The zoonosis

The zoonosis is any disease transmitted to humans by animals.


Dogs, who share so much of our lives, can easily transmit a number of diseases.

Rabies is certainly the most serious zoonosis, and with this in mind, dog vaccination should be seen as protection for the dog itself, but also and above all as protection for the humans who live with it. Let's not forget that rabies is just about the only disease for which, once the first symptoms appear, there is no treatment.

Roundworm is another disease that can be transmitted by dogs. In children, it causes what is known as “larva migrans” syndrome, due to the migration of roundworm larvae in the body, causing lung damage (coughing) and eye damage (blurred vision due to the larvae passing through the retina).

It's important to respect the sandboxes reserved for children and to ensure that your dog doesn't relieve itself in them. It's imperative to worm your dog correctly, every month for puppies (up to 6 months) then twice a year for adults, if possible during heat for females.

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