
FCI standard Nº 147

Mrs. Chris Seidler
Revised by Peter Friedrich
Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossian type, Swiss Mountain- and Cattle Dogs
Section 2.1 Molossian type, Mastiff type
With working trial
Acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI
Saturday 01 January 1955
Publication of the official valid standard
Friday 15 June 2018
Last update
Tuesday 24 July 2018
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Companion, service and working dog.

Brief historical summary

The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin goes back to Roman times. These dogs were kept as herder or driving dogs. They marched over the Alps with the Roman legions, protecting the humans and driving their cattle. In the region of Rottweil, these dogs met and mixed with the native dogs in a natural crossing. The main task of the Rottweiler now became the driving and guarding of the herds of cattle and the defence of their masters and their property. This breed acquired its name from the old free city of Rottweil and was known as the « Rottweil butcher’s dog’ ». The butchers bred this type of dog purely for performance and usefulness. In due course, a first rate watch and driving dog evolved which could also be used as a draught dog. When, at the beginning of the twentieth century, various breeds were needed for police service, the Rottweiler was amongst those tested. It soon became evident that the breed was highly suitable for the tasks set by police service and therefore they were officially recognized as police dogs in 1910.
Rottweiler breeders aim at a dog of abundant strength, black coated with clearly defined rich tan markings, whose powerful appearance does not lack nobility and which is exceptionally well suited to being a companion, service, rescue and working dog.

General appearance

The Rottweiler is a medium to large size, stalwart dog, neither heavy nor light and neither leggy nor weedy. His correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build leads to the conclusion of great strength, agility and endurance.

Important proportions

The length of the body, measured from the point of the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %.

Behaviour / temperament

The Rottweiler is good-natured, placid in basic disposition, very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work. His appearance is natural and rustic, his behaviour self-assured, steady and fearless. He reacts to his surroundings with great alertness and at the same time even-tempered.


Cranial region

Of medium length, relatively broad between the ears. Forehead line moderately arched as seen from the side. Occipital bone well developed without being conspicuous. 
Stop relatively strong. Frontal groove not too deep.

Facial region

Well developed, more broad than round with relatively large nostrils, always black.
The foreface should appear neither elongated nor shortened in relation to the cranial region. The ratio between the length of the muzzle and the length of the skull is about 1 to 1,5.
Black, close fitting, corner of the mouth not visible, gum as dark as possible.
Nasal bridge
Straight nasal bridge, broad at base, moderately tapered.
Jaws and teeth
Upper and lower jaw strong and broad. Strong, complete dentition (42 teeth) with scissor bite, the upper incisors closely overlapping the lower incisors.
Zygomatic arches pronounced.
Of medium size, almond-shaped, dark brown in colour. Eyelids close fitting.
Medium-sized, pendant, triangular, wide apart, set on high. With the ears laid forward close to the head, the skull appears o be broadened.


Strong, of fair length, well muscled, slightly arched, clean, free from throatiness, without excessive dewlap.


Straight, strong, firm.
Short, strong and deep.
Broad, of medium length, slightly rounded. Neither flat nor falling away.
Roomy, broad and deep (approximately 50 % of the shoulder height) with well developed forechest and well sprung ribs.
Flanks not tucked up.


In natural condition, strong, level in extension of the upper line; while paying attention, when exited or while moving it can be carried upward in a light curve; at ease may be hanging. While positioned along the leg, the tail reaches approximately to the hocks or is a bit longer.



Seen from the front, the front legs are straight and not placed too closely to each other. The forearm, seen from the side, stands straight and vertical. The slope of the shoulder blade is about 45 degrees to the horizontal.
Well laid back.
Upper arm
Close fitting to the body.
Strongly developed and muscular.
Slightly springy, strong, not steep.
Round, tight and well arched; pads hard; nails short, black and strong.


Seen from behind, legs straight and not too close together. When standing free, obtuse angles are formed between the dog’s upper thigh and the hip bone, the upper thigh and the lower thigh, and the lower thigh and metatarsal.
Upper thigh
Moderately long, broad and strongly muscled.
Lower thigh
Long, strongly and broadly muscled, sinewy.
Sturdy, well angulated hocks; not steep.
Hind feet
Slightly longer than the front feet. Toes strong, arched, as tight as front feet.

Gait and movement

The Rottweiler is a trotting dog. In movement the back remains firm and relatively stable. Movement harmonious, steady, full of energy and unrestricted, with good stride.


