
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Germany <> Great Britain -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Dashalier

Friendly, social and energetic, the Dashalier is a small hybrid that is a cross between a Dachshund and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These little hybrids can have 3 unique coat types ranging from short and soft to long, wiry and silky. As this is a new hybrid, we can assume that it originated in the 21st century for companionship purposes. These hybrids are not too difficult to train and can make excellent additions to homes with children and other pets. These dogs are not suitable for owners with busy lifestyles or owners living in apartments, as they have a strong tendency to experience separation anxiety and may express this through continuous barking.

History of the Dashalier

There isn't much information on the Dashalier breed itself, but we can learn more about the parent breeds to understand what to expect from the hybrid breed.

A little of the Dachshund

The Dachshund is a breed of small dog that was bred in Germany in the 1600s. Its main purpose was to hunt animals such as badgers, rabbits, foxes and wild boar, driving them from their dens. These breeds had excellent stamina and excelled at tracking and hunting despite their size. Formerly known as the Badger Hound, this name was given to distance the breed from its German origins, particularly in wartime. The Dachshund is the only breed recognized by the American Kennel Club that hunts both above and below ground.
Standard of the Dachshund

A little of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Considered one of King Charles II's most loyal companions, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an elegant, noble breed developed in the UK during the 1600s. The breed was very popular with noblewomen, and was referred to as a "ladies' breed". One notable owner was Mary, Queen of Scots. Although this dog has been around for centuries and has a long history of changes and refinements in the breed, it was only recently recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1996. Today, their personalities are gentle but can range from calm to boisterous.
Standard of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Appearance of the Dashalier

The Dashalier is a small breed that can measure from 33 to 41 centimeters. These dogs often have a long, lean body that may not be as long as the Dachshund, but is just as slender. Their heads are generally flat but rounded, their muzzles are of medium length, their eyes are large and round, and their ears are floppy. Typically, they will have silky fur on their ears and sometimes on their legs. Tails can be long and almost sickle-shaped. Coats can be long or medium to short in length, with a dense, wiry texture. Colors can range from Blenheim blends (red and white), cream blends and tricolors in various combinations.

Temperament of the Dashalier

The Dachshund is a relatively difficult breed to train, due to its stubborn, authoritarian character. However, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel tends to be a dog eager to please its owner, making it an easy breed to train. As such, your Dashalier is a breed that can be moderately easy to train if you start at an early age and work with consistency that suits both parental influences. This hybrid often does well in a family environment, getting on very well with children and pets. However, socialization must take place during childhood to avoid any behavioral problems with other family members. It's also important to teach children how to play with and approach these small breed dogs, as they can get hurt if a child is too rough. As for strangers, your Dashalier may tend to bark a lot when meeting new people.

Needs and activities of the Dashalier

These hybrids tend to have bursts of energy and times when they're very active. During these times, offering toys and playtime with other canine companions can help them meet their energy needs. Being a small dog, the Dashalier doesn't need intense exercise. Instead, 2 to 3 short walks a day will keep him happy, and allow him to get some fresh air and say hello to the neighbors. Other ways in which owners can meet their dog's daily activity needs include retrieving games, off-leash park visits in a secure enclosure, and swimming.

Maintenance of the Dashalier

Dashaliers are moderate shedders and, depending on the type of parent breed, their level of maintenance can vary. For example, a Dachshund may be long-haired, wire-haired or have a short, smooth coat. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel often has a silky, medium-length coat. Your Dashalier can easily have a coat of any length. If you have a Dashalier with the wire-haired or long-haired trait, you'll need to use a pin brush to brush it, and you may need to wash your Dashalier often. If you have a Dashalier with a shorter coat, brushing with a smoother brush will do the trick, and bathing can be minimized. As with all dogs, teeth brushing, ear cleaning and nail trimming should be carried out regularly as part of the grooming routine.

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