St. Bernard |
FCI standard Nº 61 |
Origin |
Switzerland | |
Translation |
Mrs. C. Seidler and Mrs. Pepper | |
Group |
Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians, Swiss Mountain-and Cattledogs | |
Section |
Section 2.2 Molossian type, Mountain type | |
Working |
Without working trial | |
Acceptance on a definitive basis by the FCI |
Saturday 28 August 1954 | |
Publication of the official valid standard |
Monday 04 April 2016 | |
Last update |
Friday 03 June 2016 | |
En français, cette race se dit |
Chien du Saint-Bernard | |
Diese Norm ist in deutscher Sprache sichtbar |
St. Bernardshund | |
En español, esta raza se dice |
Perro San Bernardo | |
In het Nederlands, wordt dit ras gezegd |
Sint Bernard |
Usage |
Companion-, watch- and farmdog. |
Brief historical summary |
At the height of the Great St. Bernard Pass, 2469 metres above sea level, a hospice was founded by monks in the 11th century as a place of refuge for travellers and pilgrims. There, large mountain dogs have been kept since the middle of the 17th century for guarding and protection. The existence of such dogs has been documented pictorially since 1695 and in a written document at the hospice in the year 1707. The dogs were soon in use as companion dogs and specially as rescue dogs for travellers lost in snow and fog. The chronicles about the numerous human lives saved by these dogs from the « white death », published in many languages, and the verbal reports of the soldiers who crossed the pass with Bonaparte’s army in 1800, spread the fame of the St. Bernard, called Barry-dog at that time, throughout Europe during the 19th century. The legendary dog « Barry » became the epitome of the rescue dog. The direct ancestors of the St. Bernard were the large farm dogs common in that region. Within a few generations and aiming to a defined ideal type, these dogs were developed to the present day type of breed. Heinrich Schumacher from Holligen near Bern was the first who began to issue genealogical documents for his dogs in 1867. In February 1884 the "Schweizerisches Hundestammbuch"(SHSB), the Swiss Dog Stud Book, was started. The very first entry was the St.Bernard "Leon", and the following 28 registrations also concerned St.Bernards. On the 15th March 1884, the Swiss St.Bernards-Club was founded in Basle. On the occasion of an international Canine Congress on June 2nd 1887, the St. Bernard dog was officially recognized as a Swiss breed and the breed standard was declared as binding. Since then , the St.Bernard has been regarded as the Swiss national dog. |
General appearance |
There are two varieties of the St.Bernard : Short-haired variety (double coat, “Stockhaar”) and Long-haired variety. Both varieties are of considerable size and of impressive general apperance. They have a balanced, powerful, sturdy, muscular body with impressive head and an alert facial expression. |
Important proportions |
Ideal relation of height at withers to length of body (measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of buttocks) = 9 : 10. Ideal relation of height at withers to depth of chest see sketch below. The total length of the head is slightly more than one third of the height at withers. The relation of depth of muzzle (measured at its root) to length of muzzle is almost 2:1. Length of muzzle slightly longer than one third of the total length of the head. |
Behaviour / temperament |
Friendly by nature. Temperament calm to lively; watchful. |
Head |
Cranial region |
Head |
Powerful, imposing and very expressive. | |
Skull |
Strong, broad, seen in profile and from the front slightly rounded. When the dog is alert, the set-on of the ears and the top of the skull form a straight line which slopes at the sides in a gentle curve to the strongly developed high cheek bones. Forehead falling away steeply towards the muzzle. Occipital bone only moderately developed, superciliary ridges strongly developed. The frontal furrow, which starts at the base of the forehead, is distinctly developed and runs up right in the middle of the skull. The skin of the forehead forms slight wrinkles above the eyes that converge towards the frontal furrow. When the dog is at attention, they are moderately visible; otherwise they are rather inconspicuous. | |
Stop |
Dinstinctly pronounced. |
Facial region |
Nose |
Black, broad and square. Nostrils well opened. | |
Muzzle |
Of even width. Nasal bridge straight, with slight groove. | |
Lips |
Edge of lips black pigmented. Flews of upper jaw strongly developed, firm and not too pendulous, forming a wide curve towards the nose. Corners of mouth remain visible. | |
Jaws and teeth |
Upper and lower jaw strong, broad, equal in length. Well developed, regular and complete scissor or pincer bite. Close fitting undershot mouth without any space between the lower and the upper incisors acceptable. Absence of PM 1 (premolar 1) and M3 tolerated. | |
Eyes |
