You came into our lives thanks to an adoption request from a French association. You'd been living in Spain, but life hadn't been kind to you there, so this association decided to save you and find you a family for life.

You were almost 7 years old and already had a famous medical history. You had a large burn scar on your back and 18 missing teeth, which had to be removed in France because your mouth was so badly damaged. Fortunately, you were spayed, so you weren't put to sleep again.

You were adopted straight away by your new sisters and brother, and a new life began for you, with cuddles for as long as you wanted, warmth and your little belly full of good things, and life did the rest, but only 3 years and 8 months of happiness followed.

You became our darling little Tania (Mouni Mouni), a real darling of a little dog.

For a few months, you ran around in the garden with Bobby and your sisters, the cumulets you paid for yourself by playing the fool with your brother, it was truly the joy of living.

Every 4 months, you made a trip to Sonia, your favorite groomer. You loved being groomed and appreciated the compliments in return.

You were a bit lazy with your movements, or so we thought, but in the end it was really a handicap you had. You had to get on the couch because you couldn't jump on it, and it was the same for getting on the bed. To get off the couch, it was the same, you had to get off most of the time. And to relieve yourself, you had to be carried - the famous “Momoune cabs” were a joke. Your walks in the garden were soon abandoned on your part, and you'd run all the way back home. So there was something wrong with you, but what? It was only later that we understood what was going on.

Numerous clinical examinations were carried out, but without any answers. So we continued to pamper you, hoping things would get better, but nothing changed. Everyone did their “Momoune cabs” as needed, and you really appreciated it.

In the evening, before going to sleep and after your boudoir, you would wait quietly for your little piece of Ricola, and then it was the little ritual of kisses as soon as I turned off the lamp, waiting for that moment you would lock yourself against me, your head on my arm or on my shoulder and you wouldn't stop staring at me. When I'd turn off the lamp, you'd start licking my head and purring, so excited were you, then slowly slow down and finally fall asleep against me. Then you'd go downstairs to eat and drink - it's very rare when you eat during the day. When you'd eaten, you'd scratch your mom's arm to get her to lift you back onto the bed.

I think, seeing all the love I received from you, I managed to make you happy, that was my greatest desire as well as your mom's. But something puzzled us.

But something puzzled us: the color of your belly. Sometimes it was pink, sometimes a little mauve, sometimes we could see the veins quite clearly. The vets took some blood samples and found that you had a liver and bile problem. Treatment was prescribed, but without much improvement. Then, from one day to the next, you refused to eat, even very soft foods. I thought you had a toothache and we went to the vet. But your teeth, the ones you had left, while not perfect, weren't the cause. Again, a blood test was taken and the same evening the vet phoned me: your liver and bile weren't getting any better, and there was a bit of jaundice.

The vet then suggested helping you with a light treatment of Medrol, and I realized that this was the beginning of the end for my Moumone, a few days 1/2 tablet and then just 1/4 tablet a day. It was like a whiplash, you had an appetite like I'd never seen in you, you had 2 little tubs of rice, carrots and very appetizing tinned meat. Your mom cut back on the tubs, though, because she didn't want to overindulge you either.

For 15 days, you continued to eat well, and even gained back 1.5 kilos - what a joy! By Saturday evening, you really weren't feeling well and were often putting on yellowish foam, and you'd hardly eaten a thing all day. Sunday morning, like every morning, I came to say hello to you on the couch, but you were really unwell, so I tried to phone the vet on duty, and unfortunately I got a call from the vet I didn't like and didn't trust, who hung up on me 3 times, which is a very serious offence.

I came back to caress your cheek and when I saw your gaze plunge into mine, I understood what you were saying to me: Goodbye daddy, thank you for everything you've done for me, but my little body can't take it anymore, I'm going to join my sisters on their cloud. I closed my eyes and a few seconds later Albine said to me, “It's over, she's gone".

So you closed your beautiful eyes forever on Sunday April 10, 2022, what a bad time to spend, and that last look, what sadness in our eyes but what a relief that you didn't really suffer from this cancer.

Like all the other loulous, you were cremated and now rest in your little urn, I see you every day with a tear in the corner of my eye and then with time...

The sadness will go... but you will remain in my heart forever.

You'll always be my little golden Mouni Mouni, my loving daughter who gave me so much friendship, so much love with a sincerity I've never known in a human being.

I still have the love of Bobby and of the new sister you hardly knew, Clochette, a 9-year-old Labrador whose human mother had passed away, but none of them will replace you, you were unique with your true Fox character, I'll never forget you, you've gone too, taking a corner of my heart with you, you were an adorable little girl.

I know, in a few months, a few years... but I loved you so much despite the short time you spent with me, you also have a photo in front of my computer and it seems to me that, like all the other pups, you're saying to me :

It's not your fault Francis, I'm crying too, where I am, to be separated from you, but our hearts remain united for life (the one you have left without me).

I beg you my dad, never forget me, you were my breath of life and if I could have a second life, it's with you that I would spend it, I really had a happy life with you, alas much too short.

Farewell my lifelong friend, please don't cry, I'm no longer here to console you, so do me this favor, when you look at my photo, give me a smile... If you can...

Don't forget that I really loved you, keep hoping that one day, in heaven, we'll meet again and nothing will separate us.

The void you'll leave when you leave me will never be filled.

The wound in my heart will never heal.

Despite the passage of time, you're still as present in my thoughts and in my heart.

This time that passes impassive to human pain...

Be happy my Moumoune of love in this world where all animals are equal and protect the one who loved you and who will never forget you.


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