
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Taigan

For centuries, the Kyrgyz people have regarded the Taigan as an essential part of their nomadic lifestyle. The Taigan was a prolific hunter and kept meat on the table for its owners, and the skins of the prey they caught were either sold or exchanged for other goods. The appearance of this dog is very majestic and dignified, and they have incredible concentration when hunting. But at home, they are very calm and dignified pets, who maintain close bonds with family members and are very loyal and devoted. They're not averse to a bit of fun with the kids or a family outing, but they won't tolerate mistreatment or harsh training methods. Taigans love their freedom to explore and run as they please. They are therefore best kept in the country, where they can burn off some of their abundant energy. Gentle and affectionate with family, the Taigan can be wary of strangers, but is not aggressive. They mix well with other dogs, but smaller pets could be considered prey. Only consider this beautiful dog if you have an active lifestyle and room for it. They are not suited to apartment living and sometimes even the city is a questionable choice for this very active dog.

History of the Taigan

The history of the Taigan is said to have begun when the dog descended from the mythical bird dog. According to legend, an egg was stolen from the nest of the Kumai mountain vulture. As soon as it was born, a puppy appeared and became a legend who saved the tribe from starvation by dispatching the packs of wolves that were attacking their livestock. In history, this greyhound was part of the nomadic tribe's life as they crossed Central Asia and Siberia. The strong, sturdy Taigan was at home on the rugged, remote terrain encountered by the tribes, and the dog was highly adaptable, reliable and appreciated for its hunting skills. In fact, the Taigan is more than capable of attacking a wolf and winning the fight. At one point, this courageous dog was on the verge of extinction, as the nomadic lifestyle gave way to settlements. The hunting dog was no longer needed, and many Taigans had become strays. To make matters worse, a campaign to eliminate the many stray dogs further reduced their population. Fortunately, a few breed enthusiasts worked to preserve the dogs, but it wasn't until 1964 that the USSR established the first standard for the breed. When Kyrgyzstan gained independence in 1991, people were free to return to their nomadic way of life. Taigans were once again in partnership, and the word spread to others about what an extraordinary dog this was. The Taigan breed is now showing a reversal of its decline and their numbers are slowly increasing. They are now considered one of the country's national treasures.

Appearance of the Taigan

Majestic and dignified, the Taigan has a beautiful, classic appearance. Slender but solid, of medium height and endowed with a thick, soft coat that becomes an undercoat for winter, the Taigan has a solid but not heavy body shape, with a long neck supporting the massive wedge-shaped head. Large, oval-shaped brown or hazel eyes, a glossy black nose and strong white teeth intersecting in a scissor bite combine to form a handsome face with a calm, almost noble expression. Well-formed shoulders slope into a broad, deep chest, then extend into a narrow but muscular body that ends in a sword-like tail terminating in a pointed ring. The Taigan is protected by several zones of longer hair that cover the ears, thighs and shins. The thick hair on their feet acts like protective footwear on rough terrain. The most common color for the Taigan is black with white markings, but they also come in black, brown, gray, white and yellow. The Taigan's name means immortal, inextinguishable and imperishable, and that perfectly explains this wonderful dog.

Temperament of the Taigan

Elegant, mysterious, regal yet energetic and a persistent hunter, the Taigan is all of these things. This dog is very loyal, yet not intrusive or fascinated by those it loves. They are very dignified and like to be treated fairly and kindly. You won't get rough handling anywhere with this dog, they won't tolerate it. This is a dog that is often considered on a par with their owner, not beneath them. They have a quiet dignity and make many of their own decisions, especially when out hunting. Many locals have relied on these swift hunters to provide meat for the table, and the skins of their prey are in demand at the markets. Although Taigan have an unwavering devotion to their owner and family, they are often wary of strangers, although they are not aggressive. They demonstrate calm behavior with other dogs, but small, fast-moving pets don't fare as well. Taigans have a strong hunting instinct that is difficult to overcome, even if they are raised with smaller pets. Handsome, resourceful and an excellent companion, this is a dog that exceeds all expectations in its natural, wild environment.

Needs and activities of the Taigan

Taigans are very active dogs, with lively energy and unfailing persistence on the hunt. They are not suited to apartment living, and even city life is questionable. This dog needs space in the country to run and explore the land, it needs exercise and, as a result, it is the ideal companion for the hunter or hiker exploring more challenging terrain than most of its peers. The Taigan is unrivalled as a cross-country runner and adapts well to rugged terrain. Clear-sightedness and exceptional scenting ability make this dog a highly prized animal in their native country, where people revere them. Be sure to give this dog plenty to do, as it loves to be active and will form close bonds with its owners and family. However, they're not all work and no play - even the devoted Taigan likes a little play time.

Maintenance of the Taigan

The Taigan has a beautiful coat that needs regular brushing to keep it in perfect condition. Knots can become embedded in the long hair if regular care is not taken. Bathing is not a must. Their coat seems to be almost self-cleaning, although from time to time rubbing with a damp cloth can remove any surface dirt. The Taigan has large legs surrounded by thicker hair to protect the dog when traversing uneven terrain. Check your dog's feet and body if he's a working dog or a forager. This dog doesn't slow down due to injuries, so be sure to treat cuts and scrapes, trim his nails and wipe his ears to avoid infection. Apart from these household chores, their teeth will need to be brushed around three times a week as a minimum. Other than that, the Taigan is a strong, healthy dog that's a pleasure to own.

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