Of medium size. Colour dark brown to nut-brown. Moderately deep set with a friendly expression. Natural tightness of lids desired. A small angular fold on the lower lids with the haws only slightly visible as well as a small fold on the upper lids are permitted. Eyerims completely pigmented. | |
Ears |
Of medium size, set on high and wide. Strongly developed burrs. Flaps pliable, triangular with rounded tips. The rear edges slightly standing off, the front edges lying closely to the cheeks. |
Neck |
Strong and of sufficient length. Dewlap and loose skin on the neck moderately developed. |
Body |
Body |
General appearance imposing, balanced, impressive and well muscled. | |
Withers |
Well defined. | |
Back |
Broad, strong, firm. Topline straight and horizontal up to the loins. | |
Croup |
Long, hardly sloping, merging gently with the root of the tail. | |
Chest |
Brisket moderately deep with well sprung ribs, but not barrel-shaped. Not projecting below elbow level. | |
Underline and belly |
Slight tuck up towards rear. |
Tail |
Set-on broad and strong. Tail long and heavy. The last vertebra reaching at least to the hock joint. When in repose, the tail hangs straight down or slightly upturned in the lower third. When animated, it is carried higher. |
Limbs |
Forequarters |
Generality |
Forelegs straight and parallel seen from the front. Standing moderately broad. | |
Shoulders |
Shoulder blades oblique, muscular and well attached to the chest wall. | |
Upper arm |
Longer than the shoulder blade. Angle between shoulder blade and upper arm not too blunt. | |
Elbows |
Close fitting. | |
Forearm |
Straight, strong in bone, with lean musculature. | |
Pastern |
Seen from the front vertical in prolongation of the forearms; slightly oblique seen from the side. | |
Forefeet |
Broad, with strong, tight, well arched toes. |
Hindquarters |
Generality |
Muscular with moderate angulation. Seen from the back, hind legs are parallel, not standing closely together. | |
Upper thigh |
Strong, muscular, broad. | |
Lower thigh |
Slanting and rather long. | |
Stifle |
Well angulated, turning neither in nor out. | |
Metatarsus |
Straight and parallel when seen from behind. | |
Hock |
Slightly angulated, firm. | |
Hind feet |
Broad, with strong, tight, well arched toes. Dewclaws tolerated if they do not hinder the movement. |
Gait and movement |
Harmonious far reaching movement with good drive from the hindquarters, the back remaining stable and firm. Front and hind feet move forward in a straight line. |
Coat |
Hair |
Short-haired variety (Stockhaar, double coat) : Topcoat dense, smooth; close-lying and coarse. Plenty of undercoat. Thighs with slight breeches. Tail covered with dense hair. Long-haired variety : Topcoat plain, of medium length with plenty of undercoat. Short hair on face and ear; hair over the haunches and the croup usually somewhat wavy. Front legs feathered. Thighs with good breeches. Bushy tail. |
Colour |
Primary colour white with smaller or larger reddish-brown patches (splash-coated dogs) up to an unbroken reddish-brown mantle covering back and flanks (mantle dogs). A broken reddish-brown mantle is of equal value. A brindle reddish-brown colour permissible. Brownish-yellow tolerated. Dark shadings on head desirable. Slight touch of black on body tolerated. Required white markings : Chest, feet, tip of tail, muzzle band, blaze and patch on neck. Desirable markings : White collar. Symmetrical dark mask. |
Size and weight |
Height at withers |
For dogs minimum 70 cm, for bitches minimum 65 cm. For dogs maximum 90 cm, for bitches maximum 80 cm. Dogs which exceed the maximum height will not be penalised, provided their general appearance is balanced and their movement is correct. |
Faults |
• Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work. • Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness. |
General faults |
Lack of sexual characteristics. Unbalanced general appearance. Too short legs in relation to size (short-legged). Heavy folds on head and neck. Muzzle too short or too long. Flews of the lower jaw turning outwards. Missing teeth other than PM 1 (premolar 1) and M3. Small teeth (especially incisors). Slightly undershot mouth. Light eyes. Eyelids too loose. Sway back or roach back. Croup higher than withers or falling away. Tail carried curled on the back. Absence of required markings. Crooked or severely turned out front legs. Poorly angulated, open-hocked or cow-hocked hindquarters. Faulty movement. Curly coat. Incomplete or totally absent pigmentation on nose leather, around the nose, on the lips or the eyelids. Faulty primary colour e g reddish-brown dots or ticks in the white. |
Disqualifying faults |
Weak temperament, aggressiveness. Overshot mouth, distinctly undershot mouth. Wall eye. Ectropion, entropion. Solid white or solid reddish-brown coat (absence of the primary colour). Coat of any other colour. Height at withers below minimum size. |
NB : |
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. • The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying. • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding. |
