
He is not recognized by the F.C.I.

Germany <> Great Britain -> U.S.A.
Francis Vandersteen

A brief presentation of the Shollie

The Shollie is a hybrid between the German Shepherd and the purebred Border Collie, two extremely popular dogs. Despite the popularity of both parents, the Shollie is not a very well-known breed. Currently, the Shollie is recognized only by the Dog Registry of America and the American Canine Hybrid Club. The Shollie is a wonderful family dog with some of the highest intelligence of any canine. He can be devoted and protective of his family, but gentle with those he loves. Many Shollies have the appearance of a German Shepherd, but the physical traits of the Border Collie are always apparent, even if they are more subtle.

History of the Shollie

The Shollie is a hybridization of two popular, hard-working and intelligent dog breeds. Despite the popularity of both parents, the Shollie is not a well-known hybrid, and there is little documentation on the breed's history. However, owners and people interested in adopting a Shollie are well advised to understand the respective histories of the German Shepherd and Border Collie.



A little of the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a large herding dog developed in Germany in the late 1800s through the efforts of Captain Max von Stephanitz. Stephanitz wanted a herding dog for German farms that would be unsurpassed in both herding and guarding. Herding dogs had existed in the region for several centuries, but a distinct German breed had not yet been established when Stephanitz undertook this project. However, as the German Shepherd developed, the need for herding and farm dogs diminished dramatically due to industrialization, and the demand for herding dogs plummeted. Instead of abandoning the breed or living with low demand, Stephanitz convinced Germany's military and police agencies to use the German Shepherd as their canine unit. The German Shepherd played a major role in Europe during the Second World War, both for the Germans and the Allied forces, as a Red Cross dog, messenger, rescuer and sentry. During the war, a German Shepherd puppy was pulled from a bombed-out wreck in France by an American corporal. The puppy was brought back to the United States, where he played the role of Rin Tin Tin in several films and TV shows. The German Shepherd has had many roles to play throughout its history, including service dog for the blind, guard dog, military dog, police dog and drug and bomb sniffer. Unfortunately, over the years, the German Shepherd has also been negatively publicized as an aggressive dog. Although the breed may have a high degree of innate aggression, the German Shepherd is a loyal and affectionate breed that consistently ranks second among the American Kennel Club's most popular dogs.
Standard of the German Shepherd



A little of the Border Collie

The Border Collie comes from a long line of English shepherds from the British Isles, after enthusiasts noticed the intelligence, grace and agility of the region's shepherds. The Border Collie's predecessors were native dogs that interbred with invasive Roman breeds and were left to thrive on farms and pastures along the border between Scotland and England. The Border Collie takes its name from the border region between Scotland and England, and Collie means sheepdog in Scottish Gaelic. Enthusiasts wanted to develop an agility dog with superior herding abilities for show, and the Border Collie is the result of these enthusiastic efforts. Today, Border Collies are bred for their excellent herding and agility qualities, as well as for their conformation. However, some believe that the Border Collie is so superior as a working dog that conformation standards should not weigh in the breeding program and that breeders should concentrate instead on the dog's working role. The American Kennel Club recognized the Border Collie in 1995.
Standard of the Border Collie

Appearance of the Shollie

The Shollie is often described as a German Shepherd because the physical appearance of this relative often exceeds that of the Border Collie. The Shollie is a large dog, weighing up to 36 kilos, with long, straight legs. The Shollie's head is proportional to its body, and its ears are large and triangular and can be folded back. The Shollie's eyes are dark brown, but some puppies may have colored eyes derived from Border Collie bloodlines. The Shollie's eyes are almond-shaped, with an intelligent, gentle expression often accentuated by its colored eyebrows. The Shollie's coat tends to be thicker than that of its German Shepherd parent and slightly softer, a characteristic it takes from its Border Collie parent, and its tail is less bushy than that of the German Shepherd. Otherwise, the Shollie can sometimes be mistaken for a pure-bred German Shepherd, especially when young.

Temperament of the Shollie

The Shollie is high-spirited and energetic. It is affectionate and loyal to its family, and will do anything to protect them. The Shollie is particularly affectionate and protective of children, and can often bring them together. However, children should never be left alone with a Shollie, or any other dog, for the safety of both dog and child. The Shollie tends to be aloof with strangers, but is never excessively shy or aggressive. Shyness and aggression are traits that can develop excessively if not handled properly. Owners need to take steps to properly socialize and care for their Shollie. The Shollie's heritage as a herding dog makes this hybrid a friendly dog, as well as a friendly animal with other pets, such as cats. They are playful, but also enjoy naps and cuddles. Its energy level tends to be higher than that of the German Shepherd, and it gets its playful character from its Border Collie parent. The Shollie is considered a highly intelligent breed that is easy to train with a dedicated master.

Needs and activities of the Shollie

The Shollie is not an indoor dog and needs to spend a lot of time playing and running around outside. The Border Collie's genes demand daily agility exercises and task-oriented play, otherwise the Shollie risks becoming bored and destructive. Their high activity levels, as well as their intelligence, require a committed owner who is also experienced in dog ownership. A Shollie that is not mentally and physically committed will develop negative behaviors, including destruction, anxiety, aggression or even shyness. The Shollie needs at least 60 minutes of daily outdoor activity, so a home with a fenced yard is a must. The Shollie is not suited to apartment living and does well in the countryside. The Shollie is also adapted to a range of climates, but owners should always take great care with Shollie activities in hot weather to avoid overheating, which can be fatal.

Maintenance of the Shollie

The Shollie is a heavy shedder, requiring daily brushing to help remove loose and dead hairs. His shedding increases twice a year, and daily grooming will greatly reduce the amount of hair and dander. Frequent grooming will reduce matting and remove dirt and debris from the coat, enabling him to maintain a beautiful coat. The Shollie is not known for drooling and does not have a strong dog odor. Owners should take care not to bathe their Shollie too often, as this could reduce the amount of natural oils on the skin and lead to irritation. If bathing is necessary, owners should use a hypoallergenic shampoo and refrain from overdoing it. The Shollie is not prone to dental problems, but brushing its teeth several times a week will help reduce any future dental problems.

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