Pets can suffer from asthma too


Asthma can affect both dogs and cats. Also known as “allergic bronchitis”, asthma is an inflammation of the airways caused by an allergic reaction. It produces airway obstruction when the bronchial tubes (which carry air to the lungs) fill with mucus and spasm. Asthma is much more common in cats than in dogs.

Dogs and cats of all ages can suffer from asthma, but it's mainly young or middle-aged animals that are affected. Coughing is the first symptom observed. Owners report wheezing and, in rare cases, respiratory distress. Animals may become lethargic, stop feeding and lose weight. Asthma is rarely fatal. Between episodes of asthma, animals are generally in good health.

To diagnose asthma, chest X-rays must be taken to rule out other possible medical problems. Once a diagnosis of allergic bronchitis has been made, the veterinarian may prescribe steroids, antihistamines, bronchodilators or a combination of these. In the event of a severe attack, an injection of epinephrine may be necessary.

The prognosis of the disease is excellent, and most affected animals lead normal lives with the help of long-term medication. Unless the underlying cause is found, recovery is impossible. Your veterinarian can try to determine the causes of asthma and suggest treatments that are right for your pet.

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