
FCI standard Nº 153

Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds
Section 3 Related breeds
Without working trials
Acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI
Saturday 01 January 1955
Publication of the official valid standard
Wednesday 13 October 2010
Last update
Monday 30 May 2011
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In his country of origin, his name is

Dalmatinski Pas


Hunting dog. Companion dog, family dog, suitable to be trained for various purposes.

Brief historical summary

The origin of the Dalmatian dog can be recognized in paintings and in church chronicles from the 16th to the 18th century. Dalmatians can be found on the altar painting “Madonna with Jesus and Angels” in the church “Gospa od andjela” in the town Veli Losinj, island Losinj in Croatia dating back to 1600 – 1630 and also in a fresco in Zaostrog, Dalmatia, Croatia. It suggests that the Dalmatian originates from the eastern Mediterranean region, in particular the historic province Dalmatia.
The first descriptions of the Dalmatian were found in the diocese Djakovo, in the Croatia, namely in the church chronicles of the Bishop Petar Bakic from the year 1719 and the church chronicles of Andreas Keczkemety from the year 1737. The dog was named with the Latin name “Canis Dalmaticus” and the height of the dog described with 4-5 “Spithamus”. Thomas Pennant described this breed in his work “Synopsis of Quadrupeds” in the year 1771 as very independent, named it “Dalmatian” and wrote the origin of this breed to be Dalmatia. A work by Thomas Bewick, published in 1790, refers to this breed as “Dalmatian or Coach Dog”. The first unofficial Dalmatian Standard was written by an Englishman named Vero Shaw in the year 1882.
After the formation of the Dalmatian Club in England in the year 1890 this standard was transferred to the first official breed standard. The FCI published the first Dalmatian standard on the 7th of April 1955 under the name of “Dalmatian Huntingdog”.

General appearance

Mesocephalic. Head prismatic form with hanging ears. The body is rectangular, strong, muscled and distinctively spotted. The movement must be elegant. The sexual difference must be visible.

Important proportions

Length of the body: height at the withers = 10 : 9.
The height at the elbow joint: 50% of the height at the withers.
The height the hocks: 20-25% of the height at the withers.
Length of head: around 40% of the height at the withers.
Length of skull : length of muzzle = 1 : 1.

Behaviour / temperament

Pleasant temperament, friendly, not shy or hesitant, free from nervousness and aggression. Lively kind, loyal, independent and easy to train. The Dalmatian likes water and outdoor activities. It has a marked hound instinct.


Cranial region

The head must be in proportion and harmony with the rest of the body and not too wide in the skull area. The length from the occipital protuberance to the stop and from the stop to the tip of the nose equals 1:1, or the muzzle is slightly shorter. The upper line of the skull and the upper line of the muzzle are slightly divergent. The masseter muscle and the cheek bone must not be too developed. The head must be entirely free from wrinkle.
Flat, with a slight lateral rounding. Broadest between the ears and well defined temples. Slight frontal furrow. 
Moderately defined.

Facial region

Large with wide open nostrils, it must be completely pigmented. The colour must be in accordance to the colour of the spotting.
Well developed & strong jawbone, nasal bridge straight.
Strong, must fit the jaw rather closely and not be pendulous, or too thick; without the corner of the mouth too defined. A complete pigmentation is desired.
Jaws and teeth
Scissor bite, i.e. the upper 6 incisors closely overlapping the lower teeth, with all teeth set square to the jaw. A complete set of teeth (42 teeth) is desired (in accordance with the teeth formula). The teeth are evenly formed and white. A pincer bite is tolerated in older dogs.
Oval, in a sub-frontal position placed at an angle of 10-15°. The eye colour is in accordance with the spotting. Eyelids are close to the eyeball and not loose. Eye rims are completely pigmented in accordance with the coat colour.
Set on rather high, carried close to the lateral part of the head. The length reaches to the inner corner of the eye or to the stop. The tip is slightly rounded. The ears have the shape of an isosceles triangle. They are fine in texture and soft to the touch. It is very important that the ears are spotted, i.e. the ears must not be completely black or brown but black or brown spotted etc. with the spotting in accordance with the colour variety on the white base.


