Mountain Feist

He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Mountain Feist

The Mountain Feist is one of those slightly confusing breeds. It's a type of dog rather than a specific breed, only to complicate matters, this type has been officially recognized as a breed. Go figure.
So, what kind of dog is the feist? It's a small, active working dog that shares much in common with the Terrier groups to which it owes its heritage. Indeed, you'd be forgiven for mistaking him for a Rat Terrier or Jack Russell Terrier, as he has much in common with these dogs.
This is a dog with a strong prey drive and a need to be very active. A low-maintenance dog, they were very common among the small owners of early American settlers. Now rarer, you're more likely to encounter its close relatives, the Jack Russell Terrier or Manchester Terrier, than the Mountain Feist. However, having achieved recognized breed status in 2015, they now enjoy a degree of protection that allows them to retain their status and appearance.

History of the Mountain Feist

The Mountain Feist could be considered an ancient dog. Go back half a century and it was all the rage. In South America in particular, especially in the Ozark Mountains and Southern Appalachians, the Mountain Feist was at the base of the heel of most people who lived off the land.
These little dogs were tough characters who thrived on the outdoor lifestyle. With a strong hunting and stalking instinct, they excelled at containing vermin, such as rats and mice, but also rabbits, raccoons and possums. The Mountain Feist was also inclined to pursue squirrels, hence their tree-climbing reputation and their other name, the Treeing Feist.
The Mountain Feist's influence was such that they accompanied the first settlers as companions and hunters. Indeed, they are mentioned in George Washington's diary, while Abraham Lincoln included them in a poem.
What are the origins of this race? Their bloodlines are descended from the many types of Terrier that accompanied the first migrants from England. The latter already had flourishing lines of small, extremely efficient hunting dogs, such as the Jack Russell Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Manchester Terrier and the now extinct White Terrier.
In addition, the mishmash that is the Mountain Feist has been mixed with bloodlines such as the Greyhound for speed, as well as with native breeds such as the Rat Terrier for increased stamina. Over time, the Mountain Feist stabilized. But in the last half-century, they fell out of favor, not through any fault of the dogs, but because of changes in people's lifestyles. As recently as February 2015, the United Kennel Club had established a breed standard, which should help ensure the survival of this unique character as it enters the 21st century.

Appearance of the Mountain Feist

The Mountain Feist isn't hard to recognize, as it looks a lot like a Jack Russell or Rat Terrier. If you think the dog might be a Jack Russell but the appearance isn't quite right, then it could well be a Mountain Feist.
These are small, compact Terrier-type dogs that are longer than they are tall. They have powerful hindquarters, think tree-climbing and are on the whole very muscular. As they are suited to an active working dog, they have a well-proportioned muzzle for breathing. Their coat is short and smooth, but can come in a variety of colors, including white, light brown and black.

Temperament of the Mountain Feist

Wondering if a Mountain Feist is the right dog for you? Decision Making can help you understand where the word feist comes from. Feist is an old word meaning a noisy little dog. It's similar in vintage to the word cur, which refers to a cross-bred dog that's a jack-of-all-trades. So, if a noisy dog would get along badly with the neighbors, a Mountain Feist might not be for you.
Again, when considering a Mountain Feist, it's helpful to determine why this dog was bred. It's a working dog, which makes it energetic, free-spirited and willing, not to mention a formidable hunter.
This translates into a dog that can run all day without tiring. He's also intelligent and likes to make his own decisions, which can make him stubborn and difficult to train. Remember, this is not a breed that lives to please its owners, as the world is already a big and exciting enough place for him to seek his own rewards.
A list of Mountain Feist attributes includes being an Olympic gold-medal chewing gum, diggers extraordinaire, vocal bankers and a strong urge to hunt. Although not a vindictive dog, this powerful prey drive means it is not suited to living with other animals, especially cats, rabbits or small weasels.

Needs and activities of the Mountain Feist

Mountain Feists are considered a medium-to-high-energy breed and therefore need a considerable amount of daily exercise to keep them happy and healthy. As an arboreal and hunting breed, they love to hunt. If kept solely as companions, they will need around 60 minutes of activity a day. Although they learn to walk, run and run on leash, and many enjoy doing so, they are happiest with an open space to run around in. Because of their frequent and intense desire to follow their noses and chase potential prey, it's advisable to only let them roam in fenced areas, unless there's outstanding training. For owners who may be less mobile, or let's face it, tired of trying to tire them out, throwing a ball at the chase is a great way to stimulate their mind and body, combining to wear them down much more quickly.

Maintenance of the Mountain Feist

Mountain Feists are a very low-maintenance breed. They have been designed so that the farmers and breeders who own them have little responsibility beyond their already onerous tasks. As a result, these dogs need to be brushed very infrequently with a stiff or glossy bristle brush once or twice a week at most, to keep their coats clean and free of dirt and soft hair. It's rarely necessary to bathe them, unless they penetrate a particularly dirty or nauseating odor, and they maintain themselves quite well. Their nails should be monitored and trimmed as necessary, and their teeth brushed once a week to help them maintain good oral health.

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