Thank you Gaëlle for this lovely testimony of love between dog and cat.

The big surprise was that one day my mother told me she wanted a dog.

I thought to myself "it's not possible she's finally changed her mind about them, because before it was all the time, ha but dogs stink ... "

So it wasn't looking good for me to get one.

But now, I'm not dreaming, my mother did want a dog.

We looked for a dog for at least two or three months, but the phrase that kept coming up was "too expensive!

So I began to despair, but one day, like all the others, a friend of my mother's said she knew someone who could give us a puppy, so we went to see him.

As soon as we saw her, we said "we'll take her", but she was only 1 month old, so we had to wait to take her.

When the day finally came, our dog was brought to us on June 20, 2004, and all I could say was "yippee".

But we still had one thing to sort out: would she get on well with the cat Grisous, who hates dogs ever since a dog bit his tail?

Well, at first, he didn't want much to do with her, and as soon as she tried to get near him, he pawed her (poor thing), but little by little, he got closer, and now it's true love between them. Be careful, though, as soon as the cat comes home, she gives him a party and smells his ass, but the problem is that if one of them dies, the other will certainly let himself die.

All this was to show you that I love my dog and that my cat loves her too.

Since that day, I've never left my little Chipie whom I love.

The 3 inseparables (Chipie, Grisous and me)

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