Bibliography | |
Detailed history |
Few breeds can boast a reputation as legendary and as romantic as the St. Bernard. The good Barry and his cask of rum are legendary, so much so that, in a survey, to the question asking what is needed most of a skier in the mountains, many people answered without hesitation: a Saint Bernard! But where does this snow lord come from? The wildest rumors have long run on his account: it is said that he would come from a single beautifully prolific couple, or that Saint Bernard himself would have had as a companion. One thing is certain: although the current name of the dog is relatively recent, the hospice of the Great St. Bernard played a decisive role in the evolution of the breed. But the story of love that unites the Saint Bernard for centuries with the hospice that gave it its name includes a prologue, which began more than two thousand five hundred years ago, in Upper Assyria. The Assyrian mastiffs traveled to Greece, then to Italy. Once in Rome, they were named "Molosses". When the Roman legions crossed the Alps to join Helvetia, they were accompanied by the famous Molosses, who moved in groups with the soldiers, and who, especially at night, guarded the entrance to the passes; but they could still lead the flocks of the settlers. These mastiffs gradually spread throughout Switzerland, especially in the cantons of Valais and Vaud, as well as in the Bernese Oberland. The harsh climate and extreme isolation of these valleys no doubt contributed to the establishment and development of a pure race characterized by its hardiness. In 962, the Sieur Bernard de Menthon, having fled his Savoyard castle, took refuge with the bishop of Aosta, and was soon named archdeacon. For the future Saint Bernard would then begin a hard life of mountain man, who would see him, from one valley to another, bring the good word and the comfort to the poor populations. The passes of the Alps had a terrible reputation at that time; it is true that the local bandits had long since transformed them into veritable cut-throats. To remedy this situation, the Sieur de Menthon founded, in the tenth century, two hospices whose vocation was to collect all exhausted travelers. Passes eventually became safer, and thousands of soldiers, merchants and pilgrims could again pass in peace. The oldest records of the hospice and convent of the Great St. Bernard and its rescue mission having been destroyed in a fire, one can only assume that large dogs were mentioned from the beginning. Today, visitors admire on site a painting dating from 1695, representing a white dog with dark spots, presumably a Saint Bernard. It would be around 1660 that the monks of the Grand St. Bernard would have started to be helped by dogs, to whom they gave a first role: the guard of the hospice. The monks, by tradition, were indiscriminately welcoming all the travelers who solicited their hospitality; they were bound to open their doors to more or less disguised brigands. The dogs were then a much appreciated protection. The case of thirty bandits who, in 1787, demanded to be opened the safe of the hospice, after having first benefited from the reception of the good canons. The only sight of the dogs that were dropped on them was enough to make them run away. The St. Bernard did not open their snow-salvage career until about the middle of the 18th century. Each year, the monks hired a valet called "hospitable" or "horse chestnut", which was to go down every day to Bourg-Saint-Pierre, from where he guided all those who crossed the mountain. If he learned that travelers were in trouble, exhausted or surprised by an avalanche, the chestnut tree went in search of them. Many lives were saved every winter. Unfortunately, it happened that we could not find the victims, too deeply buried under the snow or lost in the crooked passes. Thus, in 1750, one of these hospitaliers had the idea to train the dogs who guarded the hospice, in order to make them able to contribute to its hard task of lifeguard. Their highly developed flair allowed them to thwart the fog as well as the storm and find the unfortunate. Sometimes the latter could no longer walk: then the chestnut tree comforted them while his auxiliaries went to seek help. The dogs even started rescuing on their own when they felt a person in distress. There is also evidence from this period, that of Horace Benedict de Saussure, famous Swiss geologist, who wrote in 1789: "The chestnut is accompanied by one or two large dogs who are trained to recognize the path in the fog , storms and big snows, as well as discovering the passengers who are lost there. When the victims are not too deep in the snow, the dogs easily discover them, but their instinct and their sense of smell can not penetrate to a great depth; then the religious probe the avalanche with large poles, from place to place. These methods of rescue appear already very modern, hardly different