Skin on the head: overall tight fitting. When the dog is alert, the forehead may be slightly wrinkled.


The coat consists of a top coat and an undercoat. The top coat is of medium length, coarse, dense and flat. The undercoat must not show through the top coat. The hair is a little longer on the hindlegs.
Black with clearly defined markings of a rich tan on the cheeks, muzzle, throat, chest and legs, as well as over both eyes and under the base of the tail.

Size and weight

Height at withers
For males is 61 - 68 cm. 61 - 62 cm is small, 63 - 64 cm medium height. 65 - 66 cm is large - correct height 67 - 68 cm very large.
For bitches is 56 - 63 cm. 56 - 57 cm is small, 58 - 59 cm medium height. 60 - 61 cm is large - correct height 62 - 63 cm very large.
For males is 50 kg. For bitches is approximately 42 kg.


• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

General faults

 General appearance : Light, weedy, leggy appearance; light in bone and muscle.
 Head : Hound-type head; narrow, light, too short, long, coarse or excessively molossoid head; excessively broad skull, (lack of stop, too little stop or too strong stop); very deep frontal groove.
 Foreface : Long, pointed or too short muzzle (any muzzle shorter than 40 percent of the length of the head is too short); split nose; roman nose (convex nasal bridge) or dish-faced (concave nasal bridge); acquiline nose; pale or spotted nose (butterfly nose).
 Lips : Pendulous, pink or patchy; corner of lips visible.
 Jaws : Narrow lower jaw.
 Bite : Pincer bite; molars of the underjaw not standing in one line.
 Cheeks : Strongly protruding.
 Eyes : Light, deep set; also too full and round eyes; loose eyelids.
 Ears : Set on too low or too high, heavy, long, slack or turned backwards; also flying ears or ears not carried symmetricaly.
 Neck : Too long, thin, lacking muscle; showing dewlap or throaty.
 Body : Too long, too short or too narrow.
 Back : Too long, weak; sway back or roach back.
 Croup : Too sloping, too short, too flat or too long.
 Chest : Flat-ribbed or barrel-shaped; too narrow behind.
 Tail : Set on too high or too low.
 Forequarters : Narrow, crooked or not parallel standing front legs; steep shoulder placement; loose or out at elbow; too long, too short or too straight in upper arm, weak or steep pastern; splayed feet; too flat or too arched toes; deformed toes; light coloured nails.
 Hindquarters : Flat thighs, hocks too close, cow hocks or barrel hocks; joints with too little or too much angulation; dewclaws.
 Skin : Wrinkles on head.
 Coat : Soft, too short or long; wavy coat; lack of undercoat.
 Colour : Markings of incorrect colour, not clearly defined; markings which are too spread out.

Serious faults

 General appearance : Too molossoid type and heavy general appearance.
 Skin : Skin at the head strongly wrinkled, strong wrinkles in the area of the forehead, the muzzle and the cheeks, strong dewlap.
 Gait : Sluggish action while trotting.

Disqualifying faults

 Behaviour : Aggressive or overly shy dogs; anxious, shy, cowardly, gun-shy, vicious, excessively suspicious, nervous animals.
 General appearance : Distinct reversal of sexual type, feminine dogs or masculine bitches.
 Teeth : Overshot or undershot bite, wry mouth; lack of one incisive tooth, one canine, one premolar or one molar.
 Eyes : Entropion, ectropion, yellow eyes, different coloured eyes.
 Tail : Kink tail, ring-tail, with strong lateral deviation, natural bobtail.
 Hair : Definitely long or wavy coat.
 Colour : Dogs which do not show the typical Rottweiler colouring of black with tan markings; white markings.

NB :

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.



Detailed history

The Rottweiler, formerly called Rottweiler Metzgerhund (Rottweil's butcher's dog), today the "Rott" for its fans, is the very type of the drover's dog, to its highest degree of perfection. Improved and selected by the Germans, it is today the most widespread and most appreciated Bouviers in the world.

But these are not the only reasons for glory of the German Bouvier. Here and there, its numbers become as numerous as those of the Boxer or Dobermann, and it begins to overshadow the universal German Shepherd. From now on, he is, as well as the aforementioned races, one of the headliners at the box office of the guard and defense races.

What a turnaround for a dog that went unnoticed for many centuries. In his country, it has even been said that almost nothing was known about his ancient history. Until the 1930s, it was virtually unknown outside Germany, and it was not until the sixties that it was truly established in the Anglo-Saxon countries, countries known for their influence on the renown of the races.