The neck should be strong and fairly long, tapering towards the head and free from throatiness.


Rectangular, proportions of length of body to the height at the withers is 10: 9.
Well defined.
Powerful, level.
Short and muscular.
Muscular, inclined less than 30°.
Deep and capacious, not too broad or barrel-shaped. The depth of the chest should be 45-50% of the height to the withers. The height of the elbow is 50% of the height to the withers. The ribs are well sprung.
Underline and belly
The belly is moderately tucked up but not drawn in.


Set on at the extension of the croup. Reaching approximately to the hock or slightly longer. Strong at the base evenly tapering towards the tip, not too thick but in proportion to the body. Carried sabre-shaped. Preferably spotted.



The forelegs must be in proportion to the rectangular body.
The shoulder angle is around 115-120°
Close to the body.
The bones are developed in proportion to the body and strong (round), forequarters placed straight and legs standing vertical.
Strong, slightly sloping with a spring.
The toes are compact, so called cat feet are typical. Pads are tough and elastic. The nails should preferably be pigmented.


In proportion to the body. With strong well developed muscles. Hindlegs are parallel.
Upper thigh
Muscular and strong.
Strong and well developed. The stifle has an angle of 40 degree to the horizontal line.
The length of the hocks is around 20- 25% of the height to the withers. The angle of the hock is around 130°.
Hind feet
The toes are compact, so called cat feet are typical. Pads are tough and elastic. The nails should preferably be pigmented.

Gait and movement

Rhythmic action, elegant and smooth movement. Stride and trot long with good reach and strong drive. Viewed from the front the legs are parallel.


Short, shiny, hard and dense all over the body.
The ground colour is pure white. Black spotted variety with black spots, liver spotted variety with brown spots. The spots should be symmetrically placed all over the body, clearly defined and without intermingling into the white ground colour. The size of the spots should preferably be even, with a size of 2 – 3 cm in diameter. In the brown variety the spots are a little smaller, around 2 cm. The spots on the head and on the legs should be proportional smaller than on the rest of the body. It is desirable the tail is spotted too, with spots also proportional smaller that those on the body. Splashes on the body are not desirable and should be penalised. The spots must not intermingle, i.e. forming large patches. Patches and coloured areas are not desirable. The spots on the ears should be especially noted.

Size and weight

Height at withers
Males 56 – 62 cms. Females 54 – 60 cms.
Dogs with excellent type and balance should not be penalised if above the upper limit.


• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

Disqualifying faults

 Aggressive or overly shy.
 Converging head line.
 The lack of more than 6 premolars, the lack of M3 is not noted and will not be considered as a fault.
 Entropion, ectropion, wall eye, eyes of different colours (heterochromia), blue.
 Eyes, partially blue coloured iris.
 Lack of nose pigment.
 Curled tail.
 Monocle (patching around one or both eyes) or patching elsewhere.
 Tricolour (black and brown spots on the same dog), brindle coloured spots, lemon coloured spots, orange coloured spots, blue spots and pure white colour without spots.
 Wirehaired or longhaired.

NB :

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.




