From the Highlands, you were my wonderful little white dog.
Your wholehearted character and bold courage made you a giant.
In the Braveheart afterlife, you deserve to wear Wallace's tartan.
Because to defend me, you turned from a lamb into a tiger - you had breed!
Instantly and with a single, gentle glance, we understood each other.
And it was no longer a secret how much we loved each other.
Always present, you embellished my life, my vacations, winter and summer alike.
I already miss our usual walks on Sunday market days.
Pretty tennis mascot, pink from the clay, patient, you waited under the bench.
Now I dread leaving the house, because you're no longer the guardian of the clan!
A little white flake among the others, like me you loved the snows of Morillon.
You swam in the Gardon d'Anduze and dreamed in the shade on the beach at Carnon.
All over the world, our little grisette cat wanders and looks for you, big brother!
And I confess that my attraction to solitude was only due to your familiar presence.
I can feel you everywhere already, little ghost, and I'm afraid this sorrow will never leave me.
Just this morning, I uttered our ritual phrase: "Be good, I'll be right back!
In this garden where you used to chase birds, you now rest in the shade of the box tree.
And if I were to leave here, I'd take a handful of earth with me, because you're part of my life.
Tell me now, my sweet love, how can I live without you?
And no longer feel in my palm the offering of your adorable little silk head.
The brush of your fresh muzzle, your black eyes burning with love.
I'll never forget you, my faithful little friend, for I love you forever.
Bits and pieces of so many lovely shared memories come back to me that I cry.
You were so alive yesterday, why did your time come so quickly?
Happy days, he was the most wonderful little white dog...