You were 8 weeks old when you arrived home with Bobby, who was already 8 months old, but he was going to be your brother for life.

When you came home, you immediately found a new mom. Tania accepted you and you snuggled up to her.

You were spayed in good time, and life took its course : 10 years and 4 months of happiness followed.

And so you became our little golden Nounou, a true darling of a little dog.

You ran around the garden with Bobby, but Julia preferred to stretch out on the lawn. The cumulets you paid for yourself by going wild with your brother were truly the joy of life.

Every 4 months, you made a trip to Sonia, your favorite groomer, and never without Bobby. You loved being groomed and appreciated the compliments in return.

Apart from the occasional earache, you were always very healthy, and what's more, you loved good things like your dog treats, nic-nas and boudoirs before bedtime.

You had just one small fault: you were sometimes as stubborn as a donkey, and it's thanks to you that Juju came to live with us because you'd got into the bad habit of not coming near me at night, preferring the rug.

But you soon came back to give me your big cuddles. You'd lie next to me, and when I'd say, “Come to your daddy,” you'd pedal off a few times and get into my arm, which was really funny.

When I'd get up in the morning, you'd wait for me on the armchair in the living room and when I'd arrive, your face would really transform and your whole body would vibrate with your cock, you were so happy.

I think, seeing all the love I was getting from you, I managed to make you happy.

And then there was this very difficult moment. You wouldn't eat anything but TV sausages, and then your decline began at an incredible speed.

The vet took a blood sample, and when he phoned to tell us the results, I knew, I had a feeling. The list was quite long: the kidneys were hardly functioning at all, so there was urea in the blood, the pancreas was going very badly, the liver and bile were defective too, in short, nothing was going right.

You spent 4 days in the clinic on a drip, but nothing really changed. The next blood test seemed to get a little better, but the next one was just as bad as the first.

And you still didn't want to eat anything other than a few sausages, so we tried everything: chicken breast, steak, gell to give you back your appetite, but nothing helped. Finally, you wouldn't even drink.

The vet never understood what could have triggered these malfunctions, because in the end it was generalized cancer. We had to make that big decision that we always dread, and we discussed it at length with Albine and the 2 vets who treated you.

You were so beautiful and relaxed that I believed it with all my heart. Alas, around 5.00 p.m. you woke up and started shaking again, couldn't stand up and started moaning. We had to rush you to the vet again, and this time it was your last trip.

We had to close your beautiful eyes forever. What a bad moment to have to go through, and that last look, what sadness in our eyes, but what a relief that you didn't suffer from cancer.

Like all the other loulous, you were cremated and now rest in my secret garden, you'll have pretty flowers, I see you every day with a tear in the corner of my eye and then with time...

The sadness will go... but you'll stay in my heart forever.

You'll always be my little golden Nounou, my loving daughter who gave me so much friendship, so much love with a sincerity I've never known in a human being.

I still have the love of Bobby and little Tania, rescued from Spain, but none of them will replace you. You were unique, with your real Fox character, and I'll never forget you.

I know, in a few months, a few years... but I loved you so much despite the short time you spent with me, you also have a photo in front of my computer and it seems to me that, like all the other loulous, you say to me :

It's not your fault Francis, I'm crying too, where I am, at being separated from you, but our hearts are united for life (the one you have left without me).

I beg you my dad, never forget me, you were my breath of life and if I could have a second life, it's with you that I'd spend it, I really had a happy life with you, alas much too short.

Farewell my lifelong friend, please don't cry, I'm no longer here to console you, so do me this favor, when you look at my photo, give me a smile... If you can...

Don't forget that I really loved you, keep hoping that one day, in heaven, we'll meet again and nothing will separate us.

The void you'll leave when you leave me will never be filled.

The wound in my heart will never heal.

Despite the passage of time, you're still as present in my thoughts and in my heart.

This time that passes impassive to human pain...

Be happy my Tchouki of love in this world where all animals are equal and protect the one who loved you and who will never forget you.

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