Golden Akita Retriever

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Great Britain <> Japan -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Golden Akita Retriever

While the Akita Inu has a reputation for being protective and somewhat hostile, the Golden Retriever is known for the opposite, and is world-famous for being laid-back and loving. Mixing the two should theoretically produce a dog with a well-balanced personality, although it's always difficult to predict the temperament of a hybrid and even those from the same litter can turn into very different adult dogs. Often retaining many of the Spitz-like characteristics of the Akita, Golden Akitas generally have thick coats, curved tails and may even have upright triangular ears. Although called the Golden Akita, not all dogs of the breed will have golden coats and white, brown or even red coats. A large dog with a voluminous body, the Golden Akita is both big and strong, with a stocky conformation.

History of the Golden Akita Retriever

Golden Akita or Golden Akita Retriever is a blend of the generous-hearted Golden Retriever and the fearless Akita Inu. Like many modern hybrids, we don't really know when or where the first Golden Akita was created. However, we do know a lot about each breed and can analyze their history to learn more about the Golden Akita.

A little of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are large, highly trainable dogs with an exceptionally gentle and affectionate character. It was originally developed in Scotland as a breed capable of retrieving game both on land and in water. Today, the Golden Retriever continues to be used as a working dog, but is also a popular choice of family pet due to its good nature. The breed has a medium-length wavy coat, which comes in a variety of light colors.
Standard of the Golden Retriever

A little of the Akita Inu

The Akita, or Akita Inu, comes from northern Japan and is one of the oldest indigenous breeds. Having lived isolated on an island for centuries, they remained unchanged for many years. However, during the 20th century, they were crossed with breeds such as the German Shepherd and the English Mastiff, in order to increase the number of breeds and provide them with certain characteristics deemed desirable at the time. The Akita's original purpose was hunting, and they were employed to hunt such intimidating prey as wild boar and bears, which they did without hesitation. Their job was to flush out the animal and hold it at bay while the human hunter arrived. It is widely believed that American author and activist Helen Keller was the first person to import Akitas to the USA.
Standard of the Akita Inu

Appearance of the Golden Akita Retriever

The Golden Akita certainly possesses many of the Akita's characteristics, although it tends to retain the Golden Retriever's characteristic golden coat. Their skulls are large and round, with a remarkably broad forehead and ears that flop forward in a semi-erect position or stand erect in a triangular shape. Their circular, dark brown eyes give the dog a calm, noble expression. The Golden Akita's body is rectangular and robust, with relatively long limbs, making them quite large. Although it's desirable for dogs of this breed to have the curved tail of the Akita type, some will have the straight, well-curled tail of the Retriever. Weighing between 30 and 40 kg and reaching heights of 50 to 66 cm, these dogs are larger and heavier than the average Golden Retriever. They have thick, strong muscles, while retaining much of their athleticism. Interestingly, not all Golden Akitas will have a golden coat, and coat colors can include white, red, brown and black. Their coat is dense and straight, and they retain the classic Spitz-type plus-value. The coat is known to shed a lot and requires frequent brushing.

Temperament of the Golden Akita Retriever

A dog that maintains close ties with its family members, the Golden Akita will devote itself to its masters and place them above all others. They can be extremely affectionate, and are gentle and patient with children if trained to be so from an early age. The somewhat wary nature of the Golden Akita makes it an excellent watchdog and they are always on the alert. Likewise, they have the ability to make fantastic watchdogs and will not hesitate to protect their family and property. This trait can be both positive and negative, and it's important that owners devote plenty of time to socializing the Golden Akita to avoid the territorial nature of the home when desirable guests are nearby. Although the Golden Retriever is known to be a friend to all, this is certainly not the case with the Akita and it can be difficult to predict whether the Golden Akita will be tolerant of all people and animals. Owners can improve the odds by socializing them intensively as puppies and making sure they have positive experiences.

Needs and activities of the Golden Akita Retriever

The Golden Akita is a hybrid of two high-energy breeds. The Golden Akita will need plenty of exercise of relatively high intensity. The Golden Retriever owner can meet the needs of the Golden Akita, but you can expect one to two hours of daily exercise. Its high energy level means it is not suited to apartment or city living. A yard and running space are more suitable for the Golden Akita. The Golden Akita prefers temperate climates and, while it tolerates hot and cold environments, it does not do well in extreme climates.

Maintenance of the Golden Akita Retriever

The Golder Akita is not a hypoallergenic dog and sheds considerably, no matter which parent the hybrid resembles. Twice-weekly grooming will help remove dead and limp hairs and keep its coat healthy. This dog has no known odor, but weekly grooming will help distribute oils and remove dirt and dead skin that can lead to doggy odor. Frequent nail trimming is also recommended for the Golden Akita. Golden Akitas have sensitive skin and can develop dermatitis after excessive bathing. Regular bathing is not recommended, but grooming will help keep the coat clean.

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