Possible dental problems in dogs |
Puppies have 28 milk teeth and adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth. Milk teeth start to appear around 4 weeks of age, and gradually fall out between the 14th and 30th week. During this time, puppies eat less and chew more. Durable rubber or leather dog toys are a good investment to prevent breakage of your furniture.
Just like people, dogs need regular dental care. Here are some common problems your pet may encounter if it doesn't receive proper dental care.
Tartar build-up
- bad breath
- irritation and sometimes even infection of the gums
- possible loss of teeth
Tooth fracture or decay
- pain
- tooth destruction
- blood in saliva
retained baby teeth
- deviation of other teeth
- chewing problems
How to avoid these problems?
- Clean your puppy's teeth two or three times a week. In a cup of water, mix a teaspoon of baking soda and use this mixture to gently rub his teeth with a damp washcloth. When your dog has his adult teeth, brush them periodically with a special toothbrush and pet toothpaste. Never use toothpaste intended for human consumption, as animals swallow rather than spit out the preparation. This can cause stomach upsets.
- Have your pet's teeth examined at least once a year by a veterinarian, who is qualified to make corrections.
- Give your pet appropriate toys to prevent tooth fractures.