from those employed today. Pastor Bridel, of the country of Vaud, also praises "these famous dogs all over Europe, of a race so admirable and so precious, with an extremely mild character; they never bite, and rarely bark at the arrival of travelers. They often go alone to meet them at the foot of the mountain, they caress, guide them and bring them to the convent. " Whoever says St. Bernard on a mission says a barrel of rum, is at least what the image of Epinal wants. The dogs would have been supposed to make the half-frozen travelers drink to revive them. As is often the case, the reality is less romantic than the legend, and the St. Bernard of the hospital have never worn the famous keg. On the one hand, the ethics of the monks might have opposed, on the other hand, alcohol is far from being indicated for anyone who seriously suffers from the cold. If we find the small cask at many Saint-Bernard owners, it's only for the decor. In fact, the mission of the dogs was, first of all, to identify the victims lost in the snow or the storm, then to trace, with the help of their chest, a furrow in the powder and to pack it under their feet. The most neophyte of the cynophiles, even if he does not know anything about St. Bernard, knows who Barry was. It is partly thanks to this exceptional rescuer, world famous, that the breed has acquired its nobility. The name "Barry" has its history. It comes indeed the word of German patois bari, coming from bar itself which means bear. The famous Barry had to be predestined, because his birth coincided almost with the passage of Napoleon Bonaparte by the Great-Saint-Bernard pass, in May 1800. Barry was very quickly naturally gifted for the work in mountain, which was not to amaze the monks, who knew it from an old family of rescuers. Meissner testified in 1916 in the Alpenrosen: "For twelve years he worked and was faithful to his service to the poor. He alone has saved more than forty people during his lifetime. The zeal he displayed was extraordinary. We never needed to urge him to work. Did he feel a man in danger, he went to his aid; if he could do nothing, he went back to the convent and asked for help by his barking and his attitudes. His best-known feat is probably the rescue of this little boy that he pulled from sleep by licking it and brought it back to the hospital ... on his back! The anecdote that Barry died while trying to save a traveler does not correspond to reality. In fact, the prior of the hospital, having realized that he had become too old to continue his task, sent him to Bern, where he died in 1814, after two years of well-deserved retirement. In 1815 he was exhibited, stuffed, at the Bern Museum. Recently, his taxidermized remains were replaced by a cast made from nature, which is that of a large dog, fairly light in constitution compared to the subjects of today, but whose massive head and the whole of the conformation fit well with the current standard. Other monuments were raised to him, in particular in the cemetery of the dogs of Asnières, not far from Paris. The tradition was not extinguished with Barry, since Barry II and Barry III succeeded him. The first, born in the early twentieth century, was a remarkable animal, very large. The second died during a mission on August 30, 1910, when a treacherous ice sheet sent him into a ravine. Other valiant Saint Bernard nevertheless took up the torch. However, the losses were numerous, because of the terrible winters, the epidemics or the problems of sterility (due to the very close consanguinity). Thus, the mid-nineteenth century marked a difficult period for the breed. Already, in 1820, the king of Denmark had offered rescuer dogs to the monks who were lacking. But in July 1855, the situation became particularly alarming since there was only one couple left in the hospice. Attempts to breed a litter remaining unsuccessful, the choice was simple: introduce new blood or lose race. The second solution being unacceptable, the first was used. A Newfoundland couple of the black and white variety (Landseer) was chosen. Coming from Stuttgart, these dogs were selected on the one hand for their magpie dress (the monks hoping to obtain puppies similar to pure St. Bernard) and, on the other hand, for their ability to rescue in the mountains (they were indeed successfully used in neighboring passes). Maman Saint-Bernard and Papa Newfoundland (or vice versa) had two litters of ten pups, two of them woolly-haired (reminiscent of the long haired gene due to the Newfoundland blood supply). As after the previous crossings, the monks kept only the subjects with short hair, the long hair annoying the dog in mountain, because of the snow which agglutine there. On the other hand, the long-haired Saint-Bernard had a lot of success in the valleys, but their owners did not neglect to re-cross them with those of the hospice, to preserve the type of the race. At the time, the St. Bernard did not yet bear this name. They were called sacred