In tribute to

My dear little mistress

Thanks to


I'll never forget the warmth and love I felt when you picked me up and held me close to you as I was about to die of hunger and cold in early December 1999, when my first masters abandoned me in the wild.

I saw in your eyes so much gentleness and so much suffering too.

I understood then that a bond and complicity had been born between us that nothing could ever destroy, and that the two of us were going to help each other rebuild.

How happy we were together during those nine years!

Two years ago, we went looking for Benny.

You said he'd be a good friend for me.

At the time, I was angry, I didn't want to share you.

But I soon realized that you'd been right and that Benny had made me younger.

You know, I would have liked to stay by your side for a very long time.

When you knew that I couldn't be saved, you had the strength not to force me to undergo aggressive treatment and to spare me the suffering and anguish.

I left serenely and I thank you for it.

From doggie heaven, I can see your immense grief and it upsets me.

Please stop crying, put on your smile and your zest for life.

I'm still with you even if you don't see me anymore, and I'm fine.

I'm waiting for you and I'll be there to welcome you when the day comes.

I love you with all my heart and give you lots of big licks to dry your tears.

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