I got to know you by seeing you every Sunday afternoon in my mother's neighbor's garden, where you'd been for about 1 year. You seemed in good health, and every now and then I'd manage to give you a little pat on the head.

One day the neighbor asked me if I knew anyone who might want to adopt you, as you seemed to be a nuisance and had to leave. The following Sunday, you came home with us and began your third life with my other loulous.

Alas, only 2 1/2 years of happiness followed.

You were in a terrible state, and the next day it was off to the vet. Poor little girl, you had an ear infection in each ear and your eyes were full of infection. So you began a rather harsh treatment to restore your dignity. I later learned that your only food was old bread and that you spent your nights outside. So I understood the reasons for your state of health. A good grooming was also necessary as you were full of knots everywhere.

I'm convinced, seeing all the love I received from you, that I was able to make you happy.

You were an adorable little dog, full of kindness, very cuddly and for you too, any means was good for you to show your joy and your good mood, of course you knew that, as for the other loulous, each time there was as a reward my caresses and also a little magic cookie that you loved to nibble.

You loved to lie in your basket, but you also appreciated the armchairs and your big cuddle on the bed in the evening, where you sometimes spent the night.

You were adopted straight away by the other pups, which is normal, you were so sweet and calm. We also had you spayed, which made you eat a bit more and put on a bit of weight.

And your good life went on without a hitch until July 2011. At the end of the day on a Saturday, you suffered a small thrombosis, which unfortunately left your head a little tilted and one eye a little more open, but your little life went on without a care in the world, or so I thought.

A few months later, you started to have a meniscus problem, but fortunately you pulled through without any after-effects.

But since your thrombosis, I've noticed that you haven't been the same. You were already calm, but now you're even calmer, but according to the vet, I shouldn't have been alarmed, as you were going on 9 years old, so it was normal for you to sleep more.

You were fine until the end of December 2011, when the big problems started. Your stools were softer than normal, so it was back to the vet. The blood test revealed too many white blood cells and a few other parameters that were out of the ordinary, especially the liver. The stool analysis was much worse: you had a virus and a fungus in your intestines. Without telling me openly, he made me understand that this filthy cancer was there and that... So we started shock treatment, but unfortunately your condition was getting worse by the day.

Medicine was becoming powerless in the face of your illness. On Monday you started to show traces of blood in your stools, but Thursday morning was a catastrophe... I quickly contacted the vet, who told me that...

I didn't want to take the risk that something serious might happen and that you might spend the last hours of your little life in excruciating pain, so I made sure to show you one last time all the love I had for you, you remained so beautiful, you still had a radiant face, but we realized with the vet that your heart was completely worn out and that I had remained human by taking this serious decision.

You were also cremated and your urn rests with all my other babies in my secret garden. Like all the others, you'll have your flowers too, and I'll visit you every day with tears in my eyes, and then with time...

The sadness will go... but you'll stay in my heart forever.

You'll always be my darling little Doudoune who gave me so much friendship, so much love in such a short time, with a sincerity I've never known in a human being.

I still have the love of your sister Tania and the two little newcomers. None of them will take your place in my heart, I'll never forget you, you're gone too, taking a corner of my heart with you.

I know, in a few months, a few years... but I already loved you so much, my little Droupy. I've also put your photo in front of my computer and it seems to me that, like all the others, you're saying to me :

It's not your fault Francis, I'm crying too, where I am, to be separated from you, but our hearts remain united for life (the one you have left without me).

I beg you my dad, never forget me, you were my breath of life and if I could have a second life, it's with you that I would spend it, I really had a happy life with you, alas much too short.

Farewell my little friend, thank you for these 2 years of happiness, please don't cry, I'm no longer here to console you, so do me this favor, when you look at my photo, give me a smile... If you can...

Don't forget that I really loved you, keep hoping that one day, in heaven, we'll meet again and nothing will ever separate us again.

The void you'll leave when you leave me will never be filled.

The wound in my heart will never heal.

Despite the passage of time, you're still as present in my thoughts and in my heart.

This time that passes unmoved by human suffering...

Be happy my Canelle of love in this world where all animals are equal and protect the one who loved you and who will never forget you.

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