dogs, mountain dogs, alpine mastiffs, hospice dogs or even butchers' dogs (for their impressive appetite). When Barry's exploits were known all over the world, Barry-dogs became their most common name. It was during the dog show in Birmingham in 1862 that they were called Saint-Bernard, a name that became official in 1880. Then, in 1887, Henri Schumacher, the breeder who was the true artisan of the rescue of the race, Obtained his official recognition and admitted his Swiss nationality to the International Congress of Race Clubs, which was held in Zurich. This legendary Saint Bernard had a very eventful history. Yet he has remained simple and has not changed much since his heroic days at the hospice. In Europe, breeders and breed clubs seek to promote a healthy and robust dog without exaggerating size or weight. On the other hand, since 1815, when they began to take an interest in the race, the Anglo-Saxons have tried to obtain larger and larger subjects, while being annoyingly inclined to neglect the colors and to consecrate without complex "Champion" dogs that do not have the indispensable white band around the nose. However, they really appreciate the breed, since among more than 8,000 competitors, a St. Bernard won the title of Best in Show in 1974 at the prestigious Cruft's exhibition. It was Ch. Burtonswood Bossyboots, owned by Miss Hinde. And what happens to the hospice dogs? Whether lovers of tradition are reassured, the monks of the Great St. Bernard always raise these snow giants. Of course, today's travelers are more likely to borrow the tunnel dug under the mountain than the pass itself, and dogs have few tired pilgrims to drive in the snow. About twenty St. Bernard still live at the hospital. Tourists flock from all countries to the pass to admire these legendary rescuers. The demand for puppies from the hospice is so great that buyers must first register on a long waiting list. These sales are a significant source of income for the congregation. Proof that, when they no longer have to fulfill their traditional mission, the St. Bernard still know how to make themselves useful! Strolling the mountain, spotting travelers lost in the storm, digging a furrow in the snow with his chest in the manner of a snowplow, all this requires strength and rusticity, but also a sacred character! If you ask an owner of St. Bernard what has driven him to buy a dog as big, as big, as bulky, he will answer that it is (among other reasons) his so endearing personality. Many breeds have unconditional followers, but the adoration that the owners of St. Bernard have for their dog is unusual. Is it his teddy side? Or is the legend of the dog Barry still convincing and dreaming? A St. Bernard, by definition, is big and big. One would be tempted to think that his psyche is in the image of his physical: thick. "False! say the amateurs, the Saint-Bernard is endowed with a very fine intelligence and, moreover, is very delicate for a dog of his size. This means that he is aware of his mass and that he is not the type to go crazy in the living room or to waltz the trinkets with a tail stroke. Gifted with a calm and calm character, he tries to be "very small", as soon as the environment requires him. Count Henri de Bylandt, the eminent Belgian cynologist, said of the Leonberg that he was "a great dog ... with whom, apart from grandeur, all exaggeration is excluded". This comment may well apply to St. Bernard, because in the molossoids, this weighted attitude is almost a second nature. So, one would be tempted to ask, can it prove to be an effective guardian? Anyone who once had a Saint Bernard guarding their home will answer in the affirmative. Even if it does not correspond to the breeds called "of guard and defense" (it can not take part in the tests of work in contest), this dog has a developed sense of the territory. On the deterrent side, no problem. A "Saint" well planted on his legs that looks straight into your eyes does not make you laugh. And if his warnings were not enough, we must not doubt that he would take action without hesitation. The most difficult thing would be to make him let go of his unfortunate victim ... Because the jaw of a Saint-Bernard is something! We must not forget that his ancestors fought with the Roman soldiers, and that the Great Dane is one of his cousins, distant, certainly, but all the same. Fortunately, this snow giant does not come out of its hinges unless he is really pushed to the end. It is true that some lines have, in the past, produced susceptible subjects, but a rigorous selection made it possible to eliminate this defect. The St. Bernard does not bark too much, and he uses his good big voice instead when he found a wounded man in the snow. The rest of the time, he is not very talkative, and his roar, particularly deaf and disturbing, is generally enough to make run away the undesirables: here is a dog to whom one can trust, and this in all circumstances. It may be said that what characterizes