Boston Huahua

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen
This breed is also known as
Boston Chi Parti

A brief presentation of the Boston Huahua

A confident little hybrid, the Boston Huahua is a delightful blend of plucky Chihuahua and cheeky Boston Terrier. Lively but not hyper, the Boston Huahua is a charming little pocket dog who is happiest in the company of his family. As they don't need excessive exercise, they can fit in very well in the busiest households. Neat, compact dogs, Boston Huahua are well proportioned and should be lean and muscular. Their handsome ears are generally thin and pointed, and stand proudly on their heads. With a wide range of potential coat colors and patterns, one Boston Huahua can look very different from another. Many, however, will be a mix of black or brown with white markings.

History of the Boston Huahua

The Boston Huahua is a dog of many names and can also be called Bohuahua, Bo-Chi or Chibo. A specific crossbreed dog that is quickly making a name for itself, most believe they originated in the USA, probably around 30 years ago. As the Boston Huahua hasn't had much time to acquire a long history, it's best to consult its parent breeds to better understand who it is and where it comes from.

A little of the Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is an interesting mix of some very popular breeds, including the English Bulldog, the French Bulldog and the Boxer. This breed originated in the late 19th century. Their place of creation is no secret, and they of course come from the city of Boston. Their claim to fame is that they were the first breed ever recognized by the American Kennel Club. Although most people keep Boston Terriers as pets, they are quite athletic despite their small size and can perform well in dog competitions, such as agility and flyball.
Standard of the Boston Terrier

A little of the Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are perhaps best known for being the world's smallest dog breed, but don't be fooled, these spunky dogs are no wallflowers and more than make up for their small size with courage and a loud voice. Originating in Mexico a few thousand years ago, this is a truly ancient breed that was adopted by the state of Texas in more recent times, where it was perfected. With their fine bone structure and elegant gait, they are a favorite with many owners and celebrities who appreciate their beauty.
Standard of the Chihuahua

Appearance of the Boston Huahua

Although not as small as their Chihuahua relative, Boston Huahua are tiny dogs, measuring between 23 and 38 centimeters and weighing between 4.5 and 7 kilos. They are not as streamlined as Chihuahuas and have a more robust silhouette inherited from the sturdier Boston Terrier. Their skull is square-shaped, with a long forehead and widely-spaced eyes. Their brown eyes are alert and attractive, while their characteristic large triangular ears stand atop their heads. The Boston Huahua's coat is short and straight. Although not a hypoallergenic coat, they don't tend to shed too much fur. Although many dogs have a black coat with white markings, they can also be brown, red, cream and brindle.

Temperament of the Boston Huahua

Curious and playful, the Boston Huahua is a dog that has its nose in everyone's business and doesn't like to be left out. They are bold and courageous, never afraid of any situation, and make excellent watchdogs. Owners should ensure that their Boston Huahua is thoroughly socialized from an early age to accept children and other pets. Without proper socialization, some Huahuas can become suspicious of strangers and fall in love with young children. Likewise, it's never advisable to treat it like a baby or pamper it, as this is a breed that can be prone to small dog syndrome, resulting in a spoiled dog that doesn't take no for an answer and refuses to follow basic rules. A Boston Huahua makes a lifelong friend to every member of its family, showing them tons of affection. Their kind and gentle nature is evident when they mingle with the younger ones and are always ready to play or search.

Needs and activities of the Boston Huahua

Although the Boston Huahua doesn't need a regular walking routine, it does help to socialize the dog with other dogs and people. They're always curious, looking for what you or other family members are doing, and always up for a game. They're ideal for apartment living, but equally suited to a home with a small, well-fenced yard to keep them from straying. They do best in warmer climates, but can adapt to colder climates if they have something to wear to keep them warm in the deep freeze. The Boston Huahua can win over even the most reclusive of people with its friendly personality, especially once they've become accustomed to it.

Maintenance of the Boston Huahua

The Boston Huahua is not very demanding when it comes to grooming. Their short, elegant coats are easy to care for and they only need brushing once a week, although they may need more in summer. It's advisable to wash your dog with a special dog shampoo to preserve its natural skin oil balance. Harsh shampoos - for example, a children's shampoo that's harsh on a dog - can remove the skin's protection, leaving it open to infection and bacteria. Bathing once a month is sufficient. Grooming your dog also includes checking the ears to make sure there's no build-up of wax or debris, and no inflammation. Nails should be trimmed once a month, unless they're worn down by playing outside. You can ask a professional groomer to show you how to do this without harming your dog. The Boston Huahua is very easy to care for and requires minimal maintenance.

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