Additional information from visitors

The instantly recognizable Dalmatian is one of the most popular breeds worldwide, but its origin has remained a subject of debates for many years, with the majority of theories being famously flawed. Although it is presently recognized as a Croatian breed, the Dalmatian's ancestry has been linked to a variety of countries, from India, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Austria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Italy, France, Denmark and many others, as well as having many names throughout the centuries, before being assigned the one it bears today. Regardless of what some authors and breeders decided to suggest as the breed's history over the years, it should be noted that the Dalmatian was developed, standardized and named in England. Some believe that the spotted hounds depicted in Egyptian tombs clearly show a Dalmatian dog, but apart from the superficial similarities in terms of markings, those dogs have absolutely nothing in common with the Dalmatian. It is known that some of the spotted hounds were imported to Greece from Egypt, where they were influential in the development of the Cretan Hound and other breeds used for hunting deer, but these dogs were certainly not Dalmatians. Others claim that the Dalmatians existed in India, where they were used as war dogs against the Persian or Turkish forces, depending on the source and the chosen chronology. It has also been suggested that the nomadic Gypsies were the ones responsible for spreading the Dalmatian westward while leaving India, explaining the existence of these dogs in many countries. Whether the dogs came from India due to the wars or nomadic migrations, they were also to be found in Turkey, from where they were supposedly taken to Greece, then Albania and finally Dalmatia. It has even been suggested that the Dalmatian is one of the Albanian types of the ancient Alaunt, but this theory is generally disregarded for obvious reasons. The Dalmatian has been linked to the Bengal Harrier in the past, even though these two breeds have nothing in common, apart from their supposed Indian roots. Another romantic theory proposed by some fanciers gives the Dubrovnik sailors the credit of spreading the breed to all sides of the world via their merchant ships. There is also the mention of Roma gypsies again, which are thought by some to had taken these dogs from the Balkans to Spain, from where the breed was taken to France and England. Whether there is some truth in any, none or all of these theories is uncertain, but most of them are based on assumption and not proper research, making a great number of the proposed histories of the Dalmatian breed hard to be taken seriously.
The great Illyrian tribes of the Balkans were known for their dogs and at one point a hunting breed known as the Dalmatinski Gonic existed, but this was a cross between the old Dalmatian Ragusa Watchdog and the Old Bosnian Greyhound, bearing no resemblance to the modern Dalmatian breed, although giving some base for the ties with the region of Dalmatia on the Yugoslavian Adriatic coast, presently occupied by Croatia. These large hunters known as Dubrovnik Hounds were valued by the Serbian nobility and were bred to a fairly consistent type in the 12th century, but by the 1500's they lost favour of hunters, thanks to the establishment of other breeds. The famous Serbian poet named George Dalmatin was given two Turkish spotted dogs from Bohemia as a gift in the 1570's, using them as the foundation for his breeding programme and the establishment of his personal breed, which he named after himself as the Dalmatin or the Dalmatian Bird Dog. Through crosses with the hunting breeds of Istria and Bosnia, Dalmatin created a moderately successful working dog with a pleasing appearance, but the breed was no match for the established hounds of the Balkans and the programme was ended. The remaining population of these Dalmatin Bird Dogs was then crossed with larger working dogs and were used as watchdogs and reportedly service animals and wardogs in regional conflicts in some parts of Croatia, before eventually vanishing. Many working dogs from the Balkans were taken to Italy and it is assumed that some of the leftover Dalmatin's hounds found their way across the Adriatic as well, as evidenced by their appearance in some Italian paintings. From Italy, the breed is believed to had been introduced to Corsica, where it became known as the Corsican Hound, before its arrival to France. Whether the hunting dog known as the Damachien was the same breed as the Corsican-Dalmatian Hound isn't clear, but the similarities in the names have served as basis for their connection at the time, even though the Damachien name is of Latin/French origin, meaning "Deer Dog", leading some to again trace the Dalmatian's origins back to Greece and their Egyptian-influenced deerhounds.