him most is the boundless attachment which binds him to his masters. Very sensitive and affectionate, he loves to spend hours, his huge head on your lap, to have his head scratched. He also enjoys long naps, which pushes some bad languages to treat him as a lazy. This is nothing, as evidenced by the long hikes he makes without showing any sign of fatigue. It is true, however, that he has nothing of the shepherd dog that has to trot for hours to feel better. The great ballads are pleasant, but not essential, and his teachers can leave him at home without much remorse. On the other hand, it would be cruel to put him in the tie or in the kennel. For if he is very accommodating when it comes to satisfying his master, he can not stand to be removed from it. Even a clean, well-screened enclosure can not satisfy it, and the chain is not about it. The presence of his master is the number one condition of his well-being. This portrait should not push some city dwellers living in apartments to acquire this giant. Veterinarians say it needs space. Otherwise, he does not talk well, may suffer from breathing difficulties (we will not forget his pronounced stop and short nose) and skin diseases. The central heating available in most buildings can promote the appearance of eczema. Finally, the dog does not flourish psychologically when his living space is restricted. So air, and place! Side human relations, no problem. Apart from his natural reactions of protecting the masters, the Saint Bernard shows no aggression. If that were the case, its size and strength would make it too formidable; that's why breeders are committed to producing balanced and calm subjects. It can thus be said that, as a rule, the St. Bernard is the friend of man. But where he reveals his true qualities of heart is with children. This huge powerful beast suddenly knows how to be gentle even, in front of a little badly insured. Moreover, if he sometimes looks serious in the company of adults, he exteriorizes his cheerful nature, even mischievous, in front of children. All wisdom, all seriousness having disappeared, it is then a Saint-Bernard transfigured that one can observe, full of life and energy. However, he never lets himself go to brutality and is always aware of his strength. It is their walks, and the nanny of the little ones, assisting them in their sometimes unsafe journeys. How many children of breeders have made their first steps, clinging to the fur of an attentive St. Bernard? And did we forget the big wet dog of the Walt Disney movie Peter Pan? He was none other than our good St. Bernard. If he is naturally an ardent defender of his teachers and a marvelous companion for their children, the Saint Bernard must also learn certain things by means of education. The first is cleanliness. It's a chance, the St. Bernard puppy is relatively clean, and, moreover, he learns quickly. It is therefore necessary to take advantage of these two dispositions to teach him, as soon as he arrives at home, the good manners of hygiene. When you have a garden, everything is facilitated. The best solution is to take him out as soon as his meal is over, and also when he comes to drink, play or wake up. In the apartment, it is on newspaper sheets spread out for this purpose that it will be taken at designated times. Warm congratulations when he performed in the right place will make his learning easier. As for the leash and the collar, we will proceed smoothly and in stages. The Saint Bernard being particularly sensitive, all his education should be done in tranquility, regularity and understanding. If his masters wish to subject him to further training, the Saint is generally cooperating. He is docile and of good will, and asks only to understand what is expected of him. Dog training novices will be able to join a specialized club where they will receive excellent advice. As he obeys only to please his masters, the Saint Bernard should not be "harassed" by a voluntary dog ??handler. Gentleness is with him more effective than brutality, and it is better to avoid asking too much of it. Unlike the shepherd dogs who are constantly waiting for the boss's requests, the mastiffs are great calms who must be given moments of recreation. However, given the power of an adult St. Bernard, it is essential that the masters have full control of their dog. For this, they must dominate the puppy, gently but firmly, from an early age. He should not be the boss, something he would tend to do if he was not careful. Attention also to accidents, the shock with a car would not be without consequences. The Saint must always be on a leash and educated to the recall as soon as possible. Here is a dog intelligent, talented, and desperate to please his masters. The Saint Bernard gains to be known and will reveal to those who want to discover them treasures of tenderness and complicity. As long as you are as sensitive as him, living with this dog can be a real paradise. Normal, for a saint. |