An encyclopedia, published in 1971, noted that with 400 births annually in the United States and 200 in Great Britain, the German Mountain Dog was now "guaranteed to survive". Since then, the breed has indeed survived well in these countries, since its number of births has been multiplied by one hundred and fifty respectively. In France, the first specimens appeared only twenty years ago. This long indifference, followed by this belated recognition, is easily explained.

The Rottweiler comes from the "mastiff", a word that we accept by removing, beforehand, the annoying connotation he has taken in French, because this is a dog "strong race", directly from Molosses bred for combat and war, but assigned to more peaceful tasks, for which unshakable courage, power, and agility were indispensable. These tasks were the conduct of cattle, whether on the farm, on the road or with butchers. If this molossoid inheritance was predominant in this dog, because of the work required, no doubt that the requirements of mobility, endurance and receptivity to dressage led to crossbreeding with shepherd breeds, and finally gave him a certain diversity of appearance.

This somewhat common and variable appearance and perhaps the modesty of its owners have led, in dog lovers over the centuries and among the first dogs about a hundred years ago, an almost universal ignorance of this type of dog. . We will not find it in the form of a statue, nor painted by a famous artist, nor described by some great writer. When we were interested in the mastiffs, it was first to the Dogs and mountain dogs, whose templates made an impression, and not to their country derivatives, whose usefulness was yet daily.

And yet, if the German Bouvier has been neglected for so long, it should not be concluded that its origins are indeterminate and obscure. His ancestors are known, and even famous: they are the Roman Molossians, certainly not the Pugnaces Canes who were launched against wild animals in the arena or against the barbarians, but those who kept and led the herds whose armies were accompanied, that is to say, as has been said above, the "mastiffs". Mastiff, it may be recalled, comes from the Latin mansuetus, tamed. The ancestors of the Rottweiler were tamed Molosses. Of course, these mastiffs were able to keep the encampments, a function they actually filled. But the Roman legions, true itinerant cities whose organization is no longer to boast, were followed; stewardship obliges; important herds, hence the need for many safe and effective Cattle Dogs.

Before attacking the restless tribes of Germania, these legions colonized Helvetia by building a network of communication routes throughout the country. Starting from the Gotthard Pass, one reached, after passing the Furka Pass, the present canton of Berne and the Entlebuch; another was heading north by Aargau and Schaffhausen, a third was eastward to the Appenzell. Through these names, we find the regions known to have been the cradle of three of the four Swiss Bouviers, the Bernese, the Entlebucher and the Appenzellois. These dogs are noticeably different from the Rott, but a wise eye can find many things in common. As for the fourth Swiss Bouvier, the Great Swiss Mountain Dog, it has not received a geographically more precise name because of its much wider distribution, and it is also he who is closest to the German Bouvier. As these diverse lineages became established, the Romans pursued further. In particular, they established a vast, permanent military camp at Rottweil (now Baden-Württemberg), which they employed to control the boiling Germans, failing to colonize them. It was dog-dogs that were there that the Rottweiler goes down.

In the Middle Ages, Rottweil became an important commercial center, from the Swiss mountains of course, but also from France and from as far away as Hungary. It is not surprising that cattle traders and butchers have formed strong corporations in Rottweil, and that Bouviers have proliferated in the area. In fact, by the eighteenth century, when the city was the most prosperous, Rottweil's butcher's dogs had gained some renown. However, it can not be said that they aroused great interest among dog lovers of the second half of the nineteenth century. The great naturalist AF Brehm, the "German Buffon", who described many types of dogs of his time, does not mention Rottweil's dogs. Only in the specialized literature of the time, Richard Strebel, in a work published in Munich in 1905, Die Deutscher Hunde und Ihre Abstammung (The German Dog and his genealogy), evokes them quickly. This great lover of molosses connects the Rottweiler Metzgerhund to the Bouviers of Switzerland, although he sees it as a link between them and the Bouviers of Bavaria, which finally only reached a breed status under their hard-boiled variety. (the Giant Schnauzer).