When the Damachien dogs were introduced to England, they were also known under the name Gaelic Dog, among others. These dogs were then crossed with the English Pointer, but when their hunting abilities weren't satisfactory, some blood of the old White English Terrier was added into their gene pool, before the breed became a common coach dog in the 1700's, employed to run alongside the carriages and protect it. Some believe that the similar colouring found in certain Pointer strains is a direct influence of the Dalmatian, whereas others point out that it existed long before these crosses were made and generally dismiss the Dalmatian's influence altogether. Chances are that these two breeds were mutually influential at this point, but it's more likely that it was the Dalmatian who was shaped by the Pointer blood much more than the other way around. During this time, some specimens were reportedly taken to the American continent, where they were noted for their appearance and character, with one or two of them being owned by George Washington. The Dalmatian was initially known as the Spotted Dick, Plum Pudding Dog, English Coach Dog and under other names in Britain, but its appearance wasn't uniformed, because of the many matings with the Great Dane, earning the Dalmatian yet another name, this being the Little Dane or the Harlequin Dane, which is thought by some how the colouring became associated with some strains of the Deutsche Dogge breed. This early variety of the Dalmatian was used in the creation of the English Bullterrier, only to be enriched with the blood of that breed soon after, transforming it into a smaller and leaner dog, with higher drive and improved endurance, as well as the right size to run under the carriage. Further crosses with the English White Terrier and the Pointer resulted in a refined appearance, which helped popularize these coach dogs and inspired the formation of the modern breed, which was given the name Dalmatian, for reasons unknown. A number of fanciers believe it was a corruption of the Damachien name, while others suggest that the breed creators were able to trace its roots to the ancient dogs of Dalmatia. Whatever their reasons for naming this English breed a Dalmatian, the breed developers were successful in establishing an energetic, resilient and handsome dogs, whose appearance hasn't changed since the mid-17th century, when it was first exhibited at a British Dog Show in 1860.
The Dalmatian was famous for its impressive stamina and the close relationship it would form with the horses, commonly being kept in the stables during the night. This led to the employment of the dogs by the British firehouses, which were initially valued for their calming effect on their working horses, but were later also used to accompany the fire-fighters, eventually earning the nickname Firehouse Dog, which is still commonly associated with the Dalmatian breed today. The breed soon became popular outside England, with a steadily growing population in the United States, where the Dalmatian Club Of America was formed in 1905, as well as being common in many European countries in the late 19th century and spreading all over the world over the 1900's. Based on its name and a clearly fabricated history, the Dalmatiner was internationally recognized by the FCI as a Yugoslavian breed, which it remained until the country's disolvement. Although the Croatian enthusiasts presently claim that this is their indigenous dog, it is worth mentioning that the Dalmatian was actually imported into Yugoslavia in the 20th century, where the local population never accepted its name before the 2nd World War, when the breed's popularity began to grow, with the introduction of Yugoslavian Dog Shows and the formation of Kennel Clubs. In fact, up until the 1990's, a great number of Yugoslavians weren't at all convinced that this breed had anything to do with Dalmatia, but with the civil war and the demise of the country, also came ethnic interests and today the Dalmatinac is celebrated in Croatia as a national treasure.
Greatly popularized by the famous Disney animated film, the Dalmatian can be found in almost every country around the globe. This popularity also led to overbreeding, resulting in numerous health and behavioral problems. Although the Dalmatian is generally an even-tempered, playful and obedient pet, many neurotic and vicious representatives can be encountered, earning the breed a reputation as an unstable fear-biter in some countries. Among the health issues associated with the breed, the most severe are deafness, blindness, skin allergies, urinary tract infections and kidney disease, some of which are believed to also be responsible for temperament problems in Dalmatians. However, when bred properly and raised, trained and socialized responsibly, the Dalmatian makes a wonderful family companion, service dog and property guardian. Sometimes unfairly described as stupid, the Dalmatian is actually quite smart and trainable, but this can be a very stubborn and overly energetic breed, needing firm handling and a lot of excercise. The breed moves very well and has a recognizable gait. Capable of great speeds, famously tireless and highly driven, this handsome spotted breed is occasionaly seen as an Agility contestant, as well as competing in other sports where its athleticism can be appreciated. The body is compact, muscular, straight-backed and lean, with a deep chest, strong neck and long sturdy legs. The head is somewhat similar to that of a Pointer, but with gentler facial features and a softer stop. The coat is short, flat and smooth, always white in colour, with the trademark small spots all over the body. The puppies are born white, with the spotting appearing later on. Even though the Dalmatian's most common and recognizable colouring is white with black spots, differently coloured markings exist too, such as dogs with brown, liver, yellow, blue, brindle and grey spots, as well as some uniform white dogs seen on occasion, but only representatives with the black or liver spots are accepted for Show, with all others disqualified. The average height is around 22 inches.

