In tribute to Goodbye IsbaThanks to Aurélie |
I would like to remember my dog Isba. 4 years ago, I adopted her from the spa in Romagné, she was approximately 8 years old. Yesterday, February 14, 2008, I had to take her to the vet for her last visit because she had a ganglion tumor that was preventing her from eating and drinking. She had her ups and downs, but the time had come to relieve her. She was a dog who, every day, revealed a little more of her surprisingly loyal personality. She gave us everything despite the trust in human beings she seemed to have lost. She was a concentrate of affection, happiness and joie de vivre, and a model of tolerance and patience, with a shy little character that couldn't be teased too much. She was a darling and I never stop mourning her, even if she's better off where she is than wobbly and tired. A dog is unique, so how do you get over the pain of losing them ? Why does this reality hurt so much when we know it's just the way things are ? We can do all we can to make them happy, to make them well, telling ourselves that this day is a long way off, but it doesn't change a thing, they're leaving us and nothing can heal this wound. Goodbye Isba. We love you. We love you. Always. |