Like many other cattle dogs, the Rottweil dog could have never been on the dog scene. In 1900, in the town of Rottweil, there was only one dog worthy of representing the local type, for the simple reason that there, as in France or England, the driving of large herds was It was already a thing of the past, because it impeded more and more traffic, and the railway had taken over. As for the town of Rottweil, it no longer attracted merchants. In short, the once famous race threatened to disappear.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the century, some resolute connoisseurs created a race club and hastened to define a standard, which was reproduced in 1904 in the monumental work, The Races of Dogs, the Earl of Bylandt. The Rottweiler was then given a decisive boost when the German army experts were interested in the canine species. Thus, like the German Shepherd, the Boxer and the Dobermann, he was asked to contribute to the intense preparations for war. From 1912, Rottweil's rough butcher's dog became the subject of selection for almost exclusively military purposes.

This dog will remain little known little outside his country of origin. It will not arrive in the United States until 1930, and five years later, the American Kennel Club will judge it sufficiently established to give it an official place. In Great Britain, this recognition will not occur until 1966, when the first specimens were presented at the great Cruft exhibition in 1936. France, as we have seen, will take longer to react, since Livre des origines français will write the first subject in 1970.

This start to the least laborious can be explained by the evolution that had previously had to undergo the race. At the beginning of the century, referring to the illustrations contained in Bylandt's work, the Rottweiler resembled, roughly speaking, the Boxer: it showed a similar jig, neither heavy nor light, but a less retracted facies, lines less elegant, with ears left natural, in short, his appearance was rather common, rustic, and especially without the extraordinary power which is now his; impression confirmed by the mention of its weight (about thirty kilos).

In eighty years, the Rott gained twenty pounds. You will also notice the taurine neckline, the exceptional chest width of today's specimens. It now has all the power of the Dogue combined with speed of action and resistance close to those of much lighter breeds. As has often been noted, he is the most powerful of all dogs subjected to work. The German breeders have indeed managed this tour de force to keep the deterrent power of the Dogue, his confidence, his unwavering courage, his stoicism in the face of pain, his tenacity, without ceasing to employ him at work, to meet the demands of its users, armies, police, professional or sport trainers.

Thus, his reputation does not so much to his measurements or to his forbidding and serious aspect than to utilitarian references. Let us judge. It has been adopted by the German police and army, including anti-demonstration brigades; he is still the most employed by the Austrian police; he is used in several American prisons; finally, it is integrated with paratroopers commandos in Brazil. He is therefore not a joker.

Moreover, he can also be an avalanche dog, a disaster dog, he can practice all the sports disciplines, and he is very appreciated as intervention dog and for the surveillance of the warehouses and the premises: one will admit that his possibilities of use are very extensive. Recently, one has even tested his abilities to find truffles. It is conceivable that, if only for its safer side, the individual is tempted to adopt such a dog. The Rottweiler possesses great qualities, but it is necessary to warn the neophyte against the reckless choice of a specimen of this race.

There is not much to see between this dog and a shepherd breed, although they may have substantially the same areas of use. The Rott is a mastiff, and a mastiff, as Raymond Trinquet rightly said, it is "like these weapons that one shows not to have to use them".

In general, the modern breeding of the Dogues has turned towards the selection of extremely powerful dogs, often of large size, with very forbidding facies, and which are therefore in themselves sufficiently dissuasive so that we have not never to solicit their fighting spirit, their tenacity, their courage. The specialists of the Dogues also strongly advise a training in the defense of these dogs and their effective use in this task, because few people would be able to have them perfectly in hand in all circumstances. But if he has kept the psychic characteristics of the Dogue, the Rottweiler is at the same time a working dog, which can not be put in all hands.

That is why, before defining his personality, it is necessary to insist on one point: he needs a master who suits him. This master must naturally have an undeniable authority and, without necessarily being a dog specialist, have a little experience. In addition, it is preferable that he is sensitized to the problems of training. No doubt, a person who really knows how to go about it could choose a Rott from the start, but in many cases it is better to have previously handled one or more dominant dogs. This dog must be able to be controlled, in any case if it is question of a male, who, except exception, is always a truly dominant animal. The female is much more tolerant, less independent, and fits better into a family life. Moreover, she instinctively has a protective feeling developed with regard to children. There are few races in which the difference between the sexes is so marked: the Rottweiler really has two publics, that of the male and that of the female.

Once is not customary, we will first mention the main flaw of the breed: the Rottweiler does not tolerate other dogs well. It is hardly possible to have several Rottweilers at home, except, of course, if it is a couple, or to make the Rott coexist with any other dog. When walking, it is also advisable to keep it firmly on a leash and sometimes to choose quiet routes. It may be objected that the other dogs will not necessarily be so dominant, which would be the very negation of this notion: it is only a leader if there are others. It is true, however, that the Rottweiler breeding has focused on selecting the most dominant subjects and that this characteristic is therefore specific to the breed. In other words, a Rott can submit to a man who has enough grip, but he will rarely support that another dog can dictate his law without breaking it. And he has an innate sense of combat.