Detailed history

As for many races, the origin of Dalmatian is the subject, and for a long time, many controversies. Because we must not trust his name: the Dalmatian is not native to Dalmatia, this region of the Adriatic Sea which belonged to the Austrian Empire from 1814 to 1918 and is now part of Croatia , as well as Montenegro.

Some authors, wanting to give the Dalmatian the prestige of antiquity, claim that it was already known to the Greeks and Cretans: "Twelve centuries before Christ, writes the president of the French Dalmatian Club, a fresco adorned the walls of the palace from Tiryns, near Mycenae, representing a hunting scene: three stained dogs pursue a boar and seem animated by the same movement as our current Dalmatians. However, Pharaonic Egypt brings a testimony comparable to Thebes, in a tomb, where frescoes show a speckled dog walking behind a chariot drawn by horses, and it would be tempting to see there a kind of Dalmatian birth certificate. . But, as always when it comes to interpreting archaeological elements, caution is necessary. At the same time, Egyptian art often represented spotted animals, but these were not necessarily dogs. And when it came to these animals, they really did not have the braccooid look of Dalmatian. Does the presence of the spots correspond, then, to the reality or fantasy of the artist?

Should we give more credit to the paintings which, from the 16th century, also seem to represent Dalmatians? It is very difficult because the types of these dogs, the regions evoked and the times are very different. At the museum in Münster, Germany, a painting by Terborch (1617 - 1681) shows a very stained Dalmatian, with a black ear, in the company of some nobles. At The Hague, a painting of the same period represents a Dalmatian, or in any case a dog with a white dress spotted with black, accompanying the princes of Nassau on horseback. This iconography testifies to the favor then enjoyed by Dalmatians in the high society; favor manifested at the court of Rome, since, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the pontiff rulers often possessed several; to the point that the Dalmatian became, for a time, the very symbol of the papacy.

This high condition alone would justify the indefatigable curiosity that Dalmatians will arouse in the pioneers of cynology. In 1652, an Italian describes a dog with spots, naming him Braque du Bengal; breed today unknown, This name will encourage, later, some cynologists to locate the origins of Dalmatian in Asia, More than a century later, Buffon, in his Table of the order of the dogs, lists a Small Dane and a Braque of Bengal, to whom he devotes the plate XXXV of his work; but he sees in this hunting dog the product of "the union of a dog and a tiger". As for Carl Von Linné, whose work, as we know, had to be authoritative, he clearly mentions Dalmatian.

However, it is in the nineteenth century that the hypotheses concerning the origins of Dalmatian multiply, while the race is growing rapidly, because of its growing success.

In 1867, Eugène Gayot states that Dalmatian was born in France; without specific arguments in support. The same absence of evidence in other naturalists, some asserting that the true cradle of the race is Turkey, others, Italy or India. And Dalmatia? According to some cynologists, the only ties of Dalmatian with the region now Croatian would be due to a possible ancestor, the Pointer of Istria. In fact, to define the origins of Dalmatian, we most often agree nowadays to the hypothesis of a cross between the Braque of Bengal and the Pointer, with probably a contribution of Terrier blood. In this view, the English breeders would obviously have played a vital role, because it is logical to imagine that Bengal Brakes were imported from the British colonies. As for the Pointer, he is of course of English nationality. We understand why many specialists do not hesitate to say that Dalmatian is purely and simply English.

An original feature particularly characterizes the history of Dalmatian, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century: it is the special ties that this dog has forged with horses. Thus, around 1670, some subjects accompany the trunks, on the roads and paths of France, to protect them from highwaymen. These dogs, without tiring, traveled long leagues, either slipping between the horses, or, squarely, under one of the axles of the car. At the stage, while the post office welcomed hungry and hungry travelers, the Dalmatians, installed inside the car, took care of the luggage (heredity is not an empty word: today, we can not dream of a guardian more vigilant than a Dalmatian against the car looters).

