must react immediately, without retreating more than one meter. The dog can react in one of three ways : not biting the sleeve, trying to reach the extra with decision, or biting the sleeve and holding it for at least 10 seconds, releasing it under the handler's command. If the dog releases the sleeve before the 10 seconds have elapsed, but demonstrates a clear intention to attack the extra, this will be satisfactory. On the handler's command, the dog must suspend the attack, within a maximum of ten seconds. The handler only will have to command the suspension of the attack with the interruption of hostilities on the part of the extra.

6 - The handler must walk with the dog at his side on a six-meter lead, without the dog moving away from him. He must then command the dog to stay at a certain point and move away within the leash. After 5 seconds, the extra will enter without any provocation and the dog will observe him attentively without moving. The extra will approach the dog up to the safety limit of the lead, remaining motionless, in front of the dog. After 20 seconds, without the dog moving, the handler must command the dog to defend him, without the extra moving, and the dog must obey. The rest of the evaluation for this exercise will follow the times and conditions of the previous exercise.

7- After one minute, the referee must approach the dog in a friendly manner and the dog must not show any aggression, demonstrating total balance and self-confidence. Dogs showing aggression towards other dogs, without being provoked, will not be approved. Dogs approved in this exercise will have a much better chance of producing offspring of good character and with less likelihood of being involved in lamentable accidents, and who will maintain the courage and docility of the breed. The dog will qualify, or not, regardless of its relative classification compared to others. Only dogs approved in the above tests and in other competitions with structures common to all breeds will be awarded the title of Grand Champion. A dog will be considered capable if it is approved by two different referees on two different occasions, at least 60 days apart.

NB :

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.

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