If a single word is to define the German Bouvier's temperament, we say that he is of the "choleric" type. This does not mean that the mustard goes up in the nose for the slightest peccadillo. On the contrary, it is strongly emphasized that he is extremely calm and peaceful. He rarely barks (that's why, when he gives voice, it is necessary to go see). Moreover, he knows how to let his master go about his business. But to excite it, to attack it (or rather to attack one of those under its charge), will then mount a terrible, irresistible anger; he will see red and nothing and no one will be able to stop him, because he is inaccessible to fear, makes no mention of threats or blows.

This temperament is particularly noticeable when one is brought to work with him the tests of biting. The training instructor can shake a cuff in front of him, the dog will have no interest in biting for fun. But if his master is attacked, then, there, the Rott will put all his heart. So much so that it will become "undetectable" if one resists it: the problem will be even to obtain that it ceases. The Rottweiler is considered a very big "biter": his jaw is a real vise that takes the "suit" full mouth and does not let go, whatever the efforts of the man of attack.

But, rather than wanting to quickly experience these qualities, it must first go through many training sessions obedience (the "flat" in the jargon. Trainers, sitting, lying, standing, walking on a leash, without a leash , object report, refusal of bait, etc.). Then we will approach the mordant phase, in a sporting spirit, avoiding this mordant "choleric" which is natural to him but which prevents any further progression. A good training specialist Rott is very useful, even essential, to take advantage of this dog. Of course, it should not be applied methods developed for shepherds breeds (which form the majority of canine on the training grounds). It is not a dog early (it does not really mature until the third year). The trainer must be as patient as firm, proceed gradually avoiding saturation. But, as is often said, "what the Rottweiler has learned, he knows."

This lack of precocity does not mean that his education should be started late. On the contrary, as he is not submissive in nature, that he demonstrates a great independence and a tendency to want to decide for himself what to do or not to do, it is better take it in hand at the age of three or four months. But, anyway, we will not make him do anything.

Contrary to what one might think, this tough dog, Germanic in addition, must not receive training "the hard way", be the subject of a quasi-military discipline. He is not of the sensitive kind, although his education requires a good deal of subtlety. To constantly mingle an authoritative manliness and a little sweetness, to alternate burlests and caresses, especially never to point him out, to bully him, to give him the impression of being unjust, such are the indispensable precepts to follow.

Admittedly, the German Bouvier is able to shine in all disciplines, but its imposing size undoubtedly disadvantage in some (the Ring, for example). It is also strongly advised to watch his line closely so that he does not fall asleep. The international program (RCI), very close to the German events (Schutzhund), suits him especially, but also the tracking, which allows him to express his sense of initiative (and his highly developed olfactory abilities). There is no doubt that the Rottweiler was created by and for dressage enthusiasts. In this field, it presents a very interesting weight / aptness ratio. The proportion of subjects who have successfully passed their Defense Certificate is quite remarkable, and this dog is still highly appreciated by professional users.

However, it is not necessary to train him to have an effective dog. Naturally, a solid education will make it manageable in all circumstances and in all places. This born protector is a quiet force on which one can always count, who does not bark needlessly, who is waiting for the last end to act. Its harsh appearance indisputably imposes: no one will have the audacity to cross the gate if a Rott stands behind, even if it remains calm. He has such a determined way of planting his dark and assured gaze into that of the visitor.

The Rottweiler is a very hardy dog, which generally enjoys excellent health: its usual longevity is in a good average (a dozen years), and, despite its weight, it is not affected very often by coxo-femoral dysplasia (the radiological tests carried out in France prove it). In any case, the buyer must demand a puppy from spawners free of dysplasia. Without the need for a lot of exercise, the Rott will definitely appreciate the opportunity to work out in a garden.

Finally, it is not advisable, except in special cases, to buy an adult trained. It is common, especially from Germany, but it is worth noting that this practice allows to value (and commercialize) a subject of average quality. This dog may be a good bodyguard, but above all it will be a "convention" animal; the opposite of a real companion. It is better to get a young person of three or four months and teach him the basics of canine education without delay, in order to make him a member of the family.

This portrait is a little dark and hard. But the Rott is an eminently serious dog, which must never be acquired on a whim, to impress the gallery, or because we urgently need security.

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