The amazing ability of the Dalmatian to move between the legs of the horses, advancing exactly at the same pace as they; and without taking a bad hoof; The enthusiasm of the English arose: around 1770, the Postmaster, imitating his French colleague, officially designated the Dalmatian as an escort and protector of the Pataches who plied the roads of the country. The Dalmatian was suddenly nicknamed coach dog.

Rich travelers, seduced by such a precious companion, attached to him. And the Dalmatian became the victim of his success: for many fortunate owners of teams, he was now less a guardian than a decorative subject (to the point of being decked out with a bronze collar closed by a padlock). In the eighteenth century, but especially from the nineteenth century, Britain and then France and the United States, it was fashionable to travel in the company of a couple of dogs with the dress so elegantly spotted. A form of snobbery even consisted in matching the dress of horses to that of dogs. Formerly accomplices of the coachmen, the Dalmatians became the favorites of the ladies of the Second Empire who wandered in cabs (they were also used to monitor the horses in the absence of their masters).

Nowadays, the mechanization of means of locomotion has relegated Dalmatian to the rank of pet. Yesterday guardian of horses and sometimes huntsman, he is no longer regarded at present as a utility dog; and it is for this reason that he is classified in the group of pet dogs. But atavism does not disappear so easily: even without being trained, a Dalmatian is still searching for the company of horses spontaneously; as soon as he encounters them, he follows them and instinctively adopts their allure, visibly delighted. Two Americans, Keeler and Trimble, demonstrated in 1940 that this exceptional behavior was a characteristic of the breed.

Classified among companion dogs, Dalmatian has a morphology and a character that distinguishes it clearly from other races of the ninth group. What a breeder summarizes: "I do not know if its controversial origins are for something, but the breeding of Dalmatians makes known a race that is not without complexity, probably because of the beauty of the animal . The Dalmatian is a cabochard dog, rebel without bravado for the taste of independence, mali without excess. "

Although such a judgment is based on a long experience, Dalmatian offers many advantages for pet dog lovers. First of all, he adapts very well to living in an apartment. It is even inadvisable to sleep outside, because its short hair does not protect against cold weather, and the brightness of its whiteness requires great cleanliness. Then this dog is very easy to maintain: just brush it regularly. Finally, it is a very friendly dog, and this statement will perhaps surprise those who are unfamiliar with this breed; the Dalmatian suffers, in fact, from an all too common image of a nervous dog, not always sociable. To be fair, it is necessary to make the share of the specific behavior of the animal, related to its nature, and the influence of its education (whose defects are not imputable to the dog).

The owner of a Dalmatian must know what is involved in the history and heredity of this dog: if the time of stagecoach and travel on horseback is over, Dalmatians have kept their ability today to run for years. hours, without showing any sign of fatigue. This physical expense; effective or latent; is part of their being. It is therefore essential to take into account when living with one of these dogs, which will be, therefore, the companion dreamed of long getaways in the countryside. Bicycle lovers or joggers will surely be surprised to see that this elegant athlete is able to run alongside them for ten or fifteen kilometers, at the end of which he does not seem particularly exhausted. To tell the truth, he would rather ask for more.

Horsemen will of course find in the Dalmatian a joyful complicity, since, put in the presence of horses, he will find his ancestral gestures and will move with ease between their legs, without ever receiving a bad shot.

If it is imperative to satisfy the need to run that characterizes the Dalmatian, the method used by some people, little worn on the physical effort, is very questionable: having taken the dog on a quiet road, they force him to run behind the car moving at a slow speed. This practice is very dangerous for the health of the animal and in particular. for his heart. In addition, it is quite unfortunate, on the psychological level this time, not to offer the Dalmatian to share his pleasure with his master. How can one hope, under these conditions, a true harmony between man and animal?

Especially since this dog sometimes shows a bewildering behavior. Let's say even; and without it being pejorative; that Dalmatian is frankly cabochard. This is, for example, the type of dog that is difficult to get home if he decided to go out. It does not go away, however, not much. On the contrary, one has the impression that he is waiting for someone to come looking for him, even if he refuses to play by allowing himself to be caught; a way of expressing one's independence. Dalmatians who behave this way are often dogs that do not go out enough; as soon as the opportunity is given to them, they profit by it, and it would be wrong to hold them to the rigor of this obstinacy.

But this premium animal is also very affectionate: he needs to feel the presence and friendship of his masters. He is not stingy with friendly demonstrations, often very demonstrative, and no doubt he is in his place in the group of dogs and pets.

Can we say, suddenly, that he is a luxury dog? This would be obviously exaggerated, if only because her dress does not claim as much attention as that of other dogs in the same group. In addition, the Dalmatian does not need a comfort well above average. Had a certain snobbishness attached to him, Dalmatian has now "democratized" and, since it does not cost more than another race, there is no reason to consider Dalmatian is "a luxury", as applied to a dog, the term luxurious is generally synonymous with outrageous sophistication. The reputation of this dog suffers, moreover, from a frequent accusation: it would be too often temperamental. Now, twenty years ago, Dr. Rousselet-Blanc already answered: "As soon as an animal is successful, the trade is involved and crosses are made in spite of common sense, causing the degeneration of psychic characters. . Dalmatian is a dog that you must know how to buy well. Before letting yourself be seduced by such a beautiful puppy stained with black, look carefully at its origins. "

This warning, which dates from 1970, is explained all the better because at that time the considerable success of the cartoon Walt Disney, 101 Dalmatians, still had benefits for the race. As it often happens, young spectators, seduced by the heroes of the film, made the seat of their parents to welcome a Dalmatian home. In the face of such enthusiasm, it was necessary to be careful and select the breeders when looking for one of these dogs. The years have passed, and the situation is no longer the same: the French breeders no longer produce Dalmatians in very large quantities, and the quality of the character is for all a criterion as important as the splendor of the dress. Therefore, we can not seriously talk about character Dalmatians. These dogs; when properly educated, of course; are very balanced.

The Dalmatian, who knows how to show a great flexibility of adaptation, lends himself to various jobs. A professional trainer even gives him this true certificate of malleability: "This dog is attentive, easy and fast. Obedience can be obtained from him in less than an hour. The circus men knew it well in the past, and many of them used Dalmatians for address numbers. Such a use, certainly deplorable by its demeaning character, demonstrates in any case that this dog is perfectly capable of complying with the requirements of a particularly tedious learning.

The Dalmatian can, if necessary, be an excellent goalkeeper. He then remembers the time when he watched over the horses and the cab of his masters. Without being a systematically aggressive goaltender who would throw himself at the throat of the first comer, he will be discerning, signaling in a loud voice the approach of a stranger and, of course, showing the fangs if he perceives a danger. In such cases, everyone can see that, while being very elegant, this dog also has a stature that is enough to impress any ill-intentioned individual.

With children, Dalmatian is sweetness itself. This is one of the contrasts that this dog offers daily. Lively, always ready to jump in the presence of adults, he drops all his preventions and is much more calm and attentive with the little ones. The English children have affectionately nicknamed Plum Pudding, because her dress evokes the grapes of their national cake. The Dalmatian adapts easily to the games of the children of the family or neighborhood, to the point of never showing irritation, even if a child he does not know annoys a little too much. He will eventually leave the room; to find some peace; but will not give a bite. At worst, he will abstain to say that he is not very happy, but nothing more. It is therefore up to the parents to teach their children to respect this harlequin-like dog, not to be confused with a toy.

Can we finally use Dalmatian on the hunt? He was a little formerly. But opinions on its hunting qualities remain divided. According to the Club President, he raises and brings back good game if he has undergone proper training; it being understood, however, that it is better to have it hunt in the lowlands, because in the woods it is likely to damage his coat. But for many hunters, the Dalmatian lacks a nose. One can not, without bad faith, to make him really reproach, since it is not classified